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Part 1
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Part 4






WCEW Wrestling results June, 15/2001

Match One:"Crazy" Dean accompanied by "Dirty Duke" Durrango Vs. Chris Steele

Chris Steele started out this match strong but again fell victim to the underhanded methods of the brotherly team members of Damage Incorporated. As Chris Steele implored a front face buster on "Crazy" Dean and covered for the count, "Dirty Duke" Durrango distracted the ref, tossed a chair into the ring onto which "Crazy" Dean pile drove Chris Steele to achieve the three count. Winner: "Dirty Duke" Durrango

Match Two: SoDamn InsaneVs."Pretty Boy" Chuck Biggz

Newcomer to the WCEW circut SoDamn Insane made his debut taking on "Pretty Boy." SoDamn Insane tossed Biggz out of the ring, climbed to the top rope and jumped onto Biggz with a "double axe handle" over the head. SoDamn Insane got a few more shots in on the "Pretty One" before Biggz dropped SoDamn Insane with a Samoan drop for the win.Winner: "Pretty Boy" Chuck Biggz

Match Three: James T. accompanied by Diana Hart Vs. Savior

The second newcomer of the night started out strong with a reverse neck breaker, leg sweep to the outside of the ring and a face buster. Unfortunately soon after, James T. somehow tore his patella tendon, which is the tendon that attaches to the bottom of the kneecap to hold it in place, and could not continue the match. He fell to the outside of the ring where he stayed until the ref counted him out. Thereby declaring Savior the winner. James under went surgery on June 16th and is now on a slow path to recovery.Winner: Savior

Match Four:
Triple Threat Match Rock Evans Versus Greg Pawluk Versus "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

In the early goings of the match, it appeared that "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine and Rock Evans had formed an alliance against Pawluk. Pawluk got his revenge as he delivered the reverse blockbuster to both combatants before tossing "Hot Shot" out of the ring. As the match continued, Pawluk stretched "Hotshot" in the surfboard as Rock Evans grabbed a garbage can, which he used on Johnny Devine. When everything came out in the wash, Rock Evans was the winner as he climbed to the top rope to deliver the Evans Stinger. With a chair in hand, Evans tossed it at "Hot Shot" who diligently caught it and ended up wearing it in the face as Rock Evans dropped kicked him.Winner: Rock Evens

Julio Promo

Before the next match, Julio Latino came out to thank the fans for the email and letters that he received wishing him all the best as he recovers from his reconstructive shoulder surgery. As he was thanking the fans, Vic Viper came out from the back and promptly tied in to the "Latin Lover's" shoulder. Just as Viper tied in to Julio Latino, "Pretty Boy" Chuck Biggz, came to his rescue. Viper the turned his attention to Biggz and started to lay into him when Synn and Savior appeared outta now where for a quick save. Rumor has it that Julio Latino he is returning home to Colombia to recuperate. Julio is also believed to have said that he has taken Canadian extreme wrestling a little too lightly; he thought that South American extreme wrestling was rough but it has nothing on WCEW. He plans on training harder and more diligently while he is gone and plans to return stronger and better then ever..

Match Five: "Dirty Duke" Durrango Vs. Johnny Handsome Johnny Handsome took charge early in this match by suplexing "Dirty Duke" and the attacking him with a big back elbow. Johnny Handsome's charge didn't last too long as "Dirty Duke" and "Crazy" Dean again worked together as the ref pulled "Dirty Duke" off of Handsome, "Crazy" Dean continued to choke. "Dirty Duke" ended the match quickly with a drop toehold and the patented "Dirty Duke" Dirtyplex.Winner: "Dirty Duke" Durrango

Match Six: "Vicious" Vic Viper Vs. Synn

The two archrivals started the match with some intense chain wrestling. Vic Viper couldn't take the heat and took refuge outside the ring. Viper attempted to come back using the tilt-a-whirl back breaker and suplex. Synn won the match as Vic Viper did his Viper wiggle, which Synn met with a low blow, flying elbow, death valley driver, and crucifix into a sunset flip for the win.Winner: Synn

Semi Main Event: Six Man Battle Royal for position for the Mid-Heavyweight belt "Crazy" Dean vs. "Dirty Duke" Durrango vs. Greg Pawluk vs. "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine vs. Johnny Handsome, vs. Rock Evans

The battle royal started out with two separate matches as "Crazy Dean", "Dirty Duke" and Johnny Handsome squared off in one corner and Pawluk, "Hot Shot" and Evans squared off in the other. As the match started to settle into it's pace's, the combatants paired off. The first to go was Rock Evans over the top rope and it wasn't much longer before Handsome joined him on the sidelines. This left "Hot Shot" as the only good guy to face the members of Damage Incorporated for the title shot. "Hot Shot" led a gallant effort against Damage Incorporated as he went to town on the trio. "Hot Shot" was trying to eliminate "Crazy" Dean over the top rope but "Dirty Duke" and Pawluk took advantage over the situation and tossed the two over the top rope, which left Pawluk and "Dirty Duke" as the two remaining in the ring. They will meet on June 29th to fight it out for the mid-heavyweight belt.Winners: Greg Pawluk & "Dirty Duke" Durrango

Main Event: Maddog McFly Vs. "The Butcher" Bill Yates

"The Butcher" made the mistake of concentrating his energy on the crowd, and was caught by surprise as Maddog took advantage of the situation. As Maddog had "The Butcher" tied up in the ropes, Tammy Hillfigure hit him over the head with her paddle. Maddog was strong throughout the match but the two ended up outside the ring as Yates threw Maddog out onto the floor and the two never made it back into the ring before the ref reached ten thus ending the make as a no contest. These two are hoping to settle the score on June 29th as the will meet again in a falls count anywhere match.Winner: Count Out

Past WCEW results
May, 26/2001
April, 28/2001