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 ·Game Reviews Here will be some game reviews for all gaming consoles& xbox game reviews..... or maybe a couple...
There will be mainly computer game reviews..But don't worry your little console brains out cause there will also be alot of console reviews
Also if you dont already have a game console my opinion is for you to get either Play Station 2 or Game Cube... or both if you have the money for it..
Click here for Day of Defeat.
Click here for the home page of EA Games.
Click here for the oficcial Australian nintendo site.
Click here for a link to the oficcial Playstation site.
Posted by SuB-ZeRo ~ A- List Krew

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 ·OK I can't remmember the game but its wicked!!!
Ok here goes, I saw this on T.V the other day on that show hot source, and some guy came in from E.A Games which of course he would tell what was soon to come but the game he showed really turned me on (hehehe). You start of with your mum's car (carolla or civic etc.) then you do it up from there and race like fast and the furious. You get new cars and also those mad designs/paintwork and then you can do all that turbo stuff. But the thing that caught me the most was that you could put a sound system in and everything. I'm sure that once I get the name I'll tell you but its going to be wicked.

Posted by <~Wee-Man~>

 ·Final fantasy X-2 It's official people, ff x-2 came out in japan two days ago, and i couldn't be more excited if i tried...trying, trying, oh well looks like a fantastic game, and i have heard and seen pitchures of new machina summons and i have seen a pic of dark bauhumut (psst i have also seen some screen shots of tidus and a mad illustration of him. ohh and can anyone help me with bloody anime, i can't be bothered unless i get some inspiration.
Posted by SuB-ZeRo~ A- List Krew

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 ·Hitman-2:Silent Assassin
runs on:windows/playstation-2
codename 47 ia a nameless,faceless assassin the produst of sinister soviet genitic engineering experiments.with a barcode tattoed on the back of his shaven head,he was the star of the first hitman game,an innovateive,if flawed prodution.hitman-2 is a more polished more accomplised piece,returing codename47 to the world of international intrege
Hitman-2 distinguishes itself by giving the player ample opportunity for inventivess and guile.Each level is vast,populated with guards and filled with nooks and crannies. by stealthing about and peering throught key holes,one canobserve the behaviour of the bad guys,dispathing them silently ,or even avoiding themif possible.
the camera view can be swapped beteew first and third person modes,making best use of the ps2 limeted screen resolution.missions are set around the globe and languages and agriculture have beeen panistakeingly researched to accentuate local flair.the soundtrack throughtout the game was cimposed and performed by the budapest symphony orcestra and is easily among the best audio to grace either windows or ps2 game titles
the sheer variaty in weapons and thecniquies available allows hitman-2 to rise above the level of a mere shoot-'em-up by interacting with the game world and finding novel solutions,one gains a very realsense of immersion in the inviroment
An involed game of assassination where cunning is just as important as hand-eye-co-ordination.demanding yet rewarding,and unique in toyday's gaming market. i give this game eight-and-a-half out of ten

Posted by ~bobby~ ~gumbuckadoo A- List Krew
 ·unreal II:The Awakening
runs on:windows
prepare to save the universe once again,this time as MARSHAL JOHN DALTON in the long awaited sequel to the only game that had the nerve to challange the Quake franhisefor the dominance of the first-person shooting genre like its predecessor,unreal II delives an epic sci-fi adventure that's made all the more incredable thought its stunning cutting edge visual effects
as the captin of the atlantisinterplanety peace-keeping of sorts the player is sent on a string of missions that invole traveling to exotic eldritch locations most of these missions will requurie the use of arange of hight techfire arms to over come both human and alien adversaries and then ultamatley retrieve anumber of alien artifactsthanks to a fantastic script unreal II has all the atmosphereof a genuine sceince-fiction film supporting caractuers are ever-presant behaving in an intelegant.plauseable manner that lends it self towards a more belivable virtual world in some levels the player can order on some other marines to defend sertain post around a key structure.other scenarios will force players to make use of automated field weaponry,such as sentry turrents and laser fences-all if which are neccesery to even the odds against the AI opponents
everything in unreal II looks gorgous,provided you have a high-end gamming PC.even those with newer systems may find themselves having to turn down the detail settings,if only to get the game running at a decent frame rate for a smooooother play.for somethis would warrent a upgradding the PC because when the graphics settings displays the highest detail,unreal II is truly o work of art
one great example is daltons crewmate AIDA althought she is also clear evidenc of lara croft's disturbing legacy on the desing and portrayal of women in video games.the amount of care that has gone into putting her breasts on display is hard to miss it's likely the next generation of habitual anti-social videogamers are going to have highly unrealistic expetatians when it comes to women.thanks to games sucha sunreal II
the true satifaction any red-blooded gamer will get from unreal II will be from it's arsenal of 15 weapons each capable of two mode's of fire this gives the player many options for destroying the alien nasties many of which have creative and grimly satifying deaths
gamers who are accustomed to getting both a multiplayer and single player experiance in a singular dundle will fing the absence of a multyplayer mode a value-detractor .An experianced gamer can finish unreal II within a day or despite its visual quality ans satifying gameplay it is not the kind of game to buy in order to occupy for an extended period of time.athough the lack of muliplayer features devalues unreal II some what an editing program to create usermade levels is hidden away in the "system"'s not the easiest of program to fuugre out but it's rewards are ample compensation for the lack of a multyplayer mode.the most patient and creative of gammerswill like ly spend weeks or months crafting futuristic worlds for this game
A short but satifying action packed space adventure for the first-person shooter fans.......owwwwwww finnaly finished people better read this hope u don't mind this julian

Posted by ~bobby~ ~gumbuckadoo A- List Krew

i thought i would just put a music review in for the heck of it i was bored(alex maybe u can make a music reviews page thanks)

just recently i brought the album by the "music" yes thats thier name these people are from the uk originaly and they moved to aus because people liked them more over hear than in the uk this album is there daybu album it contains the pevious songs such as"the people"&"take the long road and walk it" and these other songs listed below
No1........"the dance"
No2........."take the long road and walk it"
No4........."the truth is no words"
No6........."turn out the light"
No7........."the people"
No10........"too high"
despite only having 10 songs all the songs go over two and a half mins so this would not be a lot of music to listen to like 4 a car trip or something.this type of music is a cross of pop mixed with some cruse rock vocals is sung by:robert harvey guitar:adam nutter bass: stuart coleman drums:phil jordan i would give this album 9 out of ten it lacks in the little booklet that u get with the cd
visit there web site
posted by bobby gunbuckadoo
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 ·tom clancy’s rainbow six 3: raven shield
runs on:windows
There can be no doubt that the war in Iraq is going to bolster sales of games focusing on counter-terrorism. but before anyone frowns upon rainbow six: raven shield for capitalizing on current affairs, it should be noted that this tactical shooter takes grate care in tiptoeing its way around politically sensitive subjects. set in 2005 raven shield gives players a series of scenarios such as saving hostages or taking out a bunch of crazed loonies threatening to blow up something big.
raven shield plays like any other first person shooter, but its strategic elements are taken to a higher level .players take control of up to eight spec ops officers from team rainbow the world’s number one counter-terrorist unit. The game then takes them through 15 missions in the single player campaign, provides a progressively challenging series of intense encounters with terrorist groups in diverse range of locations from around the world.
Unlike its relatively ugly predecessors rainbow six3 uses a modified version of unreal engine to make it lone of the best –looking tactical shooters around. This is not so much a glossy feast for the eyes than a plethora of details that bring an incredible sense of realism to the game. Everything looks right from the way troops move and look around with weapons at the ready, to the shadows that hide lurking enemies even the trees move accordingly in the breeze.
Outstanding sound effects complement the impressive visual, meaning players have to use their ears as well as their eye’s to figure out where the enemy is.
every mission has a planning phase ,the idea being to devise a synchronized, coordinated sweep of the location in question with up to three separate teams. A turorial mode makes the act of juggling multiple groups much easier than it would at first seem. however there are a few subtle actions that will require the player’s personal attention with a specific team member. for instance, slowly opening a door top take a peep at what’s on the other side is some thing you’ll have to personally ,and it’s accomplished by rolling the wheel on mouse back and forth at varying speeds.
in most tactical shooters of the past the coordination of multiple teams was often spoilt by and awkward control interference. Raven shield does not suffer from this problem thanks to a simple multiple choice menu system that lets players interact with just about anything through the touch of the space bar the menu can also be used to issue orders to other troops such as instructing a team mate to open door toss in a grenade and then move in and secure the room after the blast
being a team based tactical shooter ,raven shield’s multiplayer options are especially important. There are nine diverse modes that allow up to 16 players to take part in a single game it’s highly versatile and feature laden additionally, solo players can take on the challenge of custom missions the best of them being difficult enough to defy even the best most practiced gamer.
a non-political . no –nonsense counter terrorism simulation that offers plenty of action for lone gunmen and team players I would give this game nine and a half out of ten

Posted by ~bobby~ ~gumbuckadoo~ A- List Krew

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 · [linkin park] meteora
runs on: CD players
RATING: [E] exempt from classification
There can be no better cd on the earth to beat this, if there is let me hear it, this is undoubtedly the best cd ever I new when I opened the fresh plastic covered cd that this would change history, so once again the screaming vocals of Chester bennington and mike shindona are back on the radio waves for another very hard rocking year this cd is all new songs unlike there much more (disappointing [reanimation] cd which only has remixed songs off the [hybrid theory] album) so that’s right brand new songs all of which go for more than 3mins some all-out hard rocking songs along with the nice relaxing songs. There are 13 songs overall on this hard rocking album. This album also comes with a 40 page color booklet this also comes with a bonus dvd which includes “the art of meteora”, website toolkit, and exclusive access to web-based media such as there tags and wallpapers These are the songs>br> 01foreword
02don’t stay
03somewhere I belong
04lying from you
05hit the floor
06easier to run
09breaking the habit
10from the inside
11nobody’s listening
12session (instrumental)
so over all I would give this album 9/10

Posted by ~bobby~ ~gumbuckadoo~ A- List Krew

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 ·Dont delete my posts
Screw you all dont delete me damn posts!
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