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 Sqiggy's Corner

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






June, 11/2001

Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Sqiggy's corner. I want to talk about how the Alberta wrestling scene is really heating up, mainly between WCEW and Stampede. I really want to see which promotion comes out the true promotion in Alberta as WCEW is tearing up Alberta with there action packed cards, while Stampede is rebuilding and trying regain number one promotion here Alberta. WCEW has some of the best talent in WCEW with Maddog Mcfly, Bill Yates, Durrango bros, Johnny Devine, Highlander and many more, well Stampede has what I call the young lions of wrestling in Dave Swift, Kirk Melynk, D. Dwight Dvise and many more. So in the coming summer months the Alberta wrestling fans are in for some really hard hitting action from these two promotions.

In this column I also want to talk about how serious it's getting with the fans trying to fight the wrestlers. I remember growing up and going to a show and cheering on the good and hating the bad, but now a days I see fans taking swings at wrestlers or jumping into the ring. If you want to get involved join a school learn the business then you can get involved because remember it's all a show and the wrestlers are trained professionals and the fans are not. I mean like think for a minute do you honestly think so wrestling fan could really stand a chance in shoot with a wrestler, I think not so fans remember boo or cheer but don't get involved until your trained to wrestle and bump. then there is wrestling fans who come on the message boards and run there mouths about how if they ever meet this wrestler in person they will kick the hell out the wrestler. It's ok to come on the board and state your opinion about the wrestlers but don't act tough because all your really doing hiding behind your computer. Well I guess this brings us to the end of another Sqiggy's corner so till next time remember the fans are the true stars of wrestling.
