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Dragon Essay Essay
Design Scheme and Graphics - by Ka @ Triple-spiral Designs and Silverfox. --- Used with permission

Basic Dragon Info

*Please note that this is based primarily on Earth dragons, or the dragons that were born of the planet Earth and have lived lives through the planet Earth. This information may not suit dragons of other planes or homes. I do not mean to offend any dragon who is reading this essay.

What is a dragon? Why do they fascinate so many people, and to others are nothing more than a creature in a fairy tale? My very first impression was that dragons were the majestic, mythical beasts armed with scales and horns that most people in this world think of when they hear the word “dragon”. As my love and interest in dragons grew, I realized that dragons were much more than they had been made out to be. Dragons were more than scales and wings. Dragons bared a lot more than fire, strength and carnage.

It was when I began to awaken to my draconic identity that I truly understood the strength and meaning behind dragons. What makes these creatures so strong? Besides the obvious physical strength a dragon holds, dragons are extremely strong in the power of the Mind. Dragons hold the wisdom of the world. With such a long life span, let it be by the number of years spent living or the number of lives spent on a surface world, dragons have no trouble at all picking up experience and knowledge. This strength of Mind gives dragons an incredible amount of common sense, patience, balance, and most importantly, the ability to understand.

Being creatures of magick, dragons hold their own powers that are mainly based on their strength of Mind. Dragon magick is different from the magick of rituals that people perform. Dragon magick is based on the dragon’s own abilities of Mind and possibly Element for some. Dragons are telepathic, meaning they can speak mind to mind. Dragons are also Empathetic, which means they have the ability to understand and feel emotions of a person by touching that person’s own spirit and mind. Dragons who can breathe fire or ice are considered to hold Elemental Magick, which is the ability to call on elements.

There are many misconceptions of dragons that have been around for hundreds of years. The first one is the dragon/maiden relationship. According to history and to stories, dragons have always been offered maiden sacrifices as a trade for not doing anything destructive. The dragon was always assumed to have eaten the maidens offered. How very wrong this is! Most dragons would be disgusted with the thought of eating one of these sacrifices. A lot of these “maiden sacrifices” were actually girls who were too stressed and pressured with their lives, so they escaped to the dragons for a better and safer life. Another misconception is the dragon vs. knight battles. Once again, the dragon was always assumed to be the violent animal that was just asking for trouble. In reality, it is usually the knight hunting down the dragon for the dragon’s gold or to claim a name for himself. There are many other misconceptions, but these two seem to stick out the most.

I had mentioned near the beginning of this essay my “draconic identity”. What is THAT all about? Well, I believe there are dragons today, just not those big, scaly lizards that used to roam the Earth. What are they, then? In hiding, of course! Over the years, it has been hard for dragons to survive in their true forms with the changes in technology and the states of human minds. The only thing to do was to move on from the dragon life to another life in a different form. This form is usually that of a human or a dragon. So when I mentioned my “draconic identity”, I was referring to myself as being of Dragon Kin. Maybe not physically, but in spirit and mind I’m all dragon! I have always referred to this as being of “Kin”, or that of dragon blood. Kin is now a term generally used to describe those who are of any animal spirit.

This essay is merely a brief explanation of dragon traits and characteristics, as well as where they are today.



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