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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






News for June, 29/2001

- WCEW will be adding five WCEW VHS tapes to there merchandise section, these tapes will contain the first five WCEW events that took place in Calgary.

- Talk id the star WCEW is negotiations with is Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart. Anvil is three time WWF tag team champions, a WCW superstar, and he also had a stint in ECW for a short peroid of time.

- There is also talk that WCEW is perhaps in talk with former ECW heavy weight champion Steve Corino

News for April, 30/2001

Here are just some other wrestlers added to the WWF shows in Calgary and Edmonton. Bill Yeats, "Prime Time" Greg Pawluk, The Highlander, and Robert McManus. I'm glad to see these guys added to the card what a show it is going to be for the Alberta indy's and there fans.

News for April, 21/2001

- Well it looks pretty much official. "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine will be at the WWF Raw is War and Smackdown tapeing to do dark match's a put someone over. Hey as Devine said "it's a shot and that's all that matters." congratulations Devine you desirve this oppertunity.

- It looks like "Mad Dog" Mcfly will be heading over to Grand Prix Wrestling in the Maritimes. Could this mean the Mcfly will be dropping his WCEW heavyweight tile in the near future, Maybe Edmonton...

- For those who don't know former CAWF star Steve Gilespie has made his way to WCEW.

- WCEW in Edmonton on April, 28/2001 will be general admission seating, so get there early for the best seats possible.

News for April, 16/2001

- Part of the WCEW roster was at the Stampede Wrestling show on the April, 13/2001 to promote the next WCEW show in Calgary on April, 20/2001.

- From what I here WCEW is now offering Wrestlers contracts, this causes some off the WCEW wrestlers less jobs in the indy scene because of these contracts. Maybe this is the reason why Rick Vain and Ali have detached from WCEW...