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There hasn't been much said about the dude behind that works the hardest to ensure that Moya functions correctly. What we do know is that he's bonded to Moya, but he is his own species also.

Some Facts about Pilot:

Pilot is operated by John Eccleston, Dave Collins, Sean Masterson, Graeme Haddon and Tim Mieville, and voiced by Lani John Tupu(who also plays Captin Bialar Crais).

The other characters:

| Home | E-mail Diane | The Guest Book|
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| Commander John Crichton | Officer Aeryn Sun | Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan | Ka D'argo | Dominar Rygel XVI | Pilot | Chiana |
| Season 1 Episodes |
| Claudia Black | Ben Browder | Gigi Edgley | Virginia Hey* | Anthony Simcoe* | Lani John Tupu |