Clover Heaven
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"Clover Heaven"

There is a place called
Clover Heaven;
Where Life is renewed
and pain removed;
Where bodies are healed
and whole again;
Where life is now
filled with glee
as it must be;
A place our babies must go;
This place called
Clover Heaven.

Where the meadows are
full of Life
with peace and frolic
and with no strife
nor fear of danger.

The flowers in full bloom
always changing colors
ever so grand
and a home for many others.

The breeze so soft,
free, and flowing;
So pure and brisk
and moves the grass
ever so tall;
it is a velvet carpet
So soft and smooth,
so very snug;
tis a good place to curl up
and take a snooz
and baske in the sun
that is ever so warm.
This place called
Clover Heaven.

Where the water
is so pure and clean;
it looks like a mirror
that I can see
and admire the renewed me.

The clover seems
to reach the sky
so full and free;
Tis a good place to romp and
play hide and go seek.

So you see Dear Master:

The sun so warm,
The water so clean,
The grass so smooth,
The breeze so soft,
The flowers in bloom,
A place to romp and play
To baske or bathe,
To snooz and rest
With food aplenty
And water to drink
With bodies whole
And free of pain
With life renewed
and filled with glee;
A place they must go
To await their masters.

So dear Master
Dry those Tears
and smile again;
For I wait for you
In this Place called
Clover Heaven.

written by:

Marge (Hope Thomas)

"Beaner's Story"

I tell this story
with tears in my eyes;
for it is so very touching and the
memories abound that it is hard to
not cry, because Beaner, in such agony,
hung in there just for me.
She is my "hero". At just 4 pounds,
she was stronger than me.
A little Chiquaqua named:
Baby Bitchy Beaner Butt...

Now let me tell you how she got that
big name. She was my "baby" and as a
puppy she jumped straight up and down
like a jumping bean; thus Baby Beaner...
As she grew, the legs were so short that
her butt would sway side to side;
thus; Baby Beaner Butt...
As she matured, she liked no one,
sometimes I even wondered if she liked someone would
approach her she would snarl and heaven
forbide anyone to try to pet or touch
her for she would fight them off
setting them straight to leave her alone,
thus: Baby Bitchy Beaner Butt...

She had her own bed (but slept with me),
blanket and special toys that no one dare
touch except mamma and that was a big
deal for her to allow me to wash
Oh she was the love of my life and I
could not face the fact that she at
13 years old developed Luekemia;
somehow she knew I couldn't deal with
losing her. I did not have the strength
to have her put down. I was so very
selfish and feel terrible I put her through her
last few months with me.
But she forgave me the night she died.

And this is how I know:

That day, she would not eat her food, so I
prepared her favorite meal consisting of a
Hot Dog and Cottage Cheese. She ate it all!
Then went back to her bed. I knew something
was very very wrong but I chose to ignore the
inevitable. Each moment throughout the day I
looked at her was with tears in my eyes for
I knew the time was close; as she did.

That night, I said; "Come on Beaner,
it's night night time". She looked at
me with her nose propped on the edge of
her bed and just looked at me.
Choosing to ignore what I knew was happening,
I went to bed and Beaner still in her bed
next to mine. I lay there not able to
sleep and thinking about my selfishness
so I got up, sat on the floor with
Snoogles (my Jack Russel) next to me and
Snoogles and I had a talk with Beaner.
Snoogles crying and whining, with tears
flowing down my cheeks, I told Beaner that
mamma loves her and that it is okay to
go to Clover Heaven and that I will be fine.
I apologized to her for all the pain
I put her through and the lack of strength
I had. I gave her a kiss on her neck,
hugged her little frail body, covered her
with her Beaner Blanket and went to bed
knowing this was her last night with me
and Snoogles. And that it was; for she died
during the night.

That morning, I picked her up and held
her for hours, I just couldn't see her not
being with me anymore.
Snoogles sitting next to me in as much pain
as I was...I cried all day..
My daughter came over and we placed her
in a shoe box with her blanket with an
Angel I had made for her and bid her farewell
asking her to wait for me in Clover Heaven.

Where we can cross Rainbow Bridge together.
I love you Beaner..Mamma misses you...

"Snoogles's Story"

Snoogles was a Jack Russell that I rescued
from the Humane Society when she was about 3 months
old. She was so very shy and reserved afraid of
everything. I felt so badly for her in that cage.
I kneeled down on the concrete, put my hand in the
cage and she just went to the corner. I relayed to
her how she must feel in this strange place with
no love having lost the comfort of mom.
I told her I understood how that could happen for
I had once felt the same way. With ears flat and
tail tucked she slowly came to my hand which I did not
move for I knew she was so frightened. She then layed
her head on my hand as if to say please. I could
not resist, I took her home with me which was the
beginning of many trying moments her and I.
She wanted to trust me but was afraid, so I had to
be extra careful with her. Naming her was equally
hard for she lacked personality due to fright.

At home, all she did was sleep and sleep and
sleep. Then when she awoke all she wanted to do was
snuggle up to feel safe. Snoozing and snuggling
ended up as: "Snoogles" which seemed to fit her fine.
And oh the problems we had the first year.

She would chew everything;
papers, garbage, chairs and so on. It was hard to
discipline her because of her already having been
neglected and abused before I found her. I don't
believe in hitting animals anyway, so she lucked
Then after 6 months she finally did the ultimate
She chewed up a term paper I was working on for my
Thesis in School...Oh my 6 months of editing on
that paper and all chewed up...I was really angry.
"Now what do I do" I said to myself, as I gathered
up those torn term papers yelling at the same time
scared the living daylights out of her...She never
touched another paper, trash can, or the furniture in
the next 15 years. That was the beginning of a
trusting happy life for her and me. A year later,
I got Beaner.

The mother instinct came out in Snoogs.
She babied and pampered Beaner like she was her own.
She taught Beaner the rules of the house.
She showed Beaner the ropes on success with mom.
She took on this role swiftly and firmly. Beaner
and Snoogs became buddies which made it equally
hard on her when Beaner went to Clover Heaven.

Though she did tell Beaner to go, she still
suffered at her loss. Daily she would search each
room for Beaner, jumping on the furniture, crying
moaning and groaning all day. If I left the house,
she howled the entire time I was gone. If I took her
with me, she paniced in the car and would mess in it.
The neighbors thought I was abusing her and
couldn't understand the loss she is feeling.
Spending 13 years with Beaner was a big loss for
her too. She would not eat, lost weight and
became unbearable in her sadness.

I sat down with her and had a nice long talk.
When I mentioned Beaner's name, her ears would perk
up then she would take off running thru the house
looking for her...She was miserable and didn't know
how to deal with it. Months went by and still the
same. I took her to the Vet and he said she was
suffering from "separation anxiety" and will never
be able to get past it. Medication could not help her

Then one day I said, Oh Snoogs, what do u want?
How can I help you? I made Beaner stay with me and
suffer for months, do I do the same with you?
Just let you finish your days in pain; not eating,
pacing the floor night and day, howling, crying
and searching? Or do I do what I couldn't do with
Beaner? This weighed heavy on my mind each day as
I watched her 14 pounds twindle to 10 with ribs showing,
paws sore, ears never perked, nor tail upright.
So do I let her go to Clover Heaven to be with
Beaner? What a burden it is for me to carry.
I loved them both dearly, but they wanted to
be together and that they are now. I love you
Snoogs..Mamma misses you.

"The Last Battle"
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do wht must be done,
For this--the last battle--can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me frim and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do for me.

Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close--we two--these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

I am now published with Mountain Mist Publications.

"Boogs" is a wonderful dog on an adventure of
growth and filled with life lessons told by an Owl. Let's give Boogs a boost and click here to get the
whole story and perhaps even buy him for your kids
and grandchildren.

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Beyond Feelings
Dare to Care
Dedicate Time
To Touch The Heart
A Hidden Place
If Only I Knew
Poetry by Kelly
More Poetry by Kelly
Poems to Mother
by: E.Steele
More Poems to Mother
by: E.Steele
Clover Heaven
In a Friendly Kind of Way
Take a Moment
My Trouble Tree
Where are the Words?
Words to Live By
Saying Goodbye
Who Am I To Say
Tribute to America
Carved Memories
My Wilted Rose
Be Kind
Life is Worth It
What is--Is
The Power of One
Journey Through Life
Angel Graphics
Floral Graphics Graphics
Christmas Images Learn How to Crochet
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