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Defintions Some Alternatives Use


Anything considered non-mainstream, such as alternative religions (pagan, atheist, etc), alternative sexualities (Gay, lesbian, bisexuality, polyamourous), to alternatives paths in general (Goth, Kin, Guardian, Psion, Vampire, Multiple etc). Other terms for Alternative include: "the Fringe" and "Alternative Lifestyles".


Souls that have either originated in the fifth dimension in service to the All That Is, incarnated on Earth as light-bringers, or finished their earthly life-span and returned in astral form to aid human kind. They are also not confined to any particular religion.


This is a spectrum of multi-colored light that surrounds every living being whether in physical or astral form. The changes in color represent the thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being of the person. It can react in many ways with others nearby and can be a valuable tool if one knows how to control it.


To become aware of your true nature. Often used to describe the period during which one discovers that one is inclined towards the practice of magic, or has psionic abilities, or is something other than human


Someone who is attracted to members of both their own gender as well as to members of the opposite Gender.

Book of shadows (BOS)

a personal book, that holds all personal magickal workings, such as spells, notes, and songs.. it can also be used as a life journal about his/her dealings in life, and can at times be written in runes. It is also called a grimoure or spell-book in some circles.


One who allows a spirit, ghost, spirit guide, God, or Goddess speak to and through her/him while in a trance state.


Discordians practice a religion masquerading as a joke, or else perpetuate a joke disguised as a religion, or possibly both. Their religious-type-thingie focuses on Eris, the Greek goddess of discord, confusion, and chaos. The hippy-founded faith sometimes attempts to draw a line between taking something seriously and meaning something sincerely. Discordianism is a non-centralized, heteroclastic faith with a long tradition of cheerful disagreement and an abbhorrence of orthodoxy. No one Discordian can be taken to speak for all or any others.


a path of paganism that dates back to the times of avalon. Druids tend to believe that all things are living, the grass, trees etc. and when they eat these thygs , they take on thier energies. Many druids are vegan or vegetarian for this reason. Merlin is a good and well known excample of a druid. They use realm instead of elements.


Someone who is able to feel/sense/experience exactly what another person or persons are feeling emotionally or physically without any information on the person.

Galactic Federation

This is the c.p.u. of all extraterrestrial activity in this and the immediate surrounding galaxies. It is a place for meeting, discussing matters of great cosmic importance and deciding the necessary actions to take in aiding worlds. Many species are currently members including the Greys.


A hacker/Crackers is a highly skilled computer user who uses programming knowledge to write programs to perform a variety of tasks. The Hacker has ethics, the cracker not. Script Kiddy is a juvenile who, has no skills of their own, but uses hackers/crackers programs for illegal and damaging purposes.


Herms have the characteristics of both genders (physically, mentally, etc.). Basically one who is fundamentally both male and female.


What every you bring in to the world, energies, powers, actions, is returned to you at a later time, for instance if you are nice to someone, someone will be nice to you, but if you create chaos, or negative actions, it shall return to you negatively. Karma is very simular to the christian belief of "do onto others as you would want them to do onto you" or general belief of " what goes around comes around


A being that has had a past incarnation and/or whose soul is other than human. This includes both those that are native to earth, but other than human, as well as all types of folks from other worlds. This includes: fae, elves, angelus, satyrs, nymphs, unicorns, vampires, dragons, merfolk, dryads, were creatures, shape shifters and other such beings. Some are also non-corporeal as well. This term has also been used more loosely, to describe humans/ very close humanoids from other worlds as well as humans from this world who were not of this time period and had not adjusted normally as they would if reincarnating. Also referred to sometimes as "other", "otherkin" ,"changeling", "meta-human" and various other terms.


Those whose bodies consensually hold more than one spirit or soul, especially walk-ins. The original owner of the body, if still present, is usually in the forefront, although sie may on occasion permit the other entities to have a turn at the fore, or one of the other entities may be at the fore more often. The setup varies, often widely, depending on the individual situation. This can also be called: Hosts, (multiple) Systems, Households.


A term, a rather disrespectful term, to refer to those who are mainstream. Usually refers to that they lack magick, and wonder. We here at H.O.P.E. prefer the term mainstream and do avoid use of words such as this one and the shorter version thereof "dane".


Primarily neither male nor female; genderless, or of neither gender.

Non -corporeal

A being which does not currently inhabit a body. This includes ghosts, discarnate beings, spirits, and may include ethereal beings.


A polytheistic grouping of many religions, often nature based, some ancient and some modern. Often used by Christians to mean any of the non-Judeo-Islam-Christian religions.


five sided star, a symbol of paganism, most paths assign the five sides with elements, deities, or realms. In many areas the five sides correspond with: earth, air, fire, water and spirit In some belief systems pentagram is a term used to refer to a negative symbol, mostly used in that upsidedown way by followers of darker pagan paths.


A person who is able to percieve future or past events without any prior knowledge of such. This is a general catagory for most with paranromal gifts.


This is a term describing a soul that originated on another planet, star, in another galaxy or star system. Starseeds are born with the sometimes very difficult task of exploring other planets/galaxies/dimensions and incarnating as a member of the resident species. Their purpose is to learn, understand, and experience that culture and if necessary bring forth their 'God Light' to dispell the dark energies. Their main purpose is to learn and experience. Some may incarnate in a world for a single lifetime or may stay for thousands depending on the mission. Many have dwelt here on Earth and many wonderful and influential starseeds have shared their universal knowledge. The most recognizable of which are Jesus and Buddha. Other terms used are Starborne or Star People.


A often-thought mythological creature known for purity, but we have found unicorns to be beings which identify with being a unicorn and who often love the earth and nature, a good laugh, appreciate beauty, are attracted to water and the ocean...


A vampire is a creature that has a need (often physical) or very strong desire (often compulsory) to feed off of the energy of others. The type of energy will depend on the type of vampire- the "classic" vampires often taking it from the blood of a donor, psychic vampires and psi-vamps preferring magickal or psychic energy or psionic/mental energies. Of course one can have more than one preference/required "food," depending on the individual. This is not always a negative or non-consensual thing; some believe that vampires are likely required for the balance of the Multiverse, and most vampires in the kin communities definitely prefer consensual donors, be it blood or energy. For those with such an excess of energy that it keeps them from functioning in the here-and-now, such a relationship might even be beneficial.


Some walk-ins are hosted by humans, some are hosted by kin, and some walk-ins themselves are human, though this seems to be less common. Basically a walk-in is a spirit, whether noncorporeal or previously in a body, borrowing a body while on earth (with full consent of the original owner if still there- non-consensual cases would be usually defined as a form of possession).


A nature-based religion, often used as an umbrella term to describe practitioners of various forms of neo-paganism. The practices vary widely between groups and practitioners. Usually having some form of female deity, a moral code of "An Ye Harm None", and a belief in either karma, three-fold karma, or ten-fold karma.

Definitions provided kindly by: Akari, Camille, Jarin, Pandora, RevJohn, SilverFox, Shortgoth, and Zahira.


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