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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






June, 25/2001

Hello and welcome to another edition of Sqiggy's Corner, in this column I want to talk about this past weekend's Stampede wrestling tour. I attend the Calgary show and I was totally taken by amazement by how much Stampede has improved in last couple of months. I was really happy with how great the of a match the Mat Rats had put on, Teddy Hart really has a great thing going and I wish him all the luck in his future mat rats shows. One Stampede Star who I have never mentioned in this column before a young star by the name of Rick Vain, he is going to be a real star in coming years. He just came off of a very good showing against Edge at the raw taping Calgary, I look for Vain to be a real force to mess with in the future.

I am also attended WCEW last show in Calgary and it was very impressed by talent that performed, the high-light of the show was the match pitting Rock Evan VS Johnny Devine VS Greg Pawluk in a hard-core three way match in which Evans came out on top in this Match. I am also glad to see that WCEW is finally going to Name it's first Cruiser weight champion, they have such a deep cruiser division that they could have one of most talented division to ever be seen. I was really impressed on how great Bill Yates have gotten in last six months, he going to get his break one day and everyone who doubted it will be eating there words because I promise in five years we will see Butcher Bill Yates in the big Show.

I also want to comment on what was posted on the Message board about me and the PWA going our separated way. All I want to say is that yes I have left PWA for the moment well they rebuild and I am not sure if we will ever work together again. I am still good friends with Kurt and I want to wish him all the luck in his future plans and business. I real hope PWA succeeds in the future shows.

I wanted to warn the alberta Fans to be on the look out for some new big surprise's on the Alberta wrestling scene, this surprise will rock the Alberta wrestling world, so Alberta get ready for the hottest wrestling scene to ever come. Well this brings us to another edition of Sqiggy's corner so remember the wrestling fans are true stars of wrestling.
