· News

Ok people and hello, this page is all about what people do at school or out of school if there not pussies. But this page is just some fun and try not to get yourself in trouble.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
Ok, when you want to catch a bus and you want to get it for free, pay the bus driver in 5 cent coins because he will get annoyed because he can't take to long. Or you can pay with a $50 note and they can't be bothered to break it so you get on for free as well. This works most of the time but it also depends if there's a lot of people or if the bus driver is just a tight ass.
If you have a bus pass but forgot it, but you still have the case. Well walk up to the machine and pretend to put it in, and then make the sound "beap beap" and he won't even know. Or if you don't have anything at all just try, it worked for me.
Some of this sometimes doesn't work because if the bus drivers a dick or the people tell your screwed. Also, its better to do it in a big group because he can't see you and he doesn't have time to watch.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
·Funny excuses
One thing that you could say is "Miss/Mrs/Mr may I be excused because my brains to full". This ones pretty stupid but you could say that your right arm hurts and that you wan't to go to sick-bay but you hold your right arm.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
·Some in school Pranks Don't you just hate school at times!

Ok well this isn't really for those teachers pets who worry so much about getting in trouble but it's more for the people in a stupid mood or something and feel like doing it but here goes.
Yeah well what you could do but if that person finds out they will want to bash the shit out of you but anyway here goes. You know how people put their bikes in that bike rake and they use their own chain, well what if when everything was clear and you went up and put one of your bike locks on their bike. They wouldn't be able to get out although the thing is you can't really hang around to watch and see there reaction.
As same as the other one but only you put it on there locker so they can't get there preciuos books and then they get in trouble, ha ha ha and also with this one, if your in one of there classes, you'll be able to see how they try and get out of trouble.
If you have any of those classes where you have to wear apron's. Well while there not looking, you grab the loose strings not to hard otherwise they will notice but then tie it to the table or to someone else. But don't make it to obvious otherwise its not as funny. But most of the time it is.
This is some funny shit but hide in cupboards and then speak not to loud but loud enough so they can hear you and ask for help like your stuck or something. But the only thing is it's funny but depending on the teacher and there attitude, you could get in shit.
When it's really windy and you have the window open, it sometimes makes that whistling sound, well start whistling softly and soon you'll get the hang of it but it's pretty funny. Becuase when you whistle it sounds like the wind.
I love doing this when someones eating and they goe to have a big bite or drink out of a popa. You shove your hand underneath there hand and then shove it up. If you did it properly, they would have dropped there food or most of it And with popa's, you squeeze them and there mouth over fills and they end up spitting it all over the place.
You know when you see a real spider you tend to jump or get scared. Well why not put a fake spider on one of your teachers desk or chair and watch them freak themselves out.
Or if they didn't notice the spider, you could probably do it but if you could disquise it on the teacher's or someone else chair, you could put a whoopy coushion and make them so embarrassed.
I don't know if you have these or not but you can buy these toys which is kinda like a detornator but only that you don't blow them up, you make a fart noise. You attatch the sound thing under there chair or table and use your cordless detornator to make the fart sound. It's halarious but make sure you collect it after.
Ok, at lunch or during the periods you take one of you friends bags (or if your brave enough, someone else's) and then hide it from them. Hide not to far but not to close because you don't want them finding it to easy and you also don't want them to go and tell the teacher. But stand around and watch to see his/her reaction to the prank.
You can only do this well when the whole class is silent but when it is, what ya got a doo is to make like a punch or slap sound them fall off your chair. Start moaning and the teacher will start asking whats happening and you will get them in trouble (he he).
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>

·Prank calls
Ok, call someone that at night (10 o'klock) then as the say hello, you say "I, I have a problem" (sad or crying as well) then as they answer back what is it, say "I, I have, have a crack". If they pause continue on but if that as something like what or that say, "I have a crack in my ass!". Then hang up or laugh or whatever.
Ring some one and ask for Mr Wong, if they say you have the wrong number skip to the end but then if they say no. Ask for Mrs Wong, if they say no, then say Miss Wong and then Master Wong. After all this or if it didn't work out, then say "sorry, I must have the Wong number".
Ask the person on the phone when they pick up, if there fridge is running, if they say yes, well say you better run after it but if they say no, say well you better buy a new one.
This is pretty stupid but ring someone up and then start talking fish like "blob blob blob blob" and they will get so lost that it's funny.
Ring up a pizza shop of your choice, then, ask for a pizza, whatever it is and when they ask you for your adress, say someone else or someone you don't even know and then they will deliver it to there house and they won't even know it.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
·Some out of school Pranks
Well some of this is just like jackass but some of it's not. But like I said, this ain't for those pussy's so go and get Fucked.
Ok well knock and run has always been an old time favourite and isn't probably as great to you people today because it's a bit old. Although, what if you used your imagination and put some ideas forth like putting a bag of dog shit on fire infront of there doorstep. Or may-be even put fireworks, firecrackers on there doorstep knock and run. Because it's quite fun even though everyone gets pissed. But one time, when I was little, me and my cousin did it to some guy up the road and a few minutes later, he came out with an axe which was pretty freaky but funny! So use your imagination.
When your out shopping, (well this is pretty slack but here goes) you know how you see everyone walk around in target or any of those stores with those beaper's at the front, also there's a sercurity guard as well. Well as someone's not looking including the person your doing it to, and if they have a bag or trolly, put it in there and when they walk out, the beapers will go off and they will get in shit (although this ones a little bit to slack).
This is pretty cool even though it happens all the time is having sercruity guards chasing you. The best way to attract there attention is with skateboards and actually skateboarding. They get pissed off and start chasing after you but you go at a speed so that they keep up with you so basically your teasing them. Then after a while they'll call for back up and you will either have more sercruity guards or you will have them chasing you in golf carts.(hehe)But then if you want to stop, you've caused to much they will probably want your picture and they your in the shit. So have some fun and play hind and go seek, or either run out to the bus and catch the next one home.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
·Fun Stuff
Well yeah, theres a lot of fun stuff to do on a weekend but here's some more ideas for any of you weird people who sit around and have nothing to do.
-Ok one possible time wasting fun enjoyment is "ice slede's", there wicked. If you don't know what to do, I can't believe it. Freeze a whole heap of water in a freezer (nah dah!) then once it's frozen try and carefully take it out and find a nice grassy hill to slide down. Hence the ice has to be big enough to sit on but slide,slide and slide, its alwsome.
If ya a wanna be skateboarder but your absolutly shit! and you want to land one good trick. If you have a trapaline and a skateboard deck, hop onto the trampaline with the skateboard deck and bounce around like crazy. Landing tricks is much more easier since you have way more air and you can perform the tricks with a flick.
Glove gun wars with your friends can be just as exiting as masturbating. If you don't know how to make a glove gun i will display a simple glove gun below. Having a glove gun war is wicked since you can shoot somebody and go crazy. Although you can get better items then glove guns for instance, using a metal pipe and a bottle rocket aslong as the bottle rocket fits in the pipe. Shove the bottle rocket inside the pole and light. Aim and fire! it will go in the general direction your shooting in given your friends something to for.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
Ok all you raver's on this site this is the section for the people who want to PARTY! There's some big event's coming up like Utopia and Hyperspeed but also there are some other's like these.
If you want some more info on any of these raves or more upcoming raves, click the homer picture under the news. Or just click on these below.
-Mk Sydney

·Cd's/Cloths and info
Well I have to say that I haven't really searched that many places for rave type cd's but what I can tell you is that Central Station Records is the best place to shop. They have all the cd's you want for the right price. Like I bought the Bonker's cd by Dj Hixxy and Dj Sharky but it was $42.95, I only had $30 on me left at the time so she just gave to me for that price. Also I bought ThunderDownUnder 5 worth $15 on sale and she gave it to me for $10 so really I saved $17.95 which is wicked. Also all the rave cd's up the back are only $5 which is even more wicked. They always have sales and you can even try turn tables and listen and everything so really its wicked. But the only thing that puts this shop down is the location, Oxford St. But still in the day time its wicked to check out!
Also there's another shop in Parramatta Rushn but I just went there and I found out that its not as good as Central Station Records. Because at this place at Parramatta, there's not really much variety on music and the cloths are pretty expensive but if you can't be bothered going to the city, just go here.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
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