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David (that would be me) is an angst ridden manboy trying to deal with life in the dismal hell known as North Carolina. In here you will read his stories of his every day life which may include his dreams of world domination. Enjoy!

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» Odds and Ends

Leaping for joy

A day that comes once every four years. This day should be special then right? Maybe I should be out celebrating or something...that is if i weren't so tired. I was asked if I wanted to go to a leap day party...I think I was obligated to pass. I had to just work that day...so that by days end I was exhausted. I need some happy pills now...or at least the ones that knock you out shortly after you take them....you know, the ones that taste like cinnamon tic tacs...


Ok, I guess I got snowed in. I just didn't get snowed in at my place because I never made it home. Mark is bugging the crap out of me this moment...5:51PM eastern time to be more specific. I am getting kinda bored at the moment since I don't want to be outside. In case you didn't know, it is quite cold outside. I would still like to keep my remaining nine toes intact. I mean eight toes would look just wrong. Anyways, I'll post something more interesting later.

Ok...I guess now it is make or break time. I have to think of something quite incredible or no one will come to my site anymore. Unfortunately only so much can happen over the span of a few hours, especially on a night when everything is dead because of the weather. Anyways, I am determined to mention a friend on this site, Franklin. Since nothing really interesting has happened...I have to revert to make nothing but lies about him...since that would be more fun. First of, there are some ground rules, I can't say anything too bad about him. First off, he would like everyone to know that he likes girls. I know this may come to the dissappointment to girly guys like oh..umm...DAN. I guess the fact that he would not hold my hand would be a key indicator that he wasn't gay...or maybe the fact that he has a girlfriend...Angela...nice girl but she likes to hit people...anyways, I will elaborate about other people later

Bitching 101

I guess I finally managed an entry for this month. I guess a lot of things have happened since I last wrote something. I managed to transfer to a different store. The sad thing is that I have started to work harder. I know that should be something to be proud of or something, but that feeling is kinda lost on me. It seems like I have to work harder because this new store is full of people that just suck. I know they are new and all...but ample time has passed and they should have picked something up. I dunno, it is just frustrating sometimes. The only good thing to come out of this is that I don't have to deal with certain people at my old store. I learned something funny as of later. The person I really disliked at the old store is in big trouble. Apparently...he messed up real bad and if he screws up again, then he is out of the corporation...which will be funny, because the bitch has got to go...I think I have named this person earlier...so why not...Barry the bitch needs to be fired. Anyways...people know my opinions on the bitch so I'll leave it at that.

I had a few people over for dinner tonight...and thank god...it does not look like anyone has suffered from food poisoning yet. I made Mohitos...very proud of myself. After that , we all went out to go watch Eurotrip. It is so funny. I mean it is stupid, but who cares...it drop ass funny. I think I may end up watching it again.

I'm sure there were more things to add but it is late right now and I can think anymore. Oh, I finally got around to cleaning my closet. It is very clean and organized now. You don't realize how vain you are until you actually see how much clothes you have. I need a bigger closet. That is branching out too far so I'm gonna leave it at that and bid you adieu.

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