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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






May, 28/2001

Welcome back to Sqiggy's Corner, in this week's column I am going to talk about how WCEW has become the top indy promotion in Canada. WCEW has been running now for about a year now and has done more in this time then any other promotion has ever done. The show WCEW put on Saturday here in Edmonton was the best indy show I had ever seen come to town. WCEW has the best indy talent in Canada at the moment with such stars as Duke Durrango, Bill Yates, Johnny Devine, Highlander, Viper and many more great stars. I believe that WCEW will soon become a major player in the world wrestling scene as they are fast becoming known world wide. WCEW is Alberta one and only wrestling promotion as they have proved this by selling out every show they run here in Alberta. WCEW is currently running a wrestling school out of Calgary, it is the top school in Alberta right now with Duke Durango as the head instructor there with all the WCEW stars dropping into help train the students in class. So if there is any wanna be wrestlers out there check into the WCEW training Camp in Calgary. So as you can see WCEW is going to be the true Champion of Alberta wrestling as there is no promotion here in alberta that can compete with the WCEW and there stars. I was taken by suprise to see Chris Steele and Rock Evan (Jake Shamrock) on the show saturday night in Edmonton. They were two of PWA's top stars now they are WCEW's stars so good luck to them with there new company. Well it looks like WCEW is quickly burying all the competition here in Alberta. So to take a phrase from Mr. Mark Dicarlo, "are you ready to get extreme." Well I guess this brings us to the end of another week of Sqiggy's corner. I hope you enjoy the column and remember WCEW is the Alberta wrestling champs. So till next time remember the fans are the real stars of wrestling.
