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Ethiopia: History & Cultures
The volume contains fine reproductions from the largest collection of Ethiopian art outside that country, held by the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore. A text on the life and religious practices in Ethiopia by distinguished Ethiopian studies scholar Getatchew Haile and another by Jacques Mercier (Ethiopian Magic Scrolls) on the country's art history provide an introduction to the people, culture, and art of Christian Ethiopia and set the stage for an understanding and appreciation of the Ethiopian influence in works evocative of the religious art and iconography of Byzantium and Russia. Insightful contributions by C. Griffith Mann (The Visitor's Voice) on the role of various religious symbols in Ethiopian culture pay tribute to the technical skills of the artisans and place the artifacts within the customs and practices of that country. Offering useful information and delightful images for the student and enthusiast of world civilizations and cultures, this book provides, through an Ethiopian experience, a uniquely global perspective on the art of the Orthodox Christian world.

Old HS WWW: Haile Sellassie Family Web * H.I.M. Web-Biography: from Sellassie WWW pages * R&R: Rasta & Reggae, Rastafarianism, Texts, Links, News * HISTORY: History pages from Sellassie Family Web * FAMILY: Origins, Members, Generations, Tree, photos * Ethiop Village: Books, Music, Art, Gifts * References: Sellassie WWW sites * DIRECTORIES: Listing from all Sellassie sites *

History Road

2004: updates
In spite of Ethiopia's rich biblical heritage, it wasn't until the fourth century that Christianity became firmly established when Athanasius consecrated Frumentius (a missionary from Tyre) as bishop to become "chief pastor to the court at Axum...

Islam arrived in the seventh century when some of Muhammad's cohorts sought refuge in Ethiopia after being persecoted in Mecca in the formative days of the faith.

The Felashas, the black Jews in the northern region (who are said to have originated with the band who accompanied son of Solomon and Sheba, Menelik, from Jerusalem), had become so powerful by the tenth century that their leader Judith the Fire ruled the country...

From the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, Christianity flourished and the most of Ethiopian Orthodoxy and Art was developed during this time.

[The history pages on Sellassie sites cover the 20th century, Haile Sellassie' life. This page is about the previous century when Ethiopia reappered as a major empire in Africa. Visit Book pages for good books on Ethiopian history, there is a new Sellassie BOOKS website and, if you have new materials, manuscripts, work-in-progress, please contact us. We do plan to continue our web-publishing in the next century and millennium.
Read our pages and, if you believe that your work within the frame-mind of "Sellassie Books" -- write to us.
The House of Sellassie]

PS. Recommended Basic Readings: Richard Marsh, Black Angels and Graham Hancock, The Sign & the Seal. There is a new print of Kebra Negast (Ethiopian Classics) from the Red Sea Press; you can order it on line or send your check to Discount Books. More at E-Shelf @ Sellassie Cyber U.
The best way to stay informed about the new and news is to subacribe to Sellassie Book Club or put yourself on our mailing list. We send out our newsletter only twice a year.
If you want to participate in discussion, go to the Sellassie Forum. Thanks.

African Century: 100 Best
Africa doesn't measure its history in centuries, only in millenniums and I shouldn't think that after the American Age we will see the African Century. But one wonders what do we mean when so often we speak about globalism?

Our immidiate future has many new features. One of them -- the new technologies. Production of knowledge doesn't require developed industrial infrastructure; service, yes. In fact, the movement of money, energy and talent is an interesting migration.

Traditionally it was westward only. There is an obvious trend for manufacturing moving away from the West; it's cheaper. So-called international companies do not have nationality and business never had national loyalty.

Perhaps, we should remind ourselves that fifty years ago India couldn't feed itself, but today we do no hear about starvation of the East. The dymanics of the world development should be examined closely -- what do we really mean by "developing countries"? Could it that the West is not developing?

Ethiopian Antiquity

New Page! This page is the first one about Ethiopia's most celebrated feature -- Past. Most of the pages of Haile Sellassie Family Web is covering only the last century. It will take years to present the record of 3000 years (some say four) of history!

19th Century

Mostly about Religions: Orthodoxy Menelik and Adwa

Era of Princes

Christian Kingdom

Kebra Nagast

"The History of the departure of God and His Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem to Ethiopia, and the establishment of the religion of the Hebrews and the Solomonic line of kings in that previously pagan country."

All three cornerstones of Kebra Negast (The Glory of Kings) are still under questioning:

--Were the kings of Ethiopia descended from Solomon King of Israel?

--Was the Ark of the Covenant brought from Jerusalem to Akxum by Menelik (Menyelek), Solomon's firstborn son?

--Did God of Israel transfer His place to Akxum, the ecclesiastical capital of Ethiopia?

Also, read FETHA NAGAST (The Justice of the Kings)

Serious students of Ethiopian history should visit Bibliography Page -- the wonders of web will never replace wisdom of old books.

Greetings from the Topshelf Newsletter;


Regarding a new development in the discussion of the origins of Egyptian civilization, the June 2 issue of the science journal NATURE vol 392,page 488 published a letter by Malville and Wendorf of the universities of Colorado and Southern Methodist repectively, Ali A.Mazur of the Egyptian Geological Survey and Romauld Schild of the Polish Academy of Sciences reporting the discovery of stone megaliths in the Nubian desert. This stonehenge-like structure has been dated at at least 6000 years BP (before present), long before the building of the first pyramid at Saqqara, and before the megalith constructions in Europe, England, and Brittany. "Within 500 years after the exodus from Napta, in the Nubian desert, the step pyramid at Saqqara was built indicating that there was a pre-existing cultural base which may have originated in the desert of upper Egypt. An exodus from the nubian desert at ~5000 years BP could have precipitated the development of social differentiation in predynastic cultures through the arrival in the Nile valley of nomadic groups who were better organized and possessed a more complex Cosmology.
This is a discovery of great importance in that it is the first solid evidence of neolithic culture containing the necessary attributes for creating the pyramid culture. It establishes Nubia as the source of that culture and indicates that Nubia and Egypt constitute a single cultural complex that began in the south.
If similiar sites have been previously discovered, please let me know.
I created the AFRICA MIRROR in 1991 as a symbol of the central role of the continent in human history. You can check it out at The impact of this piece is immediate. One look and you'll know if it's for you. I can promise you that each copy is hand carved by me using the same methods as the original, not a stamped out machine made product. Tony Breaux
Topshelf AfroAmerican Gallery of Arts and Crafts

This page will take a lot of time to develop, because there are at least 3000 years of Ethiopian history is recorded. Perhaps it will take years to do it. If you interested in contributing to this section, please email us. Thanks.

@1999-2004 Cyber

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