Bunkhouse Biographies

Some of the greatest and most memorable scenes of The Young Riders took place in their bunkhouse. Whether it was solving a theft, murder, Indian and gang problems, or just discussion a relationship tangle, they just about covered it all! Here I would like to give you an idea of who these people were, and what they were about.

Below is a collection of character biographies that were written by several of the fans of the show. I am always willing to accept another biography on any of the characters....even if there's already one posted from one of the many fine authors! Everyone has a different perspective and writing style, so I'd love to have a variety. So without any more delay, happy character biography readin'! (They are in alphabetical order by character name as I receive them)

Sam Cain Noah Dixon

William F. Cody Buck Cross

Rachel Dunne Jesse James

James Hickok Teaspoon Hunter

The Kid Louise McCloud

Louise McCloud II Ike McSwain Emma Shannon

Just a note: I love ALL of the submissions that have been sent in! You have all put a lot of time and thought into these....thank you!

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Email: pnyexp1860@aol.com