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David (that would be me) is an angst ridden manboy trying to deal with life in the dismal hell known as North Carolina. In here you will read his stories of his every day life which may include his dreams of world domination. Enjoy!

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» Odds and Ends

I will survive

My world domination dream is still intact since I weathered the storm...all I need now is motivation and an army of sheep to do my bidding...a small country with a palace wouldn't hurt either. Unfortunately, the facial hair will be a no go. After looking like that Capt. Morgan guy...I can say the look doesn't become me. It could be worse I could look like this. Sasquach...bad...

Fuck if I remember to update my site anymore

Damn...a lot has happened but through my massive drug use and frequent abusal of alcohol...I have repressed all of my memories. Oh....there is a hurricane coming my way.....so I'm so distraught.....but not enough to not work...lol....Fuck, we are all gonna fucking die. When I look back at my life...what will i be proud of? How will i be able to father multiple illegitamate children? Will I die before I realize my dream of world domination? Damn...I need to stop going to those self empowerment classes. I have too much dictator in me....Can I grow a funny mustache too....lol...later

Bow Down White People!

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