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 Sqiggy's Corner

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4






May, 7/2001

Welcome to this weeks edition of Sqiggy's Corner, I want to talk about how much Alberta wrestling has come in the last five Years. In the beginning there was Can/am they were the thing to see but that was only because hey had no competition in Alberta, so they could give us crap shows and we loved it because we were all starved for wrestling. Then Stampede Wrestling returned to Alberta and took it by storm and give us some of the best action we had ever seen in Alberta in a long time, so we had two promotions to watch and this made Can/am have to step up the action and they failed at this and there was no competition for Stampede. Stampede enjoyed a good run well Can/Am started to really suck and burn every place the ran shows at, so they began to hold only bar shows where they thought they could make a name for them selves and they were wrong, sure they can run in bars but remember drunk people would watch two monkeys wrestle. Stampede was still running strong then all of sudden the harts started not to care about the business or there wrestlers so they started to go down hill and the boys left and Started there own Promotion in Calgary the WCEW they have been running since late 2000 and have quite a name for themselves. At this time up in Edmonton we had the CCW which ran one show and have not been seen since. Now in Edmonton we have The PWA and they are giving the fans of Edmonton and area some really old fashion traditional wrestling we have been asking for. So we have WCEW and PWA battling for the number one position here in Alberta and Can/Am is pretty well dead here in Alberta. So Now let's all just sit back and enjoy the Alberta wrestling scene because it's as hot as ever. So till next week remember the fans are the true stars of wrestling.
