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"What is a slut like you doing in a classy joint like this?"
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 · News
Sorry for the lack of updates evrone its just that we cant be fucked to update. But we still will.

Everyone check out Schooliescreated by
<~Wee-Man~> .

-Check it out!!!
There's a new game invented by <~Wee-Man~> and it's wicked!

-Call of Duty Demo
You gotta check out this 173MB Demo of this new fps ww2 shooter. It kicks ass.
Gamers Hell

Jacksass will probably never happen. So dont hold your breath.

-Rubber Bands
I bought this amazing series of rubber bands from the TV-shop yesterday. All sizes of rubber bands. Just think about it.

-NFS Underground
Gamers Hell has some cool vids of the new Need for speed Game in action. check them out.

- Gamecube sucks Xbox's dick
Just thought you'd like to know.

-Oh my God
My teacher is eating her way to the future along with everything on the way! (thats amazing!)

- Weapons of mass destruction
Google bomb: type 'weapons of mass destruction' and press 'im feeling lucky' in Google to see this humerous page

A $2.00 shop was beaten by a $1.95 shop across the road. Just think about how hard business is.

Last Updated: 19/09/03


 ·Weclome to Game Hints!
Ok, well this page will really give you hints and cheats on some of the best pages. There may not be much at the moment but it has just started and with a big one.
Also at the same time we will help you get over those games so you can forget about them or you can play more. So have fun!

Posted by <~Wee-Man~>

 ·Cheat sites
If you want some more cheat site, you should go to:
-Cheat planet

Posted by <~Wee-Man~>


 ·The Rewards

Here are the rewards you get from collecting the packages.
10.......Body Armor
50.......Laser Scope Sniper Rifle
70.......Rocket Launcher
80.......Sea Sparrow
100......Hunter & $100,000

1-70 are easy. They appear in three locations.
1. Your Ocean View apartment.
2. The Diaz mansion.
3. On top of the Hymen Condos.

Sea Sparrow: Behind the Diaz mansion. NOT ON TOP. Yes, there is a maverik on top, but no Sea Sparrow.

Rhino: At the air force base.

Hunter: At the air force base.


If you want some pictures of where the hidden packages are, Click Here!

 ·The packages

---Ocean Beach---

The south area of the first island, the lighthouse is in this area so it's pretty easy to find.

-1-. First off, you may be able to skip ahead a bit, so read ahead. Starting from Ammunation in the Ocean Beach Area head south. When you reach the T intersection make a right turn. You will be on a street that curves back north. If you pass a fountain when you make this right turn you are in the right area. On the left you should see a dock. (At one point during the game you pick up missions here, but I'm making the assumption some of you have not gotten here yet.) You should be able to pick up a boat here. Don't try to go through the locked gate. Anyhow, once you have a boat head west out of the docks. As soon as you clear the docks head DIRECTLY south. You should see three islands on your map. Head for the southwest island. It's pretty easy to identify because there is a rampage on it. Just north of the Rampage is package #1.

-2-. Follow the same directions as package #1 to get to the area where there are three islands. Point yourself northeast and you should see a large collection of rocks. I suggest pulling into the rocks from the east (heading west). Package #2 is on top of these rocks.

A nifty point of interest in this area is the large sunken ship off the coast. According to hannibal106th the side of the ship says Chartering Libertine Lines. Same as one of the ships on the dock.

-3-. Finally, back to land. Go to Ammunation in Ocean Beach. Head directly south (past the fountain), through the trees and bushes, and you should see a sidewalk. On your right there is a house facing the water. Package #3 is next to the steps.

-4-. Start from your Ocean View save point. (Save Opportunity.) Head South. On your left you should see a lighthouse. It's very easy to spot. Just head directly towards the lighthouse (don't fall in the water). The 4th package is on the lighthouse steps.

A another nifty point of interest for you. You can enter and climb to the top of the lighthouse... great view!

-5-. Go to Ammunation in Ocean Beach. Head South, make a right at the T intersection (past the fountain) and head to the docks on the left. Just southeast from the locked gate and you will find an underground car park. You will find package #5 in a corner on the north side of this car park.

-6-. Go to Ammunation in Ocean Beach. Head north. On the second main road you come across you should see a large red wall. Keep going north past this wall. Keep left, and you should see a hospital. Enter the hospital parking lot. Go around the hospital towards it's south side. You should see a white wall on your left, and the hospital wall on your right. You should emerge in a small grassy area. To the south in this area you should see a white building. Go around the back of this building and you will find package #6. (There is a rampage near the front of this building, be sure not to fall off the ledge where the rampage is.)

-7-. Go to Ammunation in Ocean Beach. Head north all the way to the waters edge. Then turn left(West). As you head toward the bridge you will see a small building on the right(North). There is a small walkway that leads around this building. Follow it and it will lead you under the bridge, where you will find package #7.

-8-. Before you start this go find a PCJ 600. Go to Ammunation in Ocean Beach. Head north. Eventually you should see the mall on your right hand side. It's got a red sign. Make a right, you should see a gas station on the right hand side. Make a left at the T intersection. The second building on the right is the one with the package, but it's on top of the building. To get up top get yourself a PCJ 600. Go up the spiral parking lot across from this building. What you have to do is position yourself in the southwest part of the top level, facing east. Then just punch it. You should be able to jump over to the building next to the one we need to get on top of. Hope you still have your bike, because now you need to jump over to the building using one of the three ramps on top of this building. There you have it, package #8. A note of interest in this area is that there are a lot of nice ramps.

"That's it for Ocean Beach".

---Washington Beach---

-9-. Get yourself back to the spiral parking lot entrance from the last package instructions. To the east you should see a building with a little circle logo on it, it's purple and green and says GGs. North of this building is a very tall pink building. That is where you need to be. Get to the steps of this building and just head around the back from either way. Near the pool, right next to some armor, is package #9. There is also an Ingram back there.

-10-. Before you start this go find a PCJ 600. Get back to your hotel. Head North and look at the names of the hotels on your left. Stop when you find the colon hotel. It's got a large blue sign shaped like an upside down T. Go around back and you should see a police bribe in an alley. On the south end of this alley is a staircase. What you have to do is use this staircase as a ramp to jump to the building across the street. Start from the police bribe and punch it towards the staircase, you have to hit it a little to the right to make the building. Once you get across package #10 is on the south side of the roof.

Congrats, Body armor.

-11-. Go to the lawyer's office. It's northwest from your hotel, and across the street from a place that you can buy as a save point. Go up the stairs to the icon for the save point place, and then go around back to the left hand side. Package #11.

-12-. From the lawyer's office head north. You should see a bridge up ahead. Package #12 is on the right hand side of the bridge. It's hidden behind the bridge support on the right, as you get close you should see it's halo.

-13-. Get a heli. For more information on how to do so please see my section entitled "Where can I find a helicopter?" at the bottom of this document. This package requires a helicopter to reach. Anyhow, package #13 is on a the roof of a blue and white building just south of the police department in the washington beach area. Another good point of reference is Starfish Island, it's almost directly east of the bridge leading off of the island. Using the helicopter makes getting a lot of these packages easier, of course, but I'm not going to use it exclusively. I'm sure if you want to use the heli you can use my directions to find the packages.

-14-. Head to the beach. This is one of the easiest packages. It's on the steps of a hut almost directly east from the police station. If all else fails just check all the huts.

-15-. Start from the hotel save point. Head directly north. Keep an eye on the signs on your left, you are looking for the Moonlite Hotel. Once you pass it take the next left. If you see a staircase on your right you are probably in the right place. Straight ahead of you is the police station. (Another easy way to get here is to just get busted.) Go inside. DON'T PULL A GUN IN HERE! Walk up to the sign that says "no civilians past this point." Don't go in just yet. Make sure you are well rested. If you ran in here just stop to catch your breath, you are gonna need the running juice. I came in here with full health and body armor and I nabbed the package, for the first time, at 30 health. Anyhow, run forward and you should see stairs leading up on your right. Take the stairs and head straight. The package is in the room directly ahead of the stairs. While you are doing this cops will be constantly shooting at you. Go fast and you can even make it out alive.

SPOILER! It has been brought to my attention (thanks Wil) that at some point in the game you can get a cop uniform and avoid being shot at in here.

-16-. Get to the "bunch of tools" store that is east of Starfish Island. If you look at your pause map it's the one that's pretty much in the middle of the island. Across the street to the west there is a small set of stairs, go up them. On your left you should see the most gaudy house ever. It's pink and white with peach trim. It's also got a moat. Just circle the house. The package is in a corner where a white wall meets a pink wall.

-17-. Get to the same "bunch of tools" from the last package and head up the same steps, but this time just head towards the back wall. There is a set of open pool showers against the back wall. The package is in the orange shower.

-18-. Head to the bridge that leads to Starfish Island. It's just north of the showers from the last package. Head around the bridge to the right, and you will find this package under the bridge.

That's it for Washington Beach.

---Vice Point---

Vice Point is basically the north half of the first island. It's a large area with a lot of packages. There are more packages in this area then any other. Ready? Let's go.

-19-. Get to the "bunch of tools" store that is east of Starfish Island. The same one from package #16. Head out of the east exist and head north. Keep a close eye on your left hand side and you should see the Spand Express Shipping Company (Spand Express a.k.a. Spand-Ex). The package is behind the building. This is also the location of the 'Riot' mission.

-20-. Just north of the Spand-Ex shipping company is a construction site. (Where Avery appears). Walk up the wooden planks and get to the third floor of the site. There is an awkward I-beam sticking out to the west. The package is at the end of this beam.

Congrats! Chainsaw!

-21-. Across from the building site (Avery's) from the last package is a row of white houses. Behind these houses is a small dock. This package is on the end of this very short dock.

-22-. Read this whole description before doing anything. Head north from your ocean view save point. When you reach the curve to the left, follow it and then make a right as soon as you can (on to a street). Follow the street north and you should run right into the Malibu club. Get to know this location. Look at where it is on your map. Get to know what it looks like from above. You know what's coming. Get a helicopter. The building you want is across the street from the Malibu. You have to land IN the pool, but the package is on the ledge up the stairs from the pool. You are going to want to keep the helicopter around for package 24. There is a great place to park it behind the Malibu while you get the next package.

-23-. This one is easy. It's right behind the Malibu, in the parking lot. Right on the other side of the gate.

-24-. Get a helicopter. Get to the Malibu. Directly north of the Malibu is another building with a pool on top. It is pretty hard to land the helicopter there, so watch out. Anyhow, the package is in a corner behind a palm tree.

-25-. Get back to the Malibu. Head directly east, out to the beach. Once you get to the beach head north. On your left you should see a set of stairs leading to a pool. The package is in the northwest corner of the pool area.

I recommend picking up the next three packages at the same time. They are very close.

-26-. Find the Malibu. Head north and take the first left. On your right is a pizza joint. Inside you will find package #26.

-27-. East of the pizza joint from #26 is a white multi-level apartment building. This package is behind the stairs.

-28-. Head north from the pizza joint. On your left is a strip mall. You can enter one of the stores. This package is behind the counter.

-29-. Find the bridge from the first island to the golf island. It's northwest of the Malibu. Right before the bridge on the east side there is a house. It's on the north side of the street. Go up onto the driveway straight towards the narrow ramp and just walk off of it. That should land you next to two small pools. Head west and then south to find this package. This house is also involved in a mission.

-30-. Another place from a mission. From the bridge leading to golf island head east. Keep left. Pass the first street on your left and the next thing you should see is an apartment building. If you climb the stairs you should find an open window. Get to the roof. The two flights of stairs to get there are pretty easy to find. On the roof head north and jump off down onto the next roof. This package is in the south area of this roof, right where you jumped down. (It's very easy to miss when you come up here for the 'chase' mission.)

Congrats! Python!

-31-. Find the north pay and spray on the first island. Just to the south is a white apartment building area with an arched entrance. It's a maze of backyards back here. From the arched entrance go into the second yard on your left. The package is in the northwest corner of this yard, behind a palm tree.

The next two packages should be gotten together. They are very close.

-32-. Find the west entrance of the North Point mall. It's near the bridge to prawn island. Exit the mall and follow the road south. First you will go under a bridge, then on your left you will see a walled off building with very wide stairs leading to it's entrance. Head up the steps and then head towards the southwest. This package is on the very "tip" of the compound.

-33-. Continue to explore the compound from #32. Behind this hotel is a pool. The next package is on the top diving board.

-34-. Find the bridge to prawn island. This package is hidden behind one of the supports on the south side right next to the waters edge. A waterfront sidewalk basically 'ends' at this package.

-35-. Back to the beach. On the very north side of the beach is a dirt track for RCs. This package is behind the jocksport sign that is on the east side of the track. If all else fails just drive around the track and check every jocksport sign.

-36-. Find the north point mall. It's east of the bridge to prawn island. On the east side of the mall there is a large orange apartment building. Climb the steps are head around back. This package is in the corner by one of the back entrances to this building.

I suggest getting the next three packages at the same time. They are pretty close.

-37-. Find the north point mall again. There are two north entrances to the mall. This package is in between these entrances.

-38-. Find the north point mall again. This time, go inside. (Note of interest, you can get a motorcycle into the mall) This package is on the second floor, in the east most part of the mall in front of a store with sale signs on the windows.

-39-. Near the south end of the mall is a store called the gash (ha!) and inside you will find this package. It's above the escalators that are inside the store. The windows near the top are breakable, making this package easy to get.

-40-. Find the west entrance of the north point mall. Just north of it is a multi-story car park. Head inside. This package is on the ground floor, just south of the entrance.

Congrats, you now have the flame thrower pickup and you are also done with vice point, which is the largest collection of packages by far. You still have a long way to go though. On to...

---Prawn Island---

It's the north island in between the mainland and first island.

-41-. Head to the southernmost tip of prawn island. You should be able to find the entrance to the Interglobal Film Studio. Head east and follow the curve north. Just past the police bribe there is an entrance to an alley. Go in and the package is at the end of the alley.

Get the next two packages at the same time, as they require you to be in the film studio, which if you have not purchased, will require a heli.

-42-. The next package is in the film studio mentioned in 41. I don't know of any other way of getting in before you can buy it, so just use a helicopter (See the "Where can I find a helicopter?" section at the bottom). The package is on top of a blue building. Kitty corner from studio D. If you took the heli in here, don't get off the roof without it. You can only get out using the heli at this point, so don't get yourself stuck.

It's been pointed out to me that you are not stuck if you leave the heli in the lot. It seems there are some steps in the southeast corner that can be jumped over.

It's been pointed out that you can also use a packer to get out of the studio. There is one inside that you can pull up to the gate, and then jump it using a patriot.

It's also been pointed out to me that you can enter this area through a series of ramps on top of nearby buildings.

-43-. This package is inside studio C. The letter C is split in half on the doorway. The set in this studio will eventually change. If it's empty you can't miss the package. If it's a bathroom, check the stalls.

This studio is really interesting. One set is apparently where the moon landing was filmed(I guess it WAS faked). Another section of the back lot looks like part of liberty city! Explore this place. It's strange.

-44-. On prawn island there are two green houses. This package is on the back porch of the house to the west.

-45-. Across from the green house from #44 there is a yellow house (this one is part of a mission). Go in and get upstairs. Go around to the east balcony and walk off the edge. Don't jump, you will overshoot. This one may take a few tries. Basically you want to fall into the room below. Once inside the package is obvious.

Apparently you can also jump over the wall into this room. It's a little tricky, but possible. Thanks Talen!

I've also been told that this house is not open until you finish the mission involving this house. Thanks Dustcart!

Update: Hmm, another person told me it was open without finishing the mission. I'm not sure what the deal is here. I believe both people honestly, so maybe it is really a time of day thing or some other factor.

Now off to...

---Leaf Links---

It's the golf course in the middle of Vice City. On an island all it's own.

All these packages should be gotten at the same time in my opinion. Followed by an immediate save.

-46-. This package is under the bridge leading to Leaf Links. To get under the bridge you need to enter the course, then go south from the tennis courts.

-47-. At the north end of the course is a driving range. This package is in one of the stalls on the ground floor.

-48-. Just west of the clubhouse is an S-curved road. Follow the road to the end and then head west. The package is in a sand trap that looks like a crater.

-49-. In the middle of the south half of the course (under the bridge to get there) is a large water hazard. This package is on the island in that water hazard.

-50-. Further south there is a small island with one golf hole on it. The next package is on the narrow bridge leading to this island.

Congrats! Laser Scope, and on to...

---Starfish Island---

The largest house on this island is the Diaz mansion. I'm going to use that as a reference point a lot.

-51-. On the east side of the Diaz mansion is a pool. Go down the stairs to the east of this pool. This package is next to these stairs on the south side.

-52-. Now from the Diaz mansion head to the pool on the west side. Drop off the ledge to next to the pink wall. This package is in the south area of this pool.

-53-. In the middle of the island are three houses. Behind the west house you will find a pool that looks like the Rockstar logo from above (Cool!) The pool contains a flamethrower (COOL!) and if you up the stairs behind the house you will find package #53 among the picnic tables.

-54-. Now head to the east house in the middle of the island. There is a pool on the south side of the lot, the Jacuzzi contains this package. The gate to this house is closed, so just jump the low fence.

-55-. Now head to the northeastern most house on this island. It's got a garage with a basketball net and a flag next to the door. The package is right on the doorstep.

Another island finished and off to the mainland.


-56-. Find the entrance to the Hyman Memorial Stadium. It's pretty easy. It's the large circular peninsula west of the downtown area. I'll be using this as a reference point in future items as well. Anyhow, just north of the entrance is a dirt road. Follow it. It should take you to an area where you can see a dirt track for motor cycles in front of you. Keep left and go around the track. Stay next to the wall on your left. Follow that wall and soon you should be heading south. Keep an eye on the buildings on the right, in a small nook you should find this package. I recommend using the r2 button once you turn south, you should see the package pretty easy if you do this.

-57-. Head back to the stadium. Facing away from the sign there are two roads leading away on your map. Get on the north road. Make the second right. You should be facing the Mars Cafe. Head towards it and follow the curve to the left. Keep going straight but pay attention to the buildings on your right. In front of one building you should see a sign with letters as tall as you saying "V.A.J. Finance." There is a large opening to the west of this sign with a statue that kind of looks like a flame. The package is right in the middle of this statue. In order to get up there I pulled a car alongside the platform and jumped on the hood, then the platform. There are other ways but I think that is easiest.

It has been brought to my attention that you can jump onto the ledge, but you just have to be a few feet away when you do it.

-58-. Find the Mars Cafe, instructions to get there are in #57. Just to the northwest should be two traffic blockers (orange and white stripes). Head between these (note there is a hideout on the right) to the small grassy area, then turn around. You should see the grass leads into a small hole. This leads to a dead end that contains this package.

-59-. Back to the stadium. To the south of the entrance you should see a road with the word "parking" on it and an arrow. Follow the arrow. Don't follow all the arrows though, you end up at the entrance. Anyhow, at the very back of the stadium you will find this package. It's next to one of the signs that says "<-- Parking."

-60-. Back to the Entrance of the stadium. Take the south road of the two that leads east, and when you reach the T intersection make a right. Make the first left you find and on your right should be the hospital (Schuman). You could also just get wasted in the general area to find it. Anyhow, to the east of the sign there is a parking lot. Go down the ramp and the package is on your right.

Congrats! Minigun!

-61-. Read this whole description before doing anything. You will need a Heli. Back to the V.A.J. building from #57. Just South of it is your target. It's the building with the satellite dishes on top. Now, get a heli(See the "Where can I find a helicopter?" section below) and land on the building. This package is next to the helipad. In order to get to the package you have to jump off of the helipad to the right of the ramp.

Update: I've had a lot of feedback on #61. The package is hard to spot, so let me clarify my directions. The package is really next to the helipad, but it's pretty high up. If you walk down the first ramp (after landing on the helipad) then walk down the next, the package should be above and ahead of you. If you walk all the way to the base of the ramp it's above you. That is why you have to jump off the helipad to get this one. Hope that helps!

Note: It has come to my attention that there is a street level entrance to the building for #61. It is right next to the bridge that takes you from the mainland to prawn island. It's the VCN building on the north side of the street just after the bridge. The entrance is actually tucked behind the bridge a bit.

-62-. Back to the stadium entrance. Take either road east and make the first right. The road will eventually curve left. Keep following it to the end. On your left is an office building. Make a left and keep your eye on the office building(using l2 is a good idea). As you continue you should notice a stair case on your left. Go up and continue to the next staircase, go up again and you should see a place you can enter on your left. Go on inside. On the south wall are three desks. Behind them you will find this package.

That's it for downtown.

---Little Haiti---

This area is just south of downtown.

-63-. As usual I'm going to use the first package in this area to establish a good starting point for rest of them. Start from the stadium entrance. (See #56) Take either of the two east roads and make the first right you come to. Take it all the way south and follow the curve to the left. At the end of this road make a right. Keep right as you travel south and you should pass a sign for the Moist Palms Hotel. This is our first starting point. Just north of this sign is a driveway. Follow it, and you should find a parking lot. Keep right and follow the grass to find a large grassy area in the back. You should see a ramp to the south. This package is right behind the ramp. The ramp has a yellow sign on it, if that helps.

These next three are very close, I suggest getting them at the same time.

-64-. Get back to the sign for the Moist Palms from #63. Head south. Take the first right, and when this street starts to curve you should be able to see the big "Phil's Place" sign. Basically you need to get behind this area. Here is how. Northeast of the entrance to Phil’s place there is an alley that points north. Enter this alley and then turn left at the opening. West of this alley is where you will find this package. It's near the water's edge.

-65-. Head back inside Phil's place (See #64). There is a shack containing this package. It's not the one next to the RV, it's the one next to that one. It's the same color as the walls in this area.

-66-. As you exit Phil's place (see #64 & #65). You should see a building with red trim. There is an alley just to the south of this building. Enter it, as soon as you can turn right. Right ahead of you should be a set of stairs. Go down them to find this package.

-67-. I suggest getting a bike, a Sanchez works best. Back to the Moist Palms. Head south. Take the first right. On the south side of this street is an alley with a ramp. You need (of course) to jump the ramp and get onto the building across from it. Now you need to get over to the roof just east of your current position. It's easy to jump that gap on foot, or over the narrow part with a Sanchez. Once you get across you should see this package in a pit in the middle of the roof.

-68-. Get back to the entrance to Phil's place. (See #64) Just south of that entrance is a large yellow building that is Kaufman Cabs. Behind Kaufman Cabs there are several white houses. On the north stairs of the southwestern most house is package #68.

-69-. Get back to the entrance to Phil's place. (See #64) Head South, past Kaufman Cabs, past the zigzag in the road, and you should see a pizza joint on your left. Just south of the pizza joint is Funeraria Romero. To the south of this store is a small alley. You will find this package in over one of the four graves back here. It's a small area and the package is pretty obvious.

I suggest getting the next two packages at the same time.

-70-. Back to Phil's place. Head south past kaufman cabs, past the zigzag, past the place where you got the last package, and follow the road even and just before it makes a sharp turn to the east take the curved road to the west. Make the first possible turn left into an alley and then make the first possible turn left. You should be at a dead end with some stairs. Climb the stairs and the package is in the middle of the generators on the right.

Congrats, Rocket Launcher!

-71-. Just south of the white building from #70 is a yellow building. This is the print works. I suggest jumping down into the lot of the print works from the roof of the white building. It doesn't take much health. Head south of the print works and then east on the road. You should see a wooden fence on your left. Follow the fence around to the entrance, which faces east. This package is near the base of the billboard inside this area.

---Little Havana---

I suggest getting the next two at the same time.

-72-. From Phil's Place head south past the pizza joint again. Before the road turns sharply left, take a right. Follow this road until it ends it a T intersection. On your right is the coin laundry. This package is inside.

-73-. Head east from the laundry and use R2 to look right. You should see a for sale sign on a teal building. This package is on the top of the stairs.

-74-. Back to the laundry from #72. Head east and make the first right. You should now be heading south. Continue to the end. At the T intersection make a right. On your left you should see a diner that you can enter. Across the street from the diner (Robina's) is an alley heading north. Enter the alley and go through the gap on your right. This package is near some trash bags in this area.

-75-. Back to the laundry from #72. Head east and make the first right. You should now be heading south. Continue to the end. At the T intersection you should notice a wall directly ahead. Go around it and go through the gap on the west side of this area. Beyond is a staircase. Climb up and then jump down to the rooftop north of you. Climb another set of stairs and then go to the northeast corner of this rooftop. Jump onto the walkway in front of the billboard here to get package #75. (And a nice new sniper rifle.)

-76-. From the laundry in #72 head east. Follow the curve south. Continue on to the end. At the T intersection make a left. Continue on to the end. On the corner just north of you is a donut shop. (Yes, cops do like to hang out here, at least it seems that way to me.) This package is behind the counter.

-77-. From the donut shop in #76 head west until the road turns north. On the south side of the street is a building with a red awning. Go around back and climb the stairs (which should be in plain view from the front of the building). On the top you will find a rampage, and in the southwest corner, package #77.

-78-. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow this road and watch your left hand side. When you see a series of flags you know you are in the right place. Right behind the flags is the auto showroom. Enter from the south side and go up the ramp to the second floor. Package #78 is in a corner.

---Vice Port---

The southern tip of the mainland area.

Read ahead for the next two. You can get them at the same time if you want.

-79-. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow this road and notice the large plant to your right. The first chance you get after seeing the plant make a right. follow the road around and you will be going north. The gate into this area is on your right. Bust in and then use pretty much any car to jump the ramp here to get inside the plant. You should be able to find the 4 large tanks pretty easy. This package is right in the middle of them, behind a blue pipe.

-80-. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow this road and make the first right. Follow this road as it curves north. Bust into the parking lot on the right. The package is in-between a red and a blue trailer in this lot. Note that this is the same lot you pass through on the way to the tankers from the last package.

Congrats! Sea Sparrow!

-81-. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow this road and make the first left. Make a right at the T intersection (should be facing the water's edge before you make this turn). Hold R2 and you should be able to see as you pass a grassy area, then a parking lot, then a grassy area, and so forth. This package is in the 4th parking lot you come to.

-82-. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow this road and make the first left. Make a right at the T intersection (should be facing the water's edge before you make this turn). If you keep left on this road you should enter the docks area. There is a ship to your left as you enter. Board it. This package is tucked away in a corner on the east side of the ship. It's best to board from the north ramp and head south, then make the first left you see. Then head to the east rail and then just head south.

-83-. Head south from the ship in #82. Just follow the road. Keep right but don't turn. Follow the road and soon you should be heading north. Once this happens watch your right side. You should see a sign for the Vice City Port Authority. The package is right under that sign. Go east and then around the wall, and grab it.

Apparently there is a second sign further north of this one. Once you are heading north if you make the first right, the sign is on your left.

-84-. Get a helicopter. Your target is the southwest ship in the dock. Make sure to land it such a way that you can get off the ship using the heli. If you get stuck here you pretty much have to kill yourself in order to leave. The package is in front of a metal door.

-85-. From the donut shop in #76 head west and make the first left. Follow this road and make the first right. Follow this road (bear left at the fork) and you should eventually see a large hangar on the left with a small door. Head inside and make a hard left. You should be facing a little corner office. Inside you will find package #85.

-86-. Head back to the dock right in front of the ship from #84. Jump onto the ledge right on the waters edge that is slightly raised above the ground and walk on it west. You should come to a large open area. I mean, this area is huge. Package #86 is in the far northwest corner of the area.

Only one area left to go... excited?

---Escobar International Airport---
I recommend getting all the packages from here on in one go. They are all pretty close together and travel time is pretty short with a helicopter. You need one for many of the packages and I just think it's better to keep it around rather than go get a new one. It's all a matter of personal preference though, there are always tons of ways to accomplish anything in this game.

-87-. Just west of the hangar where package #85 was found is the cargo terminal of the airport. This package is on the roof, and there is no easy way up there. So get yourself a helicopter. There appears to be a way to jump up to this building as there are many ramps to the west, it also seems like you might need a bike to pull this off. If you try this and it works for you please let me know. I recommend keeping the helicopter for the next several packages.

-88-. If you still have the helicopter from #87 then great, land on the southernmost helipad and pick up this package. You can easily get here without the helicopter though. From the airport entrance just head south. There are not a lot of landmarks here to guide you by, but the pads are easy to spot. Remember, it's the southernmost helipad.

Wow, I've had a lot of mail on this one. First thing's first, when I say the southernmost helipad, I mean in the entire airport area. There are two other helipads, but only one of them is contained within the main gate of the airport. Also, this package is right in the middle of the H. One more thing, this package is one that people who have used cheats have reported to disappear. It seems that this package is a prime target for that issue.

-89-. You don't need a helicopter for this one, but if you still have it from the last package, it makes this much easier. There are three runways at the airport. Two of them run north-south, and one runs northeast-southwest. Head to the northeast end of the northeast-southwest runway. There are two hangars to the southeast of this runway. The southwestern most of these two has this package on the roof. If that seems too complicated, stand at the building entrance to the cargo terminal from #87. This hangar is visible to your left if you are looking north. You could use a vehicle to jump onto this hangar, but again a helicopter is MUCH more easy.

-90-. Jutting out of the main terminal, towards the south, are two large loading bridges. Those are the white 'arms' they use to put you on the plane. This package is on the very tip of the east extension, which can easily be reached by helicopter. There is another way to get up here though. You could find a packer, which is basically a large portable ramp, and park it next to one of the smaller extensions, then get a vehicle and jump onto the extension, but the helicopter is just so much easier, considering you need it for at least one package in this area... why not use it?

Congrats! TANK! One more prize to go!

-91-. Remember in #90 I described two loading bridges? Well now we are concerned with the other one. The package isn't on it though, it's on a plane on the other side of it. You can't land in the same place you did on #90 for some reason. It's mostly intangible. In fact, there are a few parts of this extension that are intangible so I didn't risk any of it. What I did was pull a packer (basically large ramps on wheels) up to the connection between this plane and the loading bridge. Then I just walked up the packer onto the connection, and jumped on the plane. I experimented with several methods of getting this package using a helicopter, and couldn't get them to work. It also looks feasible to use a nearby ramp to jump a bike up onto the bridge, but the packer is easier I'm sure.

-92-. It's almost directly under #91. It's under the same plane, very easy to find.

-93-. Directly west of the plane from #91 & #92 there is a plane halfway out of a hangar. #93 is under the wing.

-94-. North of #93 there is a fire station. It has an antenna on top, it's impossible to miss. This package is on the west side of the building.

-95-. Now head inside the main terminal. Either entrance is fine. Just follow the large window around to the right. This package is where the window begins on the right hand side.

-96-. Now you will need a helicopter again. This package is on top of the main terminal. The terminal is basically three hills and two valleys. This package is western valley. Land carefully so that you can keep the helicopter as you proceed, it just makes things easier for you.

While I still like doing this with the helicopter, it's been pointed out to me that you can jump up here with a motorcycle using the sign with the surfboard as a ramp.

-97-. Go back into the main terminal. Climb the escalator and enter terminal 1-8. There are only two terminals so if you find the wrong one just go to the other. Enter and go as far as you can. At the dead end turn around and you should see this package.

-98-. As you exit the airport and head to the east there are a series of billboards The package is behind those billboards... but from your current perspective they are behind a fence. You can get back there many ways.
1. The long way. - Go around the fence. It takes a while as the fence turns into a wall. If you want to do it this way head south to the edge of the fence, then east through the grassy area. Cut north and then immediately west once the wall ends. Now follow the billboards north to the end and you should reach the grassy area with the package.
2. Fly. - The best way, if you still have the helicopter.
3. Jump. - There is a gap in the fence, but you need to jump a bike up there, the slanted wall acts as a ramp.
-99-. This one is at 'northeast airport' as it has been called. The entrance is opposite the entrance to the actual airport. Head around the back and you should see two planes. The package in question is under the plane to the west.

And, finally...

-100-. This one is pretty easy actually. North of the 'northeast airport' is the army base. This package is behind it's sign. If you have trouble finding it I suggest using your helicopter.

And you get... a load of money and the mystery vehicle... THE HUNTER!

---Now, SAVE!---

Posted by <~Wee-Man~>

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