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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4







D. Dwight Davis vs. Red Thunder
This had the basic mat moves, with Red Thunder working on Davis mostly through out the hole match. Red Thunder takes the match after Davis hits the Sun Set Flip but Thunder counters it and hooks both of D. Dwight's legs for the three count. Winner Red Thunder

The Shodow vs. Kid Phoenix
This was a pretty good match for a couple of rookies to the squared circle. Shodow hit a few nice dropkicks, and also dose a senton bomb. Phoenix dose a butiful spring back elbow (basically he dose a head stand, then bounces off the ropes doing a cart wheel, and following up with a back elbow). Also Shadow grabs the arm of Phoenix, and then run up the top rope leading with a bunch of flips (I think a 450 cork screw) then takes down phoenix with a arm drag. phoenix dose a swinging DDT and also a plancha. Phoenix also hits an awesome pump handel slap turning it into a fire men's carry into a DVD. The match ends after Kid Phoneix dose a top rope splash on the Shadow what distance on this move Phoneix must of leaped atleast three quaters of the ring. There were just so many moves in this math.Winner: Kid Phoenix

The Orderly vs. Tex Gaines
This match had the basic wrestling moves, and really was a match which heated up the fans. The match took it self to the outside of the ring were Gaines swings The Orderly into the guard rails which fall over, amazingly nobody was seriously hurt. Also in the outside The Orderly dose a a suplex to Tex on the floor, Orderly follow's with a elbow of the ring apron. In the end Tex Gaines takes the match.Winner Tex Gaines

Jason Anderson vs. Hercules Ayala
Thas was another basic mat wrestling match. The match ended when Hercules pushed Anderson into Anaconda, and from there he rolled up Jason for the three. Winner: Hercules Ayala

After the match match Anderson introduced the Karachi Vice, the new team is mad up of Anderson, Marrow, and Gama. All of the three me started to beat on Hercules until Tex Gaiens cames in. From there, there was a challenge issued , Gaines said he partner is not in the arena but next time he will be there for a six man tag.

In ring interview with Chris Steele:
Steele basically makes fun of Freeze and Anaconda, while the interview Anaconda atacks Steele from behind which dose no effect on Steele. Chris Steele then starts to beat on Anaconda then Freeze jumps in the ring, and both Anaconda and Freeze start to beat on Steele until the official come to break it up.

Jake Shamrock vs. King Lau
This match was was quit an improvement from the last these two had. Jake and Lau had a good flow of mat moves going during the begining of this match. The match ended when Shamrock and Lau were brawling outside of the ring, at the 18 or 19 count Jake hopped into the ring causing Lau to be counted out at the 20 mark.Winner: Jake Shamrock

Jerry Morrow & Great Gama Singh vs. Hunter Swift & Todd Destiny
Wow this was a match to rember and go down in History, of Alberta Pro Wrestling. This was basically a good techniqual mat match, with a few good spots. Marrow hits a top rope splash on Destiny, Gama dose a top rope knee drop, and Swift also dose a 450 splash missing Marrow, and driving his face to the mat. After Swift misses to 450 he tags in Destiny, on the apron Swift falls off the apron falling to the floor (I think he was dizzy) Once swift gets back up he starts to constantly spit out blood. From there both teams start to exchange tags, until Jerry Marrow and Todd Destiny end up in the ring togather. Marrow sets up Destiny for a vertical suplex, he must of had him up for a couple of seconds, when Morrows drives Destiny to the mat, THE RING FALLS APART. From here all the fans just go nuts and stand on there feet. All for men continue to wrestle in the ring, Gama pile drives Swift, and Marrow and destiny wrestle until Marrow slams Destiny to the really steap part of the ring, Morrow heads up to the top rope and nails another top rope splash the fans go wild and Morrow gets the three count. Afer the match practily all of the fans get up on there feet and star clapping, for this amazing match. Swift was carried out at the end of the match by a couple of wrestlers, as he got another standing ovation. All for men gave it there all, what a match.Winner: Jerry Marrow and Great Gama

Since there was not much left of the ring, PWA announced that the main event between Steele and Freeze would now be a Street fight.

Chris Steele vs. Eric Freeze
Freeze comes down with a couple of buckets, with wepons in them. When Steele came out they wasted no time getting the action starterd. Both men fought throgh out the arena, into the fans Freeze threw Steele into atlest three rows of chairs, and then they made there way to were people were drinking, Steele took back control and Suplexed Freeze on a table wich fell apart. They made there way back by the ring Steele was tossed into the guard rails a few times, and then Freeze actually took Chris Steele back into the ring doing a suplex, and then both men went back outside. Freeze set up Steele on a table then went to the top rope to do a top rope splash throgh the table, but Steele moved out of the way. Sfter that Freeze just picked up Steele and slamed him to the ground for the three count. This was a good match considering both me had to wrestle outside to ring throgh out the hole match. Winner: Eric Freeze

After the match Chris Steele was escorted back into the locker rooms. Freeze taunted all the fans and said how e kicked Steeles butt all over the arena. Also Freeze wanted another match with Steele at the next show in a stretcher match.

Past PWA results