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Update History

Saturday, February 24, 2001:

    - Finally decided on a possible backgrounds and started testing for readability

Saturday & Sunday, March 03 & 04, 2001:

    - Changed graphics for Arts and finished all backgrounds
    - Started collecting and adding pictures to pages
    - Fixed some Arts
    - Started work on Mare page

Week of March 05-09, 2001

    - minor adjustments to tables, Mare Page and capturing images

March 06-30, 2001

    - minor adjustments to look, started work on Dreamer Page, changed House Histories and added pictures

April First Week, 2001

    - Actually got some pictures in. Almost complete on new maps and ready to upload

April and May, 2001

    - adjusted Arts, 3 new Arts in Dream, started Dreamers Handbook
    - started work on Artifacts page and Dark Mare list
    - added room and Plains Histories

Have been away for quite some time. Thank you for continuing to check this site!

November 29, 2001

    - was able to get started again
    - some new Arts need to be added, will be done over next couple of days
    - Started an Elder list, will try to keep it current, as to who is here, disappeared, unknown, etc

January 3, 2002

    - Started House Arts page, added Bequeath and Power Token
    - added histories for Ward, ID Curse and Recharge

January 4, 2002

    - Fixed an error on House Calenture page     -Thank you Kelos!
    - removed current Guardian, Ruler and Elder listings from House pages

January 5, 2002

    - Added histories for FlameRuin and Meditation
    - Added some more Elders
    - started work on a Dreamer List page

January 7, 2002

    - Added Newly Awakened to Arts

January 8, 2002

    - Added more Dark Mares and Elders to the lists
    - more work on Dreamer list page (maybe too big an undertaking -- have to see)

January 9, 2002

    - Started a groups page
    - started more research of Artifacts
    - added Dazzle to House Arts
    - added 2 Histories to Alliance of the Eclipse
    - added some Lambent Flats History
    - added Cairn of Sorrow History
    - added 2 histories for Threshold Caves (1) (2)
    - added Dreamers Page ( Very incomplete as of yet! )

January 10, 2002

    - more work on Dreamers Page
    - added Bridge of Memories picture
    - added picture to DoL scroll

January 14, 2002

    - checked Mt Illapse, Gloom Peaks and Valley of Totality and updated as needed

January 16, 2002

    - checked Lambent Flats and Umbric Plains

January 17, 2002

    - checked Lost Caves and updated (remembered to post updates from yesterday as well!)

January 18, 2002

March 3, 2002

March 2002

May 2003

January 2004

September 2005

October 2005

The Underlight Scrolls