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He kept driving along the dark road going as fast as he dared not wanting to get pulled over or get in an accident. The weather was grim and somewhat omnious looking it seemed, but he didn’t let that discourage him and just kept going. ‘Better pull over and give B’Elanna a call soon or else she might get angry.’ The driver thought and stopped at a small gas station.

Back at the Vawntika Mansion-

B’Elanna could barely hear the phone as it rang several times, finally after what was probably the thousandth ring she realized the phone was ringing and picked it up. “Hello?!” She yelled into it.

“Ow! B’Elanna! Easy on my ears.” Heath’s voice said.

“Oh, sorry. I’m just a bit angry.”

“Why is that?”

B’Elanna growled and tried to explain, “Well the thing is, uh, Mary is out to town and I kind of had to cook for myself and Sofi. Well, um, I kinda of burnt it and the fire alarm’s blaring and.. It’s not good.”

“Right, so that’s why it took you forever to pick up the phone?”

“Yeah, basically. Just a second I got to tell Sofi that it’s ready.” B’Elanna said then set the phone down and walked up to the Library, “Sofi, it’s ready.”

*If you think I’m eating that, you’re out of your mind.*

B’Elanna sighed, “Well that wasn’t very nice, but I suppose you are right, as usual. I think I burnt it for so long it’s not edible anymore anyways. Oh well.”

*Whose on the telephone?*

“Heath, why? You wanna talk to him?”

*No. As said before I don’t want anything to do with that Heath.*

B’Elanna sighed again as she stared at the shut Library door. For some reason Sofi had closed the door and didn’t want anybody going in. “Okay, well if you get hungry you know where the kitchen is. Though, it might be a bit smoky.”

*Okay. Thank you.*

B’Elanna nodded at the door which she caught herself doing and started to wonder why she would nod at a door, but then she remembered that Heath was on the phone waiting for her to get back. So she quickly went off to talk with him.

Sofi sighed as she heard B’Elanna walk back down to the kitchen. She was laying in the Library on some pillows she had put there, slowly Sofi looked down at her new long legs. As slow as possible Sofi tried to stand up on her new legs, but then fell down on the pillows after a few seconds. ‘Why can’t I get this right? Well, granted that was only my second time trying. Perhaps three is my lucky number.’ And Sofi tried to stand again, this time she stayed up, ‘I guess it is.’ For the first time Sofi got to look around the Library from standing up on her legs, ‘I’m so much taller now, I can get to the chair and hop in it no problem. Well perhaps there would be a slight problem, B’Elanna said once that horses have a little trouble trying to stand up for their first time so I guess it’s only logical I would have a bit of trouble myself.’ Sofi carefully moved her left front leg forward a little and tried to walk, much to her surprise she didn’t fall down. In a few seconds she was walking around the room, *I can walk!* She shouted out of joy.

Down in the kitchen B’Elanna had finished talking with Heath and cleaning up now she was simply sitting in a chair. Then she heard, *I can walk!* B’Elanna shrugged, but then though. ‘Wait. Sofi can walk?’ In an instant B’Elanna was flying up the stairs and knocked on the Library door, “Sofi?”

*Come in B’Elanna.*

B’Elanna opened the door to the Library and poked her head in, “Sofi?” She asked and looked around the room, but then stopped when her eyes fell on Sofi now a grown White Terran Shrape. “Sofi! You, you’re a Terran!”

*Yes I am.* Sofi said back to a shocked B’Elanna.

Later that day Sofi lay peacefully in the Garden she had walked so much her new legs were tired and she needed to take a bit of a rest. “You know what Sofi?” B’Elanna asked from where she was sitting on the bench. “Now you’re perhaps a bit big to fit in my backpack if we went for a ride.”

*Yes I believe I am a bit bigger than I used to be, eh? Well no matter I can walk beside you.*

“What about running?”

*Hmm. Running? I suppose.*

B’Elanna watched as the sun slowly set and then yawned, “I’m going to bed Sofi.” She said and Sofi simply nodded to her.

Tomorrow B’Elanna was suddenly woken up by a loud sound, when her senses were awake she realized it was music. ‘Sofi.’ She thought to herself, ‘Must be having a good day, or else she would have such lively music on.’ B’Elanna crawled out of her bed and almost wanted to crawl back in and sleep the rest of the day, but she stopped herself from doing so. ‘I’m so not a morning person.’ She thought to herself as she trudged to the music room still in her pajama’s. B’Elanna walked through the door and found Sofi prancing about and shaking her head back and forth her tail was doing the same except her head went left while her tail went right. Just then the song ended and Sofi seemed to smile then she spotted B’Elanna, *Hello.*

“Sofi, were you, dancing?” B’Elanna asked.

*Trying to dance is more like it, but I found it to be quite fun once I got started. Having legs is great. Now I can reach stuff and move quickly and,* Sofi sighed, *It’s fantastic.*

B’Elanna nodded and smiled, “I’m happy for you Sofi, but I’m not that happy to say you were my alarm clock today.”

*Deepest apologies B’Elanna, I didn’t mean to wake you up. I suppose I just got carried away.*

“Eh, that’s okay.” B’Elanna said then rubbed her eyes while she said, “I’m going to go get around then perhaps would you like to go to the lake?”

*Sounds wonderful.*

B’Elanna sat on Precious as she waited for Sofi to arrive down at the stable. *Sorry I’m a bit on the late side, but if you don’t mind, could you put this book in your backpack for me? Perhaps I might be able to read it once we get up to the lake.*

B’Elanna smiled at Sofi who came walking up to Precious holding her book in her mouth. B’Elanna reached down and grabbed the book then took of her backpack and put it in. “That’s okay that you’re a bit late.”

Sofi nodded, *So, shall we be off?*

“Yes, I think we shall.”

B’Elanna started off with Precious to the lake and Sofi trudged along with them. After a while Sofi seemed to be getting a bit bored, ‘Perhaps she would like to go faster.’ B’Elanna nudged Precious a little and clicked to her, the paint instantly knew what she wanted and went into a trot. Sofi looked up at B’Elanna with a what-are-you-doing look on her face and remained walking, she just didn’t get it. So B’Elanna decided to canter. This time when B’Elanna sped up Sofi seemed to get a scared look on her face and quickly started running as fast as she could after Precious, *Don’t leave me!* Sofi shouted out. Much to B’Elanna’s amazement Sofi went flying by Precious and she didn’t even stop there, she kept going until she got to the lake. When B’Elanna got to the lake she looked at Sofi stunned.

“Sofi, you.” B’Elanna didn’t really know what to say, “You out ran Precious. I mean sure she wasn’t going as fast as she could, but she was still going at a canter and you just, flew by.”

*Yes, I did. That was actually quite fun.*

B’Elanna sighed then smiled at Sofi, “Well I’m glad to hear that you’re having fun. If you don’t mind me I’m going to go put Precious someplace where perhaps she could munch on some grass or whatever and then I’ll be back.”

Sofi seemed to smile in her own way then troted off to the edge of the lake, *Okay.*

“I’m back Sofi, just to let you know, Precious is over there.” B’Elanna said pointing in the direction where she had put Precious.

Sofi nodded and started to draw in the sand. *Interesting isn’t it?* Sofi asks, but then knows that B’Elanna probably doesn’t understand what she’s talking about, *Heath not knowing about his past that is.*

“Oh, I suppose so.”

*I a way, I don’t know about my past much either. The Bishel Dragon’s I mean, I know somewhat about them or course, but, not a ton.*

B’Elanna looks at Sofi curiously, “I told you about them didn’t I? Well if you would like to learn more about them you could always go to the Bishen Realm and find information there.”

Sofi was startled B’Elanna would suggest such an idea, *I can’t go there, I would have to come in contact with other’s. I do not wish to do that.*

B’Elanna sighed, “Aren’t you going to have to anyway? For your Shantel?”

Sofi blinked a couple of times, *You’re right, my goodness. I forgot about my Shantel.* Sofi slumped down and walked the water in the lake. *My Shantel is most likely going to be with other’s isn’t it? Or is it not going to be with other’s? What is a White Terran to do?* Sofi thought for a couple of second, *I suppose I shall either lay here or I shall ask you for my book.* She thought for a few seconds, *My book shall wait, I enjoy laying here.*

B’Elanna sits down near Sofi and says, “Don’t worry, I’ll be there with you.”

*I know, I know.*

It was quiet for several seconds perhaps even a couple minutes when Sofi suddenly turned to B’Elanna and asked, *Does the Mansion have a basement?*

B’Elanna tilted her head at Sofi with a puzzled look on her face, “Well, eh, I think so. Why?”

*Just cuious that’s all, would I possibly be able to see it?*

“Sure I guess, when do you want to see it?”

*Well, how about right now? We can go back then go to the basement and just look around.*

B’Elanna sighed and then got up, “If you want to Sofi.” B’Elanna said then went to retreave Precious while Sofi got up from her spot and yawned.

“Coming Sofi?” B’Elanna asked and Sofi turned around to see B’Elanna was ready to go.

*Yes, yes I am.* Sofi said and trotted over to B’Elanna.

“Why do you want to see the basement?”

*Just, curious I suppose you could say.*

B’Elanna shrugged and found herself wondering if Sofi could out run Precious if Precious was going as fast as she could, ‘Let’s give it a try.’ She thought and quickly had Precious canter, then nudged her to go as fast as the little paint could go. Surprisingly though, Sofi shot right by and reached the stables first. “Woh Precious.” B’Elanna said when finally arriving at the entrance of the stables where Sofi was grinning and prancing about.

*Did you really think you could beat me? Ha!* Sofi said and pranced circles around Precious who looked at her with caution.

B’Elanna looked down at Precious and patted her neck assuring her it was okay that she lost the little race, to make it up to the paint whose pride was obviously hurt she pulled a carrot out of her pocket and reached forward to give it to her. Precious took the carrot happily and seemed to feel better because of it. B’Elanna got of the black and white horse then led her it the stables.

Sofi pranced along after B’Elanna, *I won, I won. Sorry, I know I’m behaving like a child.*

B’Elanna almost laughed, “That’s fine Sofi, you didn’t even act like a child when you were a child or more precise Wyrm. Silly Sofi, you can act that way you aren’t hurting anyone.”

*Question. If you could buy anything, well you probably can anyway, but what would you buy?*

“Interesting question, what brought that up? Nevermind, probably a book or a movie. Um, let me see.” B’Elanna said then thought for a few seconds, “I’d buy a helicopter.”

*A helicopter? Why?*

“Cause I’ve just always kinda wanted one, I think they’re cool I guess. Besides I want to be able to fly one and go places and yeah.”

*Well I wasn’t expecting that for an answer, but I suppose it works.*

B’Elanna smiled then went to put Precious back into her stall, “What about you Sofi?” She asked when she got back.

*All of the movies, music, book, etc in the world. I’d buy every Library in the world and perhaps a few glorious garden’s throughout the world.*

“Sounds wonderful, so are we off to the basement?”


“Okay, but Sofi?”

*Yes B’Elanna?*

B’Elanna scratched her head then said, “Well the thing is I don’t really know where the entrance to the basement is, in fact I’m not positive we really have a basement, but I think we do because my Mother used to always say she was in the basement or something of the sort when I wanted to know where she went.”

Sofi nodded, *Interesting, well we will just have to search for the entrance.*

Sofi and B’Elanna looked everywhere downstairs and then everywhere on the second floor, finally they arrived on the third floor, but neither of them could imagine how somebody would get to the basement from the third floor. Sofi and B’Elanna slowly entered a room with a desk and bookcase in it. On the desk was an older computer, little else was in the room besides the chair at the desk. *B’Elanna?* Sofi asked, *What room is this?*

“My Mother’s room, well one of her rooms. I’ve never been in here before, my Mother once said that I would only be able to come in here when she thought I was ready.”

*Ready for what?*

“That’s the strange thing, she never told me what I’d be ready for.”

Sofi shivered, *Great, well I suppose we should just look around then.*

B’Elanna nodded and walked around the room, but then she was a odd green looking pad on the side of the bookcase. She didn’t know what it was for so she decided to leave it alone, but for some reason she kept finding herself staring at it. ‘I wonder.’ She thought and placed her finger on the green circle. Suddenly something beeped softly and the bookcase slid to the side to reveal a chamber behind it.

Sofi jumped what seemed to her to be about 5 feet when she saw B’Elanna walking over to the small opening behind the bookcase, *That wasn’t there a second ago.* She said.

B’Elanna ignored Sofi for a few seconds and looked at the buttons on the left side of the chamber, one had the letter U on it and the other had the letter D on it, “U and D?” B’Elanna asked herself, “Up and Down!” She announced then turned to Sofi, “Sofi come here!” Sofi seemed to shrug and did as B’Elanna said. B’Elanna was just about to press down when she saw another button with the word close next to it, “Close?” B’Elanna wasn’t sure about it, but she pressed the button close and the next thing she new was that the bookcase was sliding back to it’s original spot then another door appeared in front of them blocking the view of behind the bookcase. B’Elanna was thankful that there was a small light in the chamber that flickered on just then and she pressed Down.

Sofi jumped again when the little chamber started moving, but then realized what it was, *An elevator!* She said happily.

B’Elanna looked down at Sofi, “Yup. I think we’re going to the basement.”


B’Elanna just nodded then suddenly they stopped and the door opened. Slowly B’Elanna and Sofi went through the door to find themselves in a room with silver walls, ceiling and floor. The room was quite large and straight across from Sofi and B’Elanna was what appeared to be a very large computer screen with speaks on both sides of it and a desk below it with a small black chair. B’Elanna looked at Sofi who nodded at her and so B’Elanna went over to the chair and sat down. She looked at the silver metal desk, the only thing there was a red button. Not knowing what could happen B’Elanna pressed it and suddenly something said, “Hello Mistress Sandy!”

“*AH!*” B’Elanna and Sofi shouted, but then looked up at the computer screen to see a small man.

The small man on the computer screen looked at B’Elanna then Sofi and then back to B’Elanna again. “You’re not Sandy. But who? Only somebody with the Vawntika DNA can get down here. B’Elanna?! It is you! It’s B’Elanna Vawntika! My goodness! You have grown! Last time I saw you, you were a small baby!”

B’Elanna tried to say something but found she could barely get the words out, “W, who aa, aare y-you?”

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am the computer that your Mother created, highly advanced mind you, but most, well just your Mother. Only she knew about me, but anyway. Eh...My name is Anak.”

“Anak? My Mother created you?”

The image of the man scratched his dark brown hair and his green/blue eyes seemed to dance while he nodded to B’Elanna. Sofi looked at the image, ‘This is a computer, but it’s just like a person.’ She thought.

“Where’s your Mother? Is she around?” Anak asked.

B’Elanna looked at him and frowned, “My Mother is dead.”

Anak looked at her like she was kidding around with him, but then found that she wasn’t, “She is?” He asked, “Well, that’s sad news. I always thought Sandy would be around forever. I’d sulk and pout and cry right now, but I’m afraid that now I must tell you B’Elanna about this basement. First of all, this is the main room, where I am at. There are many different rooms here in this basement and soon you will surely know about all of them, but first, how old are you?”

“14.” B’Elanna said, but then Sofi nudged her and she remember she wasn’t 14 anymore, “15.” She said correcting herself.

“15!” Anak gasped then he smiled, “It’s time then.” He said then suddenly off to one side of B’Elanna and Sofi a door opened to a new room. “Go in there B’Elanna, that is your 15 birthday present from your Mother to you.”

B’Elanna hesitated and didn’t go in, but Sofi nudged her again and she took a step towards the room. *Go on B’Elanna, if you don’t mind me I’m going to look around a bit.* Sofi said then turned to Anak, *And you better not bother me.*

Anak smiled at Sofi, “Of course not young Shrape.”

Sofi was startled, *How do you know that I’m a Shrape? I could be a full Bishen for all you know.*

Anak laughed, “I know everything.”

Sofi glared, *You didn’t know that Sandy Vawntika had died.*

Anak frowned at Sofi, “One thing I didn’t know, or perhaps I did know, but didn’t want to believe.”

Sofi kept one eye on Anak as she ran over to the room B’Elanna had disappeared into. *B’Elanna?* Sofi asked as she walked around the large room, but then spotted B’Elanna in the center of it staring at a black helicopter with a red V on both sides. *Wow.* Sofi muttered, *That’s her birthday present from her Mother?* She asked herself.

Just then a computer screen on the wall flickered on and Anak appeared again. Sofi glared at him and simply glanced at her then turned to B’Elanna who was just staring at her helicopter. Anak smiled and then said, “Eh, Happy Birthday! Kind of late, but oh well. Your Mother got this for you when you were a little baby she was planning on giving it to you on your 15th Birthday, but now that she isn’t here to present it to you, I assumed it was up to me.”

B’Elanna looked up at Anak, “Don’t you have to be a certain age to fly one of these? I don’t know how to fly a helicopter.”

Anak ignored B’Elanna’s first question and went to her statement, “Of course you don’t know how to fly a helicopter, yet that is.” Anak appeared to have something more to say, but then said, “Mary is calling you B’Elanna. I think you’d better get back up there along with Sofi to see what she wants. Come back later and I will teach about this place or rather basement.”

B’Elanna nodded and then Sofi and B’Elanna went back to the elevator to go see what Mary wanted. B’Elanna sighed as she went downstairs along with Sofi, she didn’t know what to say. Sofi looked up at B’Elanna, *Interesting day to say the least. I don’t think I like that Anak that much though. He get’s on my nerves.* B’Elanna just nodded at Sofi who continued, *Well if you don’t mind me I’m going to go clear my head and read in the Garden. Perhaps you could join me after you’ve talked with Mary?* B’Elanna nodded somemore, *Okay then. See you there.* Sofi said and pranced off to get a book and go to the Garden.

A little while later Sofi was laying in her tall grass in the Garden, but she wasn’t reading. Instead she was simply listening to music on a portable stereo she had B’Elanna place out in the Garden when Sofi was still a Wyrm. ‘Well now that B’Elanna has her odd basement with that Anak and her helicopter I wonder if life is going to change that much.’ Sofi thought, ‘Nah.’ She decided. Sofi looked up to see B’Elanna walking through the tall grass to Sofi. When B’Elanna reached Sofi she laid down next to her. *What did Mary say?* Sofi asked.

“Just that dinner will be ready a bit later cause she wants to get the smoke smell out of the kitchen or something like that.” B’Elanna said. Sofi nodded and stared at the little insects in the tall grass while B’Elanna stared up at the sky. Little else was said between the two as they laid in the tall grass waiting for Mary to step outside and tell them dinner was ready.

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