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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






May, 21/2001

Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Sqiggy's Corner, in this column I am going to talk about the CCW and Can/Am. Both of these Promotions have either folded or have just faded into outer Space, first Can/am I remember when they first came on the scene they were the thing to see as they had such names as Kenny Johnson, Black Dragon, Pitbull Kid, Steve Gilispie and many more. Can/Am really was hot for about two years but then the office decide that they have given enough and just decided to start ripping off the fans town after town they ran in, so the fans finally decided to quit supporting them and people also started to see that Can/am was just some two bit promotion who didn't have a clue what they were doing and how to take care of there stars. Can/Am is now shoved away in some dark corner, hopefully to never be seen or heard from again as they fans now have some real action in WCEW and PWA so they don't even want to see Can/am anymore so I guess it R.I.P. for Can/Am.

I now want to talk about this CCW company, I worked there very first show and I was so ashamed to be there, I mean like come on who books talent and then stiffs them and pays with T-shirts. I mean CCW's promoter doesn't even have a clue what he is doing and he has some untrained guy doing his booking for the company. If the CCW wants to make anything for them selves shutdown for like two years and actually learn something about the business and then try and run shows again, also find a booker with some talent and doesn't always put himself over everyone. In my opinion the only wrestler they have with talent who works for them steady is the Orderly, so CCW you are nothing but some lower class flea market wanna be wrestling promotion so please don't even try and fool the fans because even a new born baby could see that you will never go anywhere in this business. Well This brings us to the end of another column so in closing CCW and Can/Am please learn how to treat the fans because if you don't you will be the ones who are left holding thebag. So please remember the fans are the true stars of wrestling.
