
New page! This page will hold all new goss and rumors and umm other shit for upcoming games.
·Up coming games
Ok well I'm just going to tell you when some of the good up coming games like:
-Lord of the Rings: Return of the king (out 14th November).
-Need for speed: underground (out 28th October)
-Medal of Honor: Rising sun (out 21st November)
-Tony Hawks Underground (10th November)
-The Playstation 2 network adaptor is finally here on the 10th of October.
With the network adaptor you need to have a playstation 2 of coarse, a network adaptor, mermory card 8mb and broadband so yeah, if you can get all that and games that can go network, do it! If you want more info on any of these Click Here!
And you can find the rest out for yourself if you want to.
Posted by <~Wee-Man~>
Final Fantasy 7II: Advent children
finally a long awaited sequal to the most famous rpgs and possible games ever to embrace this vile and pathetic world final fantasy 7: advent children. it has the best graphics i have ever seen, beating the crap out of even final fantasy x.the faces look real, the affects look real, omg it's like there using actors, i umm "excerted" this clipping from another web site
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
[09.25.03]>> By {name withheld}
All the people who wished Final Fantasy VII would never end will finally get what they wanted as Square-Enix reveals one of their newest features: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. At this time Square has not decided which platform to debut this title, and it is speculated it may only be a DVD Movie of PS2-esque cutscenes. There were even hints flying around about a possible XBox release, sometime next year in Japan. Not much is currently known about the storyline except for the events surrounding the end of Final Fantasy VII. This title, rumored before as 'FF7 Gaiden', features the aftermath of Cloud and Sephiroth 2 years after the fall of the climatic Meteor. {site withheld} will be sure to keep you updated as more information arises!-end excert
so lets hope it comes to ps2 only, x box couldn't handle our consoles supperiority
click here to view a magazine scan for the upcoming sequal
-ssjtidus666: frigit prick
Castlevania: lament of innoncence
well it's abot bloody time, they only made one of the castlevania games out of a long list on the playstation {sympohny of the night} but it was to be the best one of them all until now, after 6 years it is returning to our consoles and on the ps2 to boot, i stole this thing from another site aswell
castlevania: lament of innocence
[By {name withheld}
Back in the 32/64-bit era, Konami felt it wise to move Castlevania into the third dimension. As time has proven, this wasn't exactly the best of moves. While not terrible games, the Castlevania N64 games were sluggish and had very inconsistent level designs. Fans cried out, demanding that the series remained confined to two dimensions for the rest of eternity. While that has been the case, all of the Castlevanias since then have been released on the Gameboy Advance. But now Konami is once again moving Castlevania into 3D, but not without carefully studying what went wrong in the first place.
Though Sonia Belmont from the mediocre Gameboy title Castlevania Legends was long thought to be the matriarch of the Belmont clan, Lament of Innocence takes place far before, in the 11th century, while Vlad Tepes was still human. Leon Belmont was a respectable and reasonably happy knight, until his dear lady Sara Trantoul kidnapped and whisked away to the local spooky castle. Honorbound to save his girlfriend at the risk of being ridiculed by real video game heroes everywhere, Leon obtains the legendary Vampire Killer whip from an alchemist named Rinaldo Gandolfi and heads off into the night, searching for vengeance. There is also another character named Mathias Cronqust, a military strategist, although his tie to the overall plot is currently a mystery.
Lament seeks to go back to the old school Castlevania structure, getting rid of the castle exploration we've seen over the past five years. Instead, you'll be given a choice of five different areas to venture though - the garden, an opera house, the laboratory, the dungeon and the cathedetal. This sounds fairly sparse, though the levels are said to be sprawling and have plenty of hidden items.
The game eschews the behind-the-back camera angle that the first game primarily used in favor of a fixed overhead view that pans to keep Leon in sight. The action has been made fast and intense, with two kinds of whip attacks and a variety of combo attacks to unleash upon the enemy. The classic subweapons have returned, and much like Harmony of Dissonance, their powers can be combined with one of seven orbs to create magic attacks. There will also be relics that will give Leon special abilities, including healing and invincibility spells. From the videos, there also seems to be a fair amount of platform jumping in addition to the enemy bashing. And for the first time since the 16-bit titles, Leon can actually use his whip to swing over chasms.
A series of Castlevania vetereans are working hard on this, including producer Koji Igarashi (Konami's boss of Castlevania, it seems) character designer Ayami Kojima and musician Michiru Yamane. The music is said to match the game's purely gothic atmosphere, and there is a possibility that a soundtrack CD will be included. There will be both English and Japanese dialogue options as well.
Here is a preview of the gameplay, written by [name withheld] :
The booth for Konami was surprisingly small, and did not get the attention I would have assumed a new Castlevania game would garner (considering there were 1500+ video games junkies patrolling the convention hall). However, I took advantage of the playable demo...and let me say this...utterly fantastic. I began in a traditional circular room with two doors on both sides and a long hallway extending from one of the two doors---the other was locked. Leon has incredibly tight controls and responded as quick as a whip (couldn't help myself) when making fast turns to smack skeletons. The visuals were surprisingly polished and showed a nice array of lighting effects, including shadows on all walls when Leon passes by. Everything appears to be running at a solid 30 fps, no hiccups.
Most important though, and as most 'vania fans will attest, is the menu screens and use of the map function, which are obviously crucial to every game in the series since SOTN. The map is in the traditional blue but it is fully rotatable. "Uh oh," your saying, "a confusing and boggling map system like the 3D one in Metroid Prime." Not quite. Not to harp on prime, but the 100% scalable map made it easy to get lost. LOI does not let you flip the map upside down, and thus makes it harder to become lost. Furthermore, Leon is portrayed as a red arrow, making it somewhat idiot proof in regards to the transition to 3D from SOTN. I was never someone who supported the move to 3D for the series. Yet, it does truly look like a wonderful adaptation of the game we all know and love. Its fast, the spell system is easy to learn, and the game appeared in the demo to be difficult. Many of the rooms were locked and not yet accessible in the demo. However, I do know one thing. Come October 29 I will be locked in and inaccessible---as this could easily be the pinnacle of the series.
Lament of Innocence seems to be an apology letter to Castlevania fans, much the same way Contra: Shattered Soldier was. My only concern at this point is that the game design sounds an awful lot like Tecmo's Rygar: The Legendary Adventure. That's far from a bad thing - the game was excellent - but it was also terribly brief and fairly easy. Since tosses a majority of the RPG aspects out the window, here's hoping that the game will be long (and tough) enough to keep the game lasting for more than a few hours. In any case, Lament of Innocence is scheduled for an October 29th release in America. The Japanese release is due a month after, with a limited edition being made available - this will include the soundtrack, a small artbook and a reproduction of one of Ayami Kojima's paintings.
-end excert
so lets hope it comes to ps2 only, x box couldn't handle our consoles supperiority
click here to see cover
-ssjtidus666: desperate for love
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