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Part 1
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Part 4






WCEW Wrestling results April, 28/2001

The Highlander vs. Julio Latino
This was a pretty good opener match, the Highlander really worked the fans. Latino early on the match did a michinoku driver (sit out slam). Later on The Highlander basically took control of the match doing, a sunset flip leg drop from the apron to the inside of the ring, he also did a turn over press from the apron into the ring. The match ended when Highlander hit the top rope leg drop for the three count.Winner: The Highlander

Visious Vic Viper vs. "Pretty Boy" Chuck Biggz
During the opening of the match Chuck Biggz did a nice cart wheel that impressed the fans. This was just a regular wrestling match with suplexe's, scoop slams, and and power moves. Viper brought a chair into the match nailing Biggz a couple of times, these shots sounded pretty hard. The match ended when Maxx Power interfered in the match. Power and Viper started to beat on Biggz until Marvin Pope came and gave a helping hand to "Pretty Boy."Winner: DQ

"Dirty" Duke Durrango & "Crazy" Dean Durrango vs. Synn & Savior
This was a pretty good match, all four men wrestled at a good pace doing, good technical wrestling, and a bit of high flying. around the middle of the match Synn did a beautiful tope (dive through the ropes) on "Crazy" Dean, these guys almost went into the fans. The match ended when "Crazy" Dean hits top rope frog splash for the three count.Winner: "Dirty" Duke Durrango & "Crazy"

"Prime Time" Pawluk vs. "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine
Wow as I thought this was going to be a awesome match and it exactly was. Both men did nice mat wrestling at a smooth pace, Pawluk hit a nice german suplex. Devine dose a nice outside inside spring board moonsault, and a plancha. While the two men wrestle in the outside Devine nails Pawluk in the gut with a chair. Also Highlander sets up a tables in the ring for Pawluk to use. back in the ring Pawluk hits a nice top rope huricinrana, and a inverted DDT when he runs up all three ropes. Also he dose a reverse huricinrana while Devine is on the shoulders of The Highlander. There were just so many near falls, it was surprising that "Prime Time" kicked out of Johnny Devine's shooting star press. Also devine was nailed across the head with a chair three times. Ouch! The match ended when Pawluk tried to do another top rope huricinrana when Devine blocked it an turned it into a second rope power bomb through a tables for the three. Winner: "Hot Shot" Johnny Devine

Maxx Power vs. "Big Daddy" Marvin Pope
This was a basic match with two big men trying to out power one another. This was a pretty well paced match, until Vic Viper came in and set up a table in the corner of the ring leaning on three buckles. The match was thrown out when Pope was speared through the tables. After the match the beating never ended for "Big Daddy" until, "Chuck Biggz" came in a returned Pope a favor. Winner: DQ

WCEW Heavyweight Championship Match
"Maddog" McFly (champion) vs. "The Butcher" Bill Yates (challenger)
This was a pretty entertaining match up. Yates and McFly do some nice mat moves and power moves. Yates does a beautiful over the head slap which ended up with McFly's gut ending up in Yates' knee's (awesome). McFly hit's the Fly Swap but amazingly doesn't get the three count. Yates also dose a nice second rope suplex, but doesn't get the pin. The match ends when the referee is distracted by the Durrango's and Pawluk. While this is happening McFly hits a top rope leg drop for a pin, but while McFly is going for the pin he gets leg dropped by The Highlander, from there The Highlander roll's Yates on top of McFly for the three count. Winner: "The Butcher" Bill Yates"???...

After Yates takes the WCEW Heavyweight title, the owner of the WCEW comes out and tells Yates that this is not the way WCEW run's and McFly is still the WCEW heavy Weight Champion. From there the owner tells "The Butcher" that he can have another shot at the title in Edmonton, but this time in a lumberjack match.