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Review and Results
 Stampede TV review
 Stampede house shows
 WCEW Results
 PWA Results
 CCW Results
 CAWF Results
 WWF in Alberta

Schedule Dates
 PWA Schedule
 WCEW Schedule
 CCW schedule
 Stampede Schedule
 CAWF Schedule

Title Histories
 Stampede Wrestling
 Can Am Wrestling

 Sqiggy's Corner

WCEW Wrestling
Stampede Wrestling
Can Am Wrestling
CCW Wrestling
ALB Message Board
Slam Wrestling
PCW Online

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






April, 16/2001

Hi and welcome to the first edition of Sqiggy's corner, in this weeks column I would like to talk how hot the Edmonton wrestling scene is at the moment. We have 3 Promotions comings to E-town in a matter of 8 Days and now the Edmonton fans a stuck in position of which shows to attend. Well in opinion the fans asked for it and they got it, first we have Can/am coming to Edmonton on April 21 to do a all ages show at Longriders saloon. Then six days later PWA rolls into town to blow the roof of Edmonton again with a power-packed card, the next night the WCEW comes to the Mayfield trade centre to do a show here in Edmonton. Edmonton wrestling fans spring is in the air and wrestling is on the scene so let's all batten down the hatches and away we go. I would also like to take a quick moment and wish Mr. Wrestling Stu Hart a speedy recovery. I attended Stampede wrestling's good Friday show and I was really impressed to what I had seen in the ring, Stampede has very excellent young guns there and it was also great to see Bruce Hart make his in ring return to the mat wars. Well I think I have covered everything for now and remember Alberta has the best wrestling fans in the world. So till next time keep on reaching for the best.
