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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






August, 19/2001

Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Sqiggy's Corner, first off I would like to say how nice it is to back writing my column. I have been away from the wrestling world for sometime now, but as I can see that nothing has changed in the Alberta wrestling scene.

I am going to talk about WCEW's new change of office, with Duke Durrango gone into retirement the WCEW owners have named Hot Shot Johnny Devine as the new booker and from what I have already seen Devine is going to really make this company a success in the coming year. I am also saddened to hear that Maddog Mcfly has retired from the wrestling business also, he was one of the best indy talents out there for the last five years. Mike will be missed by so many people from the fans down to the workers, he has made a impact on all of our memories and more. I am also glad to see that Butcher Bill Yates has finally received a belt to go around his waist, he has worked his butt for the last three years and finally it has paid off as he is one half of the current WCEW in tag champs with Crazy Dean Durrango. I was also taken by surprise to see the return of Sledgehammer and him winning the WCEW title belt, it couldn't of went to a more well deserved talent like Sledgehammer. I also see Stampede tried another run at success with there jolt in July tour which had tiger Khan and the Musketeer on the tour, from what I have heard it had some success and some bad points but hey ever now and then Stampede deserves something good to happen to them and this was one thing that did happen. I hear Dave Swift, kirk Melykn and Apoc stole the shows on the tour and i also hear that Swift is ready for the big show. I hear Rick Vain is currently the top contender for the North American title held by Bruce Hart, if these two face off I look for a total miss match as Bruce is way out of Vain's league. I am glad to see Stampede got rid that Blake Norton moron from what I met of him he seems like a real brown nosier and if he kissed the hart's asses anymore he could been a adopted hart.

I also see that CCW is making there comeback on sept 9 in Sherwood park, well all I have to say is good luck Rob and Chris. I think this time around CCW will be a serious force to be reckon with and should produce some really hot action. Hey I hear PWA is making there comeback at the end of September, well if they are doing this they better get there asses in gear and get there ring prepared because they don't want another total screw up like the last show. I am also interested in seeing how Promoter Sorchan does it without Randy Dreamer doing all the work for him well he takes all the credit for it. Hey Kurt remember you made the PWA success without any help so let's see you sellout your town as I remember you saying no one not even WCEW could out draw you in Edmonton well from what I saw the last couple of shows WCEW has out drawn you every time. So good luck kurt and hercules because you guys are going to need it.

I also hear that there will be a new promotion hitting alberta by the end of october by the name of titan's pro wrestling, these should be interesting to see as there is already so really stiff competition form WCEW, Stampede and now CCW is back so this winter should be a really hot winter for the fans to see.

Well this brings us to the end of another edition of Sqiggy's corner, so till next time remember the true stars of wrestling is the fans

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Past Colums by Sqiggy
July, 2/2001
June, 25/2001
June, 18/2001
June, 11/2001
May, 28/2001
May, 21/2001
May, 14/2001
May, 7/2001
April, 30/2001
April, 23/2001
April, 16/2001