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 Sqiggy's Corner

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






July, 2/2001

Hello and welcome to another edition of Sqiggy's Corner, I am going to talk about how serious the wrestling scene has become in Alberta as of late. First we have Stampede, they are quickly returning to the status they where at 10 years ago with such great athletes as Dave Swift, Kirk Melnyk and many more. I also have a feeling that in the coming summer months the fans might see some familiar faces returning to Stampede wrestling ring. We also have what I call the true next generation of Alberta indy wrestling in the WCEW, they have been of fire as of late and just keep on getting hotter and hotter. WCEW has the most talent roster in canadian indy wrestling right now with talent like Butcher Bill Yates, Maddog Mcfly and many others. There is also the PWA, they are currently in the re-building stage and as what I have been told by the PWA office they are going to back at full force soon so all I can say in good luck because they are against some stiff competition in stampede and WCEW, they have also lost some of there boys to WCEW like Chris Steel and Rock Evans formerly known as Jake Shamrock in the PWA. I think it should be interesting to see how PWA does when they make there comeback to the scene. I now want to talk about the amazing amount of talent that has come out of the camps in the last couple of months, like for instance Dave Swift in my mind he is going to be a superstar in no time. There is also Apocalypse he is a real excellent star on the rise. The WCEW has also debuted some great workers from there camp in Chuck biggz and Johnny Handsome, these two are really something to watch and have bright futures ahead of them and are really going to make names for themselves. There was even a couple who came out of Hercules ayala's camp which is working with the PWA, they debuted at the last PWA Show Kid Phoenix and the Shadow, the Shadow was also a ref for the PWA to. So as everyone can see there is great talent coming out of the camp and will be giving the fans some real hot action soon. Well this brings us to the end of another edition of Sqiggy's corner and remember the fans are the true stars of wrestling.
