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Part 4






WCEW Wrestling results May, 26/2001

Match One: Rock Evans Vs. Chris Steele
This math was at a pretty good pace with both men doing some nice counters and a series of pins. Evens hit a awesome superkick that got the fans "awwing" while Steels mouth was busted open. The match ended when Rock Evens grabbed a chair from outside the ring, climbed to the top rope, tossed the chair at Steele and used it as added leverage to drop kick Steele's face and obtain the three count.Winner: Rock Evens

Match Two: Johnny Handsome and "Hotshot" Johnny Devine Vs. The Highlander and "Primetime" Pawluk
This was a pretty good match, even though there were a few moves messed up. All for men wrestled at a good pace, and the fans were really into the action with Highlander hitting the raw nerves of the Edmonton fans. Handsome did a very nice hand stand bouncing off the ropes finishing off with a nice standing moonsault. Devine was nailed with Pawluks inverted DDT. The boys made the best of the match and it came to and end with "Primetime" wrangling Handsome into a Japanese STF submission hold, after a brawl in the middle of the ring. Handsome had no choice but to tap out.Winner: The Highlander and "Primetime" Pawluk

Match Three: "The Original Latin Lover" Julio Latino Vs. "Vicious" Vic Viper
The "Visious" one basically squashed Juilo in this match. Viper took the three count after nailing a sholder breaker. After the match Maxx Power comes out ond also starts beating on Lation, and delivered a massive power bomb.Winner: "Vicious" Vic Viper

Match Four: Synn and Savior Vs. "Dirty" Duke Durrango and "Crazy Dean" Durrango
Personally I think this match was the stealer of the night. All four men had the crowd heated up, and they wrestling at an awesome pace. During the match Synn nailed a butiful Tope, and outside the ring as well there was some good brawling with Duke doing a body press off a table. Also Synn did a awesome spring board arm drag that got the fans claping. The match ended when Synn and Savior nailed there finishing move "The G-spot Destroyer." This was basically a move were Savior lifted Duke on his sholders, and Synn would do a block buster from the top rope for the three count.Winner: Synn and Savior

Semi-Main Event: Event Maxx Power Vs. "Pretty Boy" Chuck Biggz
Power took charge of this match and made short work of "Pretty Boy" as he delivered such a massive chair shot to the head that busted open Biggz. At the end of the match, Viper interfered by delivering another devastating chair shot to the "Pretty One". "Pretty Boy" won via a disqualification but was in pretty bad shape. Also Power and Viper put Bigz through a table in the corner of the ring after the match. Winner: "Pretty Boy" Chuck Bigz

Main Event: Heavyweight Title Match "The Butcher" Bill Yates Vs. "Maddog McFly"
This was a lumber jack match with all the WCEW super stars surrounded around the ring. "The Butcher" did some nice moves including the "The Butcher's Guillotine" and then a vertical suplex from the top of the rope. Later on the match Damage Incorporated member "Crazy Dean" tried to help out his teammate by delivering a frog splash to McFly from the top rope but nailed Yates instead, allowing Maddog to get the three count and obtain the Heavyweight belt. "The Butcher" challenged Maddog to a rematch with the stipulation that no one would be allowed ringside to help him out. The only two allowed would be "Crazy Dean" and Tammy Hilfiger who would be handcuffed together at ringside. Even after all of this there was a huge brawl in the ring with the WCEW wrestlers. Winner: "Maddog" McFly