
Therefore Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Says, “I Said Indeed That Your House, And The House Of Your Father, Should Walk Before Me Forever: But Now Yahweh Says, “Be It Far From Me; For Those Who Honor Me I Will Honor, And Those Who Despise Me Shall Be Lightly Esteemed”, (1 Samuel 2:30).

“Yahweh Said To Moses And Aaron, Because You Didn’t Believe In Me, To ‘Sanctify’ Me In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Therefore You Shall Not Bring This Assembly Into The Land Which I Have Given Them”, (Numbers 20:12). To Read More About How Moses Did Not Sanctify Yahweh In The Eyes Of The Children Of Israel, Enter Here.

Add To Your Respect And Fear Of Yahweh,
Kindred Kindness, And To Kindred Kindness Add Love
, (2 Peter 1:4-7).



For Those Who Honor Me I Will Honor, And Those Who ‘Despise’ Me Shall Be, “Lightly Esteemed”, 1 Samuel 2:30

Usually When We Use The Word, “Despise”, We Are Usually Associated It With Something We Hold In Contempt, That We Hate, We Abhor, Disgust, Detest, Dislike, Disdain Loathe Intensely, or Scorn.  However, The Word As Used In 1 Samuel 2:30 Is Not As Pungent Nor Repulsive.

The Hebrew Word Used Here Is, “Bazah”, And It Is Defined As, “Despise” ~ “To Make Light Of”, “To Regard As Insignificant”, “To Think Nothing Of”; “Don’t Appreciate”; “The Lack Of Honor And Respect Is To Dis-Esteem”, or To Put It In Today’s Words, “To Lightly Esteem”, “Hold In Contempt”, “Look Down Their Noses At”.

To Honor Yahweh Might Means At Time That You Have To Discipline Your Children, (To Make Disciples Of Them).

For I Have Told Him That I Will Judge His House Forever, For The Iniquity Which He Knew, Because His Sons Brought A Curse On Themselves, And He Didn’t Restrain Them.  Therefore I Have Sworn To The House Of Eli, That The Iniquity Of Eli’s House Shall Not Be Removed With Sacrifice Nor Offering Forever.  (1 Samuel 3:13-14).


Washing Each Other’s Feet

Love One Another With Kindred Affection [As Members Of One Family],
Giving Precedence And Showing Honor To One Another, (Romans 12:10).

I Went To Haiti Once With A Local Pastor On A Mission Trip To Build A Fish Farm.  Good Trip, Very Successful, Many Led To Christ.  Fish Tanks Built.  All The Way Around, An A+ Trip~!  I Had Given Away My Tennis Shoes To One Of The Local Boys That Helped Me Leaving Me Only My Casual Dress Rockport’s.  However, Just Before We Departed, The Children Wanted To Play Soccer, So All Of Us Played A Game With Them And Raced Them.  They Were Amazing.  A 12 Year Boy Almost Beat Me, And I Could Run Pretty Fast.  So, Playing Soccer With Them, Just Before We Left, My Shoes Got Extremely Dirty.

So On The Return Trip, We Arrived At The Port-au-Prince, Haiti Airport, And When We Arrived At The Airport We Got A Phone Call And Learned That One Child Had Just Died Back At The Love-a-Child Orphanage Compound, Having Contracted Malaria, {Most Likely Transmitted By A Mosquito}.  I So Wanted To Go Back The 12 Miles, But Our Senior Pastor Would Not Permit It As We’d Miss Our Flight To Miami, And He Wasn’t Confident That I Had The Faith To Raise Her From The Dead, (So, He Convinced Us To Just Pray For The Family).

When We Got To Miami, My Feet Were Hurting So Badly Because My Shoes Were Too Narrow.  Also, I Very Much Wanted To Get Them Cleaned As We Walked Through The Airport.  I Found A Shoe Shine Boy, But My Finding Him Alerted The Senior Pastor That Was Older Than Us, And He Also Wanted His Shoes Cleaned, And He Said, “That I Ought To Allow Him To Go First, As He Was The Elder And That His Feet Were Hurting Him”.  My Feet Were On Fire Throbbing So Bad, And His Shoes Were Just A Little Bit Dirty And Mine Were Filthy, But I Submitted Anyhow.

Then I Got My Shoes Cleaned And A Fresh Coat Of Polish On Them.  This Put Me Behind, And I Had To Run With Baggage To Catch Up With The Rest, And We Were Hurrying To Make Our Boarding Call.  However, The Senior Pastor Decided That His Feet Hurt Him Too Much And He Had To Sit Down, (He Mostly Rode The Tractor The Whole Time That We Were In Haiti, While I Did A Lot Of The Work Of Walking And Loading Blocks Onto His Tractor Hoist And Almost Got Sun Stroke And Had To Lay Down).  My Feet Were Hurting So Bad, And I Wanted To Sit Down Also, But I Also Knew That We Did Not Have Time To Rest.


Humility Requires Submission

The Senior Pastor Decided That We Had Waited Too Late And Would Miss Our Flight, And That There Would Be No Seats For Us As They Often Overbook.  However, I Knew In My Knower That We Needed To Board Our Plane And I Knew For A Fact With A Word Of Knowledge Gift That We Would Have Seats Available For Us.  And To Top That Off, The Place Where He Chose To Sit Was A Restricted Area, And I Politely Told Him So And Pointed To The Sign.  I Also Informed Him Again That We Could Make The Flight If We Got Going Right Now.

He Gave Me This Song And Dance About How He Was Older And That His Feet Hurt So Bad That He Just Couldn’t Go On And He Got Mad And Very Red Faced.  My Feet Were On Fire, But In My Mind It Would Be Worth The Pain To Make The Plane.  In Fact, Another Guy That Had A Similar Personality To Me, Knew The Same Thing That I Knew.  I Think We Both Were Operating In A Word Of Knowledge Gift.

The Other Person Started Arguing With The Senior Pastor That They Had Seats Ready And That We Needed To Go Now.  I Totally Agreed With What He Was Saying, But Not In His Attitude.  The Younger Man Got Huffy And Went On Without Us.  About 15 Minutes Later He Called Us And Told Us He Was On The Plane And That They Had Plenty Of Seats And For Us To Hurry Up Before The Plane Left.

However, The Senior Pastor Would Not Budge, And I Felt Like Even Though I Knew That I Could Make That Plane, That I Was To Submit To Those That Have Authority Over Us, And So I Stayed As God Give Grace To The Humble, (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)
{See Also Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8}.

    It’s Easier Now, Looking Back On This Situation And Wonder Why Didn’t I Go Find A Wheelchair, As All Airports Have Them Available.  Perhaps, It Was Because Of Having A Very Mad And ‘Red In Your Face’ Senior Pastor Stare Me Down, Causing Me Not To Think Wisely.  Or Perhaps, It Was Because I Was Also Tired From A Wearisome Journey, (I Would Get Up Way Earlier Than The Rest To Pray At 3:45 A.M. To Pray, So My Days Were Much Longer) And My Feet Were Hurting Badly.  But, Mostly, Because As Good As I Make Myself Sound, I Was Not 100% Walking In Love.  For If I Had Been, I Might Have Thought That His Feet Might Hurt More Than Mine, And Maybe He Just Honestly Can’t Walk On Them, Then Perhaps I Would Have Thought Of The Wheelchair.  I Did Okay, But I Could Have Done Better.

Hebrews 13:17 Tells Us, “Obey Your Leaders And Submit To Them, For They Watch On Behalf Of Your Souls, As Those Who Will Give Account, That They May Do This With Joy, And Not With Groaning, For That Would Be Unprofitable For You”.


Humility Means To Be Quiet~!

(1 Timothy 5:1-2)

J.B. Phillips New Testament, (Phillips) GOD’s Word Translation (GW) Living Bible (TLB) World English Bible (WEB)
Don’t Reprimand A Senior Member Of Your Church, Appeal To Him As A Father.  Treat The Young Men As Brothers, Never Use Harsh Words When You Correct An Older Man, But Talk To Him As If He Were Your Father.  Talk To Younger Men As If They Were Your Brothers, Never Speak Sharply To An Older Man, But Plead With Him Respectfully Just As Though He Were Your Own Father.  Talk To The Younger Men As You Would To Much-Loved Brothers. Don’t Rebuke An Older Man, But Exhort Him As A Father; The Younger Men As Brothers;
And The Older Women As Mothers.  Treat The Younger Women As Sisters, And No More. Older Women As If They Were Your Mothers, And Younger Women As If They Were Your Sisters, While Keeping Yourself Morally Pure. Treat The Older Women As Mothers, And The Girls As Your Sisters, Thinking Only Pure Thoughts About Them. The Elder Women As Mothers; The Younger As Sisters, In All Purity.

As Much As I Wanted To Leave Because I Felt That I Knew From The Holy Ghost More Than The Pastor Knew About Our Plane, I Stayed.  Perhaps, He Was Hearing From The Holy Ghost Telling Us Not To Board, {Maybe Preventing Us From Being Hurt or Exposed To Some Sickness or Disease}.  Eventually, The Airline At The Seats In The Terminal That We Were Occupying Came In And Told Us That These Were Restricted Seats And Pointed To The Sign And Told Us That We Would Have To Leave.  We Couldn’t Make Another Flight That Night, So We Had To Forfeit Our Seats On The Plane, (And The Money Spent, Someone Had Paid For My Trip Anonymously, Probably The Senior Pastor, But Now Someone Had To Pay Out More Money And I Didn’t Like That Decision); And We Had To Walk To The Rental Cars, (About The Same Distance We Would Have To Run To Catch Our Plane), And Rent A Van And Drive From Miami, Florida To Huntsville, Alabama.

I Had Said That I Would Not Get Bitten By Not Even One Single Mosquito During Our Two Week Stay In Haiti And My Christian Friends On The Mission Trip Laughed Me To Scorn.  However, I Stood My Ground Based On Mark 11:23-24, And I Did Not Get Bitten By Not Even One Mosquito During Our Two Week Stay ~ Miraculous~!    But, Because We Were Driving, We Stopped At A Rest Stop In Florida And A Swarm, (Literally, A Swarm Like A Miniature Tornado), Of Mosquitoes Came Into The Van And I Was In The Back Venting The Back Windows Trying To Get Them Out Of The Van.  During This Process One Bit Me And I Had Not Spoke Against Mosquitoes In Florida, {But, I Did Immediately Once I Was Bitten And Declared That I Would Not Get Bit By Anymore Mosquitoes For The Duration Of Our Trip Home, And I Didn’t.  No More Mosquitoes Bit Me, Even Though There Were Still Some In The Van With Us, Until I Opened The Rear Vent And They Got Sucked Out The Window}, And Florida Mosquitoes Are Raised On Brackish Water, (Half Salt And Half Fresh), So They Hurt Like The Dickens~!  None Of This Would Have Happened Had We Listened To That Prophet, (He Who Receives A Prophet, Receives A Prophet’s Reward), (Matthew 10:40-42).  However, That Prophet Acted Haughtily Forcing The Senior Pastor To Admit That He Was Wrong, And This Was Not Done In Love, Nor Was There Any Grace, (Ephesians 4:15, 29).

Later On, The Senior Pastor Grew Tired And Asked Me To Drive.  About That Time The Other Guy That Made His Flight Called Us And Told Us He Had Arrived Safely At Home.  I Sensed A, “I Told You So Attitude”, And It Did Lower The Pastor’s Decision In The Eyes Of Others To Hear That He Arrived Ok.  I Smoothed It Over And Said, “Yes, But He Missed All Our Great Fellowship”.  I Made Myself Submit And Rejoice In This Decision.  What I Said Had To Come From The Heart, or It Would Be Pretending And Not Have Any Effect.

My Feet Did Still Hurt, But Not As Much.  None-the-Less, I Drove The Van All The Rest Of The Night Long From North Of Tampa, Florida All The Way Through Atlanta To Huntsville.  The Others Were Sound Asleep, And Some Older Men That Were Too Tired To Drive.  It Was Necessary For Me To Be There, Even Though I’d Much Preferred To Have Made Our Flight And Already Be At Home By Now As No One Else Stayed Awake Enough To Drive.


The Boomerang Effect ~
Honoring Others Will Bring Honor Back On You~!

Yes, I Could Have Gotten Mad And Said, “It Was Unnecessary For Us To Drive All This Way, And For Me To Get Bit By Mosquitoes”, {I Loathe Mosquitoes}, And My Feet Were Still Hurting And To Spend Additional Money And Especially More Time And Stay Awake Most Of The Night, But What Good Would Murmuring Do.  I Hate Mosquitoes As They Bring Death Like ~

Malaria, Chikungunya, Dog Heartworm, Dengue,
Yellow Fever, Eastern Equine Encephalitis,
St. Louis Encephalitis, LaCrosse Encephalitis,
Western Equine Encephalitis,
West Nile Virus, Zika Virus

Instead Of Murmuring, I Just Submitted And Got Onboard With The Pastor’s Plans.

However, {“Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble”, (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)
{See Also Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8}.

  “Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You”…

I Came Away A Better Person Learning FirstHand Some Hard Lessons In Humility, But Probably Because Of The Prayer Of The Senior Pastor, I Didn’t Get Sleepy All The Rest Of The Time While I Drove, And I Was Able To Stay Up All The Rest Of The Day Including Going To Church On That Sunday Morning That We Arrived~!   In Fact, One Older Man Really Got In My Face When I Started Talking About Faith or Quoting From The Book, “Destined For The Throne”, By Paul E. Billheimer.  Ugh~!  Like I Wanted More Strife And I Had To Be Humble To Him Also.  If We’d Made The Plane, That Confrontation Would Not Have Taken Place.  However, I Firmly Believe That Had I Just Departed, And Done My Own Thing, Then They Would Have Gotten In A Wreck or An Accident On The Way Home, And May Have Gotten Killed or One or More Of Them Crippled.  Or They Might Have Gotten Into More Strife Being That They Were Locked Into A Seemingly Bad Decision, And I Wouldn’t Be The PeaceMaker; (Matthew 5:9; James 3:18); There To Calm The Anger.

When We Stopped In The Morning, The Senior Pastor Told Me That He Wanted To Buy Me A Full Breakfast.  I Said, “I Thought You Don’t Eat Breakfast”.  To Which He Said, “I Don’t, But You Told Me That You Like Breakfast, And I Just Want To Honor You”.  I Do Enjoy A Great Breakfast, And This Was Right Up My Alley.  I Had Honored Him, And Now He Was Honoring Me Back~!  Humility Always Comes Before Honor~!  Humility Also Requires Submission, {Not My Will But Your Will Be Done, (Luke 22:42~!}).



But Let Him Who Is Taught In The Word Share ALL Good Things With Him Who Teaches”, (Galatians 6:6).  We Are Instructed A Little Further On In The Same Chapter Of Galatians At Galatians 6:10, “So Then, As We Have Opportunity, Let’s Do What Is Good Toward ALL People, And Especially Toward Those Who Are Of The Household Of The Faith”.

In Fact, We’re Not Only To Share ALL Good Things, But We Are To Give Double Honor To Those Of Who Labor In The Word And In Teaching.

“Let The Elders Who Rule Well Be Counted Worthy Of Double Honor”, “Especially Those Who Labor In The Word And In Teaching”, (1 Timothy 5:17).

Like A Madman Who Throws Firebrands, Arrows, And Death Is The Man Who Deceives His Neighbor And Says, I Was Just Joking~! (Proverbs 26:18-19).  Nor Filthiness, Nor Foolish Talking, Nor Jesting, Which Are Not Appropriate; But Rather Giving Of Thanks, (Ephesians 5:4 ~ Amplified Bible)].  I See This “Roasting A Preacher”, As Not Matching The Scriptures In Several Locations.

Such As, Romans 12:10 ~ Be Kindly Affectional One To Another With Kindred Love; In Honor Preferring One Another; or

Philippians 2:3-5 ~ 3 Do Nothing From Factional, (G2052) {Strife, Divisive, Contention, Self-Seeking, Rivalry}, Motives [Through Contentiousness, Strife, Selfishness, or For Unworthy Ends] or Prompted By Conceit And Empty Arrogance.  Instead, In The True Spirit Of Humility (Lowliness Of Mind) Let Each Regard The Others As Better Than And Superior To Himself [Thinking More Highly Of One Another Than You Do Of Yourselves].  4 Let Each Of You Esteem And Look Upon And Be Concerned For Not [Merely] His Own Interests, But Also Each For The Interests Of Others. 5 Let This Same Attitude And Purpose And [Humble] Mind Be In You Which Was In Christ Jesus: [Let Him Be Your Example In Humility:].

I Assume That They Would Say, We’re Just Making Fun, But I Never See The Other Side Of The Coin Where They Praise Someone For Their Positive Attributes.  I Don’t See This As Giving Honor, “Especially To The Household Of Faith”, or “Especially They Who Labor In The Word And Doctrine”.

It Is Wrong That Some Feel That “Roasting The Preacher” Is An Acceptable Way Of Honoring The Pastor.  If I Wanted Sarcasm, (Scarcasm), I Can Get That Outside In The World And The Church Should Be A Safe Place Where We Are Built Up, {Ephesians 4:29 ~ Let No Foul or Polluting Language, Nor Evil Word Nor Unwholesome or Worthless Talk [Ever] Come Out Of Your Mouth, But Only Such [Speech] As Is Good And Beneficial To The Spiritual Progress Of Others, As Is Fitting To The Need And The Occasion, That It May Be A Blessing And Give Grace (God’s Favor) Tao Those Who Hear It}.

I Grew Up In A Denominational Church.  So, I Can Sling Out These Smart-Alecky Witticisms As Good As The Next Person, But I Choose Not To.  I Saw That A Man That Had Gotten A New Haircut And It Made His Face Looker Younger, So I Told Him That, And It Lifted His Countenance.  It Takes The Same Amount Of Effort To Say Something Honest As It Would Have Had I Said, “Were They Having A Buy One Get One Free Haircut, And So You Got Two”.  These Remarks Are Like A Mushroom On A Pizza, (Has No Taste, {Tasteless}, And It Is Occupying The Space Where A Meat or A Word Of Encouragement Could Be}.  Instead Of Double-Cheese, Let’s Give Double Honor~!

Yahoshua Was Our Example,  When We Were Children They Would Often Play A Group Game Where They Would Say, “Do What I Do” And “Say What I Say”, And As We Sat, We Would Proceed To Pretend To Trek Over The Mountain And We Would Pat Our Thighs With The Palms Of Our Hands To Sound Like We Were Hiking or Go Through A RainStorm While Snapping Our Fingers To “Sound Like” Rain And Ultimately, We Always Would Meet Up With An Angry Bear And Have To Pretend To Run Back Stomping Our Feet In Place To “Sound Like” We’re Running.  You Probably Played This Game Yourself.  We Were Using Our Imaginations, While Playing, “Follow The Leader”.

We In The Same Way When Yahoshua, {Jesus}, Said, “If Anyone Desires To Be ‘My Disciple’, Let Them Deny Their Self And Take Up Their Cross And ‘Follow Me’”, (To See All The Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, Enter Here).

We All Like To Play This Game, Just As Soon As The Leader Said, “Say What I Say” And “Do What I Do”, We Were Poised With Our Hands Ready To Play The Game, And To Let The Leader Know That We Were With Them, We Would Repeat Back Like A “Catechesis”, (Which Means To “Echo” And Where Some The Word “Catechism” Derives From), To Them, “Say What I Say” And “Do What I Do”; {This Is What We Are Supposed To Do With The Word Of Yahweh ~ (Isaiah 55:10-11)}.  And In Essence, The Leader Is Being ‘Our Example’ Of What To Do And What Sound To Make.  Yahoshua Was Showing Us By Example, Not Just In His Life And The Way He Lived It; But In The Method That He Used To Get Results And In The Manner That He Had People Get Healed.  Watch What Yahoshua Did, And Do What He Did, {Which Was To Watch The Father And Listen To The Holy Ghost} ~ It’s So Simple That We Have Just Overlooked It~!

1 Corinthians 11:1 ~ Be Imitators Of Me, Even As I Also Am Of Christ.

Ephesians 5:1-2 ~ Be Therefore Imitators Of God, As Beloved Children.  Walk In Love, Even As Christ Also Loved You, And Gave Himself Up For Us, An Offering And A Sacrifice To God For A Sweet-Smelling Fragrance.

1 Peter 2:21, (The Message Translation)
21 This Is The Kind Of Life You’ve Been Invited Into, The Kind Of Life Christ Lived.  He Suffered Everything That Came His Way So You Would Know That It Could Be Done, And Also Know How To Do It, Step–By–Step.

1 Peter 2:21, (The Amplified Bible Classic Edition)
21 For Even To This Were You Called [It Is Inseparable From Your Vocation].  For Christ Also Suffered For You, Leaving You [His Personal] Example, So That You Should Follow In His Footsteps.

1 Peter 2:21, (Today’s English Version / Good News Translation, {TEV / GNT})
21 It Was To This, That God Called You, For Christ Himself Suffered For You And Left You An Example, So That You Would Follow In His Steps.

Philippians 2:5 ~ Let This Same Attitude And Purpose And [Humble] Mind Be In You Which Was In Christ Jesus: [Let Him Be Your Example In Humility:].

Philippians 4:8 ~ Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) 8 “For The Rest, Sisters And Brothers, Whatever Is True, Whatever Is Worthy Of Reverence And Is Honorable And Seemly, Whatever Is Just, Whatever Is Pure, Whatever Is Lovely And Lovable, Whatever Is Kind And Winsome And Gracious, If There Is Any Virtue And Excellence, If There Is Anything Worthy Of Praise, Think On And Weigh And Take Account Of These Things [Fix Your Minds On Them]”.

John 14:12 ~ 12 Most Certainly I Tell You, He Who Believes In Me, The Works That I Do, He Will Do Also; And He Will Do Greater Works Than These, Because I Am Going To My Father.



Rebellion Is Usually Not Seen As Such

However, A While Back, I Made Chili For My Parents And My Wife Volunteered Asking, “What Can I Do To Help?”  I Said, “I Really Need The Electric Skillet As I Don’t Know Where Your Mom’s Is”.  I Went Up Into The Attic To Get Our “Crock Pot”, As I Use Both Her Mom’s And Ours To Make Chili And We Had Inherited Her Mom’s Crockpot.

When I Came Down, My Wife Was Still Saying What Do You Want Me To Do, And I Think In Her Mind She Envisioned Us Working Together And Me Holding The Pot While She Poured In The Rice, etc.  However, I Just Asked Her, “Where’s The Electric Skillet, I Thought You Were Getting It”.  She Had Asked Me A Question And I Gave Her A Task.  If I Had Been Helping Her, Then I Would Have To Follow Her Instruction.

So, From Her Point Of View, She Probably Thought I Was Scolding Her, When She Really Was Willing To Help As Long As What I Wanted Her To Do Was What She Already Was Wanting To Do.  She Probably Doesn’t See This As A Lack Of Submission, But It Is.

I Only Had A Short Amount Of Time, Because My Parents Were Expecting Me, So I Can Do The Chili Faster Without Two People Both Doing The Same Job, (Cook And Assisting Me).  I Needed Her To Find The Electric Skillet, (Which She Did, Now That She Realized That Was The Next Thing That I Would Be Needing To Sauté My Onions In).

An Independent Spirit Is Like A Nickel, And An Failure To Submit Is Like Another Nickel.  Together They Are The Same As One Dime or As Rebellion.  For Rebellion Is As The Sin Of Witchcraft And Stubbornness Is As Iniquity And Idolatry, 1 Samuel 15:23).


How To Avoid Rebellion

If You Have Not Been Faithful In That Which Is Another’s, Who Will Give You That Which Is Your Own?  Let Each Of You Esteem And Look Upon And Be Concerned For Not [Merely] His Own Interests, But Also Each For The Interests Of Others, (Luke 16:12; Philippians 2:4).

  1. Two Nickels, (Independent Spirit And Failure To Submit To Authority) = One Dime, (Rebellion).
  2. What Is Expected Of You On Assignment, (Same Thing As Taught To Me In The Navy On Watch).
    1. Never Leave Your Post
    2. Don’t Be Distracted, (Even If It Means That You Get To Minister To Others, As This Will Take Away From Your Main Purpose Of Being Submitted To Someone Else’s Plan or Vision).
    3. Be Reliable And Dependable To Be Where You Are Supposed To Be When You Are Supposed To Be There, (This Might Mean That You Have To Cut Out Something Else, Perhaps That Means No More Excuses Such As, “We’re On God’s Time”, As That Means You Were Doing Something That You Deemed More Important Than Submitting To Another Person’s Plan
    4. Be Slow To Speak And Quick To Hear, But Once Your Word Has Gone Out, Keep Your Word, Even If It Is To Your Own Hurt, {James 1:19; Psalm 15:4}.


Doing It Yahweh’s Way Requires Humility

Just Prior To The 2013, “Christ, Our Passover”, I Heard Yahweh Say, “Bring The Banners”, To The Christ, Our Passover.  Umph.  I Wanted To Act Like I Didn’t Hear Yahweh, “Didn’t We Already Discuss This With The Director, And The Director Didn’t Seem Too Keen On Incorporating The Banners”, I Reasoned.  Yahweh Said Very Softly And Tenderly, “Call Him And Ask Him Again”.  I Made Up My Mind That Even If The Director Decided That We Could Not Bring The Banners That I Was Going To Submit, And Not Bring Them, Even Though I Heard From Yahweh.  If We Miss Yahweh, I Won’t Be Upset If The Plan Doesn’t Go As Yahweh Told Me; However, It Won’t Be Because I Didn’t Obey And Did Not Call.  I Obeyed And Called Him Up, And I Talked In The Same Voice That Yahweh Had Just Talked To Me In.  But, At The Same Time, I Completely Yielded Myself To The Director’s Decision As I Had Decided That I Will Not Cause Strife~!

The Director Really Wasn’t Sure Of What I Was Talking About At First And Then He Said, “Oh, The Things You Wave Over Your Head”, But He Was Wary Of Me Bringing My SawHorse With Hooks To Hang Them On.  But, Mainly Because He Trusted Me, He Said, “Okay, If I Would Bring Them In A Smaller Plastic Container With A Lid On It”.  I Had One Of These Containers.  Success~!  I Had To Quickly Get The Banners Off The SawHorse And Roll Up Most Of The Banners And Get Them Into The Plastic Tubs, (I Wouldn’t Not Have Been Able To Do This In Time If My Wife And A Friend Had Not Submitted To This Plan And Helped Me, Which Is Also Important Showing More Honor On Their Part, As We Were All Very Busy Getting Ready To Go, But They Stopped What They Were Doing To Help Me).  I Also Had To Hustle As I Had To Get Ready Myself And Pick Up Some Children In Our Van That We Were Bringing To The Event.  Later On, (But Not During The Time Yahweh Told Me To Act And To Call Him), I Heard Yahweh Tell Me That It Was Because Of My Attitude That The Director Allowed The Banners, (“Streamers”) To Come.  This Word Was Afterward, As I Didn’t Get That Message While I Was Calling To Ask For The Director’s Blessings, {And You Won’t Either As You Follow Yahweh’s Instructions, As You Have To Act In Faith, (Hebrews 11:6~ But Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Him, For He Who Comes To God Must Believe That He Is, And That He Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek Him}.  As “Faith Works By Love”, (Galatians 5:6).

I Was An Usher That Night, And In Fact Much To My Amazement, I Was Asked To Be The Head Usher, {Humility Goes Before Honor ~ (Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; James 4:6, 10)}.  Not That A Position Is That Important And Not For Lording Over Others, (Luke 22:25).  None-the-Less, Because I Was The Head Usher, I Could Assign The Other Ushers To Tasks And This Allowed Me To Be Free To Go From Table To Table To Do As The Holy Ghost Had Instructed Me To Do Beforehand And Present Them With A Bottle Of Hot Sauce.  The Young Girl That I Brought Went With Me, Helped Draw The Children Into Our Conversation.  I Joked With Most Folks, And Told Them That They Were Missing, “Hot Sauce”, And I Would Produce A Small 3 oz. Bottle From Under My Coat And Make Them Laugh, (This Way Of Hiding The Hot Sauce In My Jacket Was Also Done Under The Direction Of The Holy Ghost, But I Wouldn’t Have Been Able To Do This Unless I Had The Freedom To Move Around That The Head Usher Had).  I Had Nine Bottles Of Hot Sauce In A Variety Of Brands, And Various Folks At The Different Tables Were Asking For Me To Give Them A Bottle Of The Hot Sauce.

I Told Them That They Would Have To Share, And I Knew That This Would Get Them To Know Some Folks From Other Denominations Outside Their Circles At The Neighboring Tables.  I Advised Every Table That When You Hear The Praise And Worship Music Start To Send Their Children To The Middle Near The Cameras And That I Would Give Them Banners To Wave, And They Agreed, And Thanked Me For The Hot Sauce, And A Great Rapport Was Built~!


The Battle Is Yahweh’s, {But He Shares The Victory With Us~!}

1 Samuel 17:45
And All This Assembly Shall Know That Yahweh Saves Not With Sword And Spear: For The Battle Is Yahweh’s, “…And He Will Give You Into Our Hands”,

2 Chronicles 20:15
And He Said, “Listen, All Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat. Yahweh Says To You, ‘Don’t Be Afraid, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s.

The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~! “…And He Will Give You Into Our Hands(1 Samuel 17:45)} ~ 1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

Proverbs 16:2, 7, 17, 25
2 All The Ways Of A Person Are Clean In Their Own Eyes; But Yahweh Weighs The Motives.
7 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.
25 There Is A Way Which Seems Right To A Person, But In The End It Leads To Death.

1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14 ~ {An Exchange; He Fights The Battle, But We Get The Victory}.

Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ (Exodus 14:14,25; Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3,10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

This Almost Didn’t Happen, As The Guy Who I Thought Should Be The Head Usher Got Very Weak And Almost Passed Out.  I Was Willing To Forego The Streamers And Just Drive Him Home, But He Insisted That I Remain.  He Had Been The Head Usher For This Event In The Past.  He Gave Us Instructions On What To Do When.  We Ended Up Laying Hands On Him And Praying For Him, And Finally He Said That He Had To Leave.  He Called Us When He Got Home, And About Five Months Later Passed On.  It Was All Done Behind The Scenes As Nobody Else Even Knew About This.

Had I Not Accepted The Head Usher Position, This Man Might Have Undertaken This Task And Also Too Many Obligations, And Possibly Have Passed Over That Night And Ruined The Passover Event.  We May Have Often Criticized Ourselves.  However, In Isaiah 43:25-26;
Jeremiah 31:31-34;
1 John 1:9
Yahweh Says, “I’m Writing You A Blank Check”; Meditate On, And Think About Some Events In Your Life When You Did Something Right.  This Would Be One Of Those Times That I Want To Bring To Yahweh’s Remembrance, {And To Mine Also}, Of That Time When I Did As Genesis 6:22 Said And, “Did Everything Exactly As Yahweh Had Commanded Me To Do”.  This Is So That I Can Go From Glory To Glory, And Not Get Stuck On “What I Didn’t Accomplish?”, or “What I Didn’t Do Right?”, or That “Time When I Missed The Mark”.

His Banner Over Me Is Love~! ~ (Song Of Solomon 2:4)

Children With Streamers At The 2013, Christ, Our Passover

Children Dancing With Streamers At The 2013, Christ, Our Passover

During The Event, (Pictured Above), It Was Not Just The Children That Were Involved, But Many Adults, (Not Shown), Were In The Back Waving Banners, (or Streamers); Some Folks, For The First Time.  Several Other Folks Commented On How The Banners Made The Event, And One General In Yahweh’s Army Confirmed That I Had Heard From Yahweh, (I Just Smiled And Gave Yahweh The Glory And Praise, As It Was Yahweh’s Idea To Start With).  I Was Just The Hands, The Voice, The Instrument That Obeyed Doing It With Humility And Honor Who Got The Chain Of Events Rolling.

Oh, And The Children, I Brought.  They Played A Major Part In This, As The Young Girl On The Left Photo Waving The Yellow Streamer In The Foreground In The Pictures Taken By Someone From Awareness Ministry, Was The Very Same Young Girl That My Wife And I Brought That Had Gone With Me From Table To Table.  Her Sister Just Also Happened To Know The Dance And Worship Team And They Invited Her To Join Them, And She Led The Way In Dance, (Not Pictured).  Amazing~!  Yahweh Always Goes Beyond What We Could Ask or Think.  Abba, Father You Are Awesome To The Max~!


Humbleness Before Honor

I Was And Still Am The Messenger.  If I Had Come With An Attitude Of, “I’m Going To Bring These Streamers Anyway, Because I Know That I Had Heard From Yahweh”, Then The Director Would Not Have Allowed Them To Come~!  Because What Would Have Also Come In Would Have Been, Rebellion, Which Is As The Sin Of Witchcraft”, (1 Samuel 15:23).  This Rebellious Act Would Have Imparted A Rebellious Spirit Onto The Children.

Later On, I Was Humble Enough To Receive What A Good Friend Told Me, And He Said That I Had A, “Religious Spirit”.  This Is Not What I Wanted To Hear; However, I Took The Matter To Yahweh And Tested That Spirit By Saying, “Spirit That Said I Had A Religious Spirit, Has Yahoshua Come In The Flesh?”  I Heard In My Spirit, A, “Yes”.  Again, This Was Not What I Wanted To Hear.  So, I Then Asked How Do I Remove This, “Religious Spirit”.  Yahweh Said, “Repent”.  So, I Repented, (Changed My Mind).  Be Open To Receive Correction And You Don’t Have To Take It Blindly.  Go To The Heaven Father And Ask, “Spirit That Just Say Said Such-n-Such Through ________, I Command You By The Name Of Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, {Christ, The Messiah}, Of Nazareth, To Tell Me, Has Yahoshua Ha Mashiach, {Christ, The Messiah}, Come In The Flesh?’”.

And We Need To Get Quiet In Our Spirit.  I Will Not Move Any Further On This Matter Until I Have A Reply.  If There Is Nothing, I Press It.  I Ask Again, And I Demand That The Spirit Answer Right Away.  At This Point, I Often Hear, A Harsh Disappointed, “No”, And Even Sense That The Spirit Has Left Disgruntled, Like A Small Child Who Has Been Found Out.  On The Other Hand, Yahweh Is Quick To Reply, As Yahweh Is The One That Instructed Us To Test The Spirits, And It Seems To Me That Yahweh Will Do Something To Each Person That Will Make His Reply Personal To You.

Then I Heard, “Cast That Spirit Out”, And I Did That Going Further By Adding That You, “Religious Spirit”, Will Not Get On Any Of My Family Nor Household”, And I Heard Yahweh Say, “I’ll Do The Rest~!”  That’s All I Know So Far.  Then I Emailed The Fellow That Had Told Me That I Had A, “Religious Spirit”, And Told Him What I Had Done, And Said, “If You Know More or Hear More, I’m Open And Welcome To Hear Your Input”, (I Remained In A State Of Humility).  And That’s The Posture That We Need To Be In When Someone Offers Correction.  No Correction Seems Good At The Time, (Hebrews 12:11).  But, Come Our Heavenly Father, With A Humbleness And Ask Am I Guilty Of What They Are Accusing Me Of And If So, Please Show Me And I’ll Change.

If I Have Addressed Something In Your Life That You Recognize Needs Altering, I Urge You To Do The Same With This Course Correction.


Course Correction

Think Of It This Way, As If You Were Flying An Airplane To The Bahamas From Miami And Your Heading Was Off By 4.5 Degrees To The North, This Could Put You, And Your Loved Ones In Peril.  If You Are Not Where You’re Supposed To Be, You Won’t Make The Bahamas, But Being That You Are Over Water, You Will Have No Place To Land, And No Fuel Left To Return To Miami.  Now, Suppose The Tower Radios You And Says, “You Need To Adjust Your Course By 4.5 Degrees Towards The South”.

Would You Respond Back By Snapping At Him or, “Biting Their Head Off?”  Or Would You Respond By Saying, “Thank-You”, And Adjust Your Course.  The Person At The Control Tower More Than Likely Doesn’t Even Know You, Let Alone Love You.  They Are Just Doing Their Job, And They Don’t Want For You Nor Your Family To Crash Into The Waters And Be Lost.  How Much More So, That Yahweh Really Does Love You~!  If Yahweh Didn’t Correct You, And Let You Crash, Then That Would Not Be Love.

For Whom Yahweh Loves He Corrects, Even As A Father Corrects His Child In Whom He Delights.  For Yahweh Corrects And Disciplines Every Child Whom He Loves, And He Punishes, Even Scourges, Every Child Whom He Accepts And Welcomes To His Heart And Cherishes.  (Hebrews 12:6; Proverbs 3:12; Revelation 3:19).

If You Don’t Get Course Corrections or Adjustments, That Means You Are Not His Child.  The Proper Way To Response, Is Not Only To Receive It With Gladness, And An Attitude Of Thankfulness, But To Reflect, “This Means I Am Yahweh’s Child And That He Loves Me”.



When You Are Confronted With A Course Correction, Do You Get Sulky And Behave Rudely Towards The One Bringing The Adjustment, Saying, “I Know I’ve Heard From Yahweh, And I’m Going To Do This Anyway, And If You Don’t Agree, Fine~!!”  I’ve Had Someone Do This To Me, And It Made Me Feel Like I Was An Insignificant Person.  Even If You Were Right, You’re Not Right With That Attitude, “If You Don’t Want To Come, Then Fine”.  Ugh.  That’s Got A Lot Of, “Selfish Ambition” In It; And It Does Not Match The Definition Of Love As Outlined Below.

Love Is Not Conceited (Arrogant And Inflated With Pride); Love Is Not Rude (Unmannerly) And Does Not Act UnbecominglyLove (Yahweh’s Love In Us), Does Not Insist On Its Own Rights or Its Own Way, For Love Is Not Self-Seeking; Love Is Not Touchy or Fretful or Resentful; Love Takes No Account Of The Evil Done To It [Love Pays No Attention To A Suffered Wrong], {1 Corinthians 13:5}.

If You’ve Wronged Me, I Know You Can Repent Of This And You Probably Will Ask Me To Forgive You, And I Will Gladly.  But, If You Don’t Ask For Forgiveness, Then For My Part I’ve Forgiven You Already, But For Your Part It Will Be A Place Where, “No Grace”, Is Given Because There Is No Humility On Your Part.  {Galatians 2:21, Hebrews 12:15}.


Grace Is The Opening, (We Find Favor)

While At The “Christ, Our Passover”, The Director And Founder Kept Saying To Those Of Us Preparing, That, “Love Is The Door, And Humility Is The Key That Unlocks That Door”.  And, Since Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble, (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5), And,Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You”, (James 4:10), And,Humility Goes Before Honor”, (Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12). Then, “Grace Be Must The Opening Of The Door, But That Door Is Only Unlocked By Humility”.

We Need Grace To Go Forward And To Do The Things Yahweh Wants Us To Do.  It’s Like Playing A Video Game Where You Must Do Certain Things To Get The Key To The Special Rooms.  Well, Grace Is The Master Key.  Ephesians 2:8 Says, “For By Grace You Have Been Saved Through Faith, And That Not Of Yourselves; It Is The Gift Of God”, But, “Faith Works Through Love”, (Galatians 5:6), So, “You Have To Have Love To Work Faith To Get The Grace”.  And Grace Is Given To The Humble.  Humility Is The Key~!

If My People Who Are Called By My Name Will “Humble Themselves”, (2 Chronicles 7:14).  In These Instructions, Humility Comes First Before You Pray, or Turn From Your Wicked Ways.

[Therefore, I Do Not Treat God’s Gracious Gift As Something Of Minor Importance And Defeat Its Very Purpose]; I Do Not Set Aside And Invalidate And Frustrate And Nullify The Grace (Unmerited Favor) Of Yahweh.  For If Justification (Righteousness, Acquittal From Guilt) Comes Through [Observing The Ritual Of] The Law, Then Christ (The Messiah) Died Groundlessly And To No Purpose And In Vain.  [His Death Was Then Wholly Superfluous.] - (Galatians 2:21).


Fails To Secure Grace

Exercise Foresight And Be On The Watch To Look [After One Another], To See That No One Falls Back From And Fails To Secure God’s Grace (His Unmerited Favor And Spiritual Blessing), In Order That No Root Of Resentment (Rancor, Bitterness, or Hatred) Shoots Forth And Causes Trouble And Bitter Torment, And The Many Become Contaminated And Defiled By It, (Hebrews 12:15)

For Wherever There Is Jealousy (Envy) And Contention (Rivalry And Selfish Ambition), There Will Also Be Confusion (Unrest, Disharmony, Rebellion) And ALL Sorts Of Evil And Vile Practices.  -
But The Wisdom From Above Is First Of ALL Pure (Undefiled); Then It Is Peace-Loving, Courteous (Considerate, Gentle).  [It Is Willing To] Yield To Reason, Full Of Compassion And Good Fruits; It Is WholeHearted And Straightforward, Impartial And Unfeigned (Free From Doubts, Wavering, And InSincerity).  - (James 3:16-17)

I Am Reminded Of This Verse Because It Will Not Be Profitable To You If You Do Not Submit With Gladness, (Same Word Used For Joy Elsewhere ~ Char’A), *I Didn’t Write This ~ Yahweh Said It Right Here In Black & White, This Isn’t Something That You Have To Test The Spirit On.

Obey Your Spiritual Leaders And Submit To Them [Continually Recognizing Their Authority Over You], For They Are Constantly Keeping Watch Over Your Souls And Guarding Your Spiritual Welfare, As Men Who Will Have To Render An Account [Of Their Trust]. [Do Your Part To] Let Them Do This With Gladness And Not With Sighing And Groaning, For That Would Not Be Profitable To You [Either], (Hebrews 13:17).


How Do You Respond?

These Videos From The Late John Paul Jackson Helped Me A Lot.  They Have To Do With Removing StrongHolds.  So, I Encourage You To Watch This 4-Part Video, (Each Part Is About 15 Minutes Long or About 51 Minutes Altogether ~ Psalms 51:10 — Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God.  Renew A Right Spirit Within Me).  If You’ve Realized The Wrong Attitudes In You Can Prevent The Kingdom Of Yahweh, Then Please Watch These Videos.

StrongHolds ~ Part 1 ~ 14:37 Minutes
StrongHolds ~ Part 2~ 14:31 Minutes
StrongHolds ~ Part 3 ~ 14:57 Minutes
StrongHolds ~ Part 4 ~ 6:36 Minutes

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 ~ 4 For The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Not Of The Flesh, But Mighty Before God To The Throwing Down Of Strongholds,
5 Throwing Down Imaginations And Every High Thing That Is Exalted Against The Knowledge Of God, And Bringing Every Thought Into Captivity To The Obedience Of Christ;
6 And Being In Readiness To Avenge ALL Disobedience, WHEN YOUR OBEDIENCE WILL BE MADE FULL~!


Doing It Yahweh’s Way Will Probably Require Submitting To Another Person~!

Oftentimes We Think That This Is Correct, That If We Have Heard From The Holy Ghost, Then We Will Obey.  The Problem With That Way Of Thinking Is That Means That We Are The Only Filter Of This Decision Making Process.  Suppose Yahweh Wants To Talk To Us Through Someone Else.  Yahoshua Said, “For I Tell You That You Will Not See Me Again Until You Say, ‘Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord’”, (Matthew 23:39; Luke 13:35).  Yahoshua Didn’t Say He Wouldn’t Be There, Nor Did He Say That You Wouldn’t See Him…Until You Say, {Note The Emphasis On Having What You Say }, In Other Words, He Is Speaking Through A Human Being And Receive This Other Person As Coming From Yahweh Until You Say, ‘Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord’, And Submit To What And How They Say To do Something; Then You Will See Him Through The Words Of This Messenger From Yahweh.

Actually There Are A Lot Scriptures About Submitting:

(Philippians 4:9; Deuteronomy 4:10;
Deuteronomy 5:1; Deuteronomy 31:12;
1 Corinthians 4:6-16; 1 Corinthians 11:1;
Philippians 3:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9;
1 Timothy 2:11; 1 Timothy 5:4;
2 Timothy 3:14; Proverbs 9:9;
Proverbs 1:5; Proverbs 18:15;
2 Timothy 2:2; Romans 2:21

  • Philippians 4:9 ~ The Things Which You Learned, Received, Heard, And Saw In Me: Do These Things, And The God Of Peace Will Be With You.
  • Deuteronomy 4:10 ~ The Day That You Stood Before Yahweh Your God In Horeb, When Yahweh Said To Me, “Assemble Me The People, And I Will Make Them Hear My Words, That They May Learn To Fear Me All The Days That They Live On The Earth, And That They May Teach Their Children”.
  • Deuteronomy 5:1 ~ Moses Called To All Israel, And Said To Them, Hear, Israel, The Statutes And The Ordinances Which I Speak In Your Ears This Day, That You May Learn Them, And Observe To Do Them.
  • Deuteronomy 31:12 ~ Assemble The People, The Men And The Women And The Little Ones, And Your Foreigner Who Is Within Your Gates, That They May Hear, And That They May Learn, And Fear Yahweh Your God, And Observe To Do All The Words Of This Law;
  • 1 Corinthians 4:6-16 ~ Now These Things, Brothers, I Have In A Figure Transferred To Myself And Apollos For Your Sakes, That In Us You Might Learn Not To Think Beyond The Things Which Are Written, That None Of You Be Puffed Up Against One Another.  For Who Makes You Different?  And What Do You Have That You Didn’t Receive?  But If You Did Receive It, Why Do You Boast As If You Had Not Received It?  You Are Already Filled.  You Have Already Become Rich.  You Have Come To Reign Without Us.  Yes, And I Wish That You Did Reign, That We Also Might Reign With You.
  • 1 Corinthians 11:1 ~ Be Imitators Of Me, Even As I Also Am Of Christ.
  • Philippians 3:17 ~ Brothers, Be Imitators Together Of Me, And Note Those Who Walk This Way, Even As You Have Us For An Example.
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9 ~ For You Know How You Ought To Imitate Us.  For We Didn’t Behave Ourselves Rebelliously Among You, Neither Did We Eat Bread From Anyone’s Hand Without Paying For It, But In Labor And Travail Worked Night And Day, That We Might Not Burden Any Of You; Not Because We Don’t Have The Right, But To Make Ourselves An Example To You, That You Should Imitate Us.
  • 1 Timothy 2:11 ~ Let A Woman Learn In Quietness With All Subjection.
  • 1 Timothy 5:4 ~ But If Any Widow Has Children or Grandchildren, Let Them Learn First To Show Piety Towards Their Own Family, And To Repay Their Parents, For This Is Acceptable In The Sight Of God.
  • 2 Timothy 3:14 ~ But You Remain In The Things Which You Have Learned And Have Been Assured Of, Knowing From Whom You Have Learned Them.
  • Proverbs 9:9 ~ Instruct A Wise Man, And He Will Be Still Wiser.  Teach A Righteous Man, And He Will Increase In Learning.
  • Proverbs 1:5 ~ That The Wise Man May Hear, And Increase In Learning; That The Person Of Understanding May Attain To Sound Counsel:
  • Proverbs 18:15 ~ The Heart Of The Discerning Gets Knowledge.  The Ear Of The Wise Seeks Knowledge.
  • 2 Timothy 2:2 ~ The Things Which You Have Heard From M e Among Many Witnesses, Commit The Same To Faithful Men, Who Will Be Able To Teach Others Also.
  • Romans 2:21 ~ You Therefore Who Teach Another, Don’t You Teach Yourself?  You Who Preach That A Person Shouldn’t Steal, Do You Steal?
  • http://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/learning-from-other-people


    Guildford Four And Maguire Seven In The United Kingdom

    This Is About Some Folks That Were Accused Of An Act That They Supposedly Did Not Commit, And Then Served 15 Years For This Crime.  Gerard, “Gerry” Conlon Was One Of These Guys, And He Wrote An Autobiography About The Incident, And Then Someone Later Produced A Movie About It Called, “In The Name Of The Father”.  You Can Read More Details About It On WikiPedia, (Guildford Four And Maguire Seven).

    The Late Gerry Conlon Argues In His Autobiography That A Key Factor In His Purportedly Coerced Confession Was The Fact That Strengthened Anti-Terrorism Laws Passed In The Early 1970’s Allowed The Police To Hold Suspects Without Charges For Up To A Week, Rather Than The Previous Limit Of 48 Hours, And That He Might Have Been Able To Withstand Coercion Had The Original Time Limit Been In Effect.

    If You Are Deemed Undesirable, And Categorized As A Threat, Then Some Of Those Truths That We Hold To Be Self-Evident, (From The U.S.  Constitution); Like, “Freedom Of Speech”, Can Be Monitored And Taken Away.  And It Is True That We Are To Be Watchful Of Evil, (Proverbs 22:3; Proverbs 27:12).

    However, Here Is The Key That Yahweh Was Showing Me.  Gerry Condon Won In The End.  True That He Was Imprisoned For 15 Years.  But, A Victory Was Obtained.  It Will Be A Shorter And Shorter Time Next Time.  As A Watchman or A Watchwoman, (A Watcher)… We Notice Things Like The Free Speech Clause, And If The Truth Be Known, It Is Disrespectful To Display Signs And Vehemently Chant Verbal Accusations.  Not Only Is It DisHonorable, It’s Not The Way The Scriptures Outline, {Humility Comes Before Honor, Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble, etc…(Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 34:3; James 4:6)}.

    Proverbs Also Tells Us That, “A Person Of Understanding Will Have A Cool Spirit”, (Proverbs 17:27 ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition).


    A Person Of Understanding Will Have Cool Spirit

    One Of The Works Of The Flesh Is Given More Importance Called, “Sedition”.  (See Also This From Definition Of Sedition, (G1370) or Galatians 5:20 ~ KJV).

    19 Now The Works Of The Flesh Are Manifest, Which Are These; Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions*, Heresies, {Galatians 5:19-20 (KJV)}, {*Dissension(s), Factions, Division}.

    In Law, Sedition Is Overt Conduct, Such As Speech And Organization, That Is Deemed By The Legal Authority To Tend Toward Insurrection Against The Established Order.  Sedition Often Includes Subversion Of A Constitution And Incitement Of Discontent (or Resistance) To Lawful Authority.  Sedition May Include Any Commotion, Though Not The Goodness Of Yahweh Leads To Repentance, (Meaning To Change Your Mind).  Repentance Does Not Mean Punishment.  It Is Our Own Hearts That Cause Problems.  Several Years Ago, I Was Driving Too Fast In The Rain.  A Van Stopped In Front Of My Truck, And I Locked My Brakes.  I Remember Hearing In My Heart As Loud As If I Were I Talking, “I’m Going To Hit That Van”.  But, I Aimed My Truck To The Side, And Cleared Him, But Just As Suddenly, The Curb That I Was Going To Jump, Had A Driveway At That Very Spot, And The Curve Of The Driveway Slid Me Back Into The Van.  Bam~!

    I Thought Why Did That Have To Happen?  I Was Clear Of Him.  And I Remembered My Heart, And What I Had Said Just Before I Struck.  That Is What Got Me Considering This About Your Heart Causing All The Problems, And Yahweh Opened Up My Eyes.  This Is Why It Seems All The More Important That I Guard My Heart.  Just As Clearly As I Saw That Van Get Hit By My Truck, And Some $1395.00 Dollars Later; (One Estimate Was $3,000.00).  I Saw That One Day An Opportunity Would Come Up Where I Could Die, And If I Am Not In The Habit Of Guarding My Heart, Then Boom, Out I Go, Despite My Best Efforts To Confess And Get My Heart Going In The Right Direction.  As Direct And Open Violence Against The Laws.  Seditious Words In Writing Are Seditious Libel.  A Seditionist Is One Who Engages In or Promotes The Interests Of Sedition, {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedition}.

    Even For A Well Known Preacher To Walk Out In Public And See Rude Picketers Viciously Jeering At Him With Looks Of Hatred And Spiteful Words That Can Be Offensive, And Might Make It A Struggle For The Recipient Of This Verbal Abuse To Show Love In Return.  For Someone To Do That To The President Of The United States Is Not Only Rude, And May Be Interpreted As Sedition; And Definitely Not Yahweh’s Way.


    For Human Anger Does Not Produce The Righteousness That Yahweh Desires~!
    James 1:20)

    And Not All Their Complaining, Criticizing, Lambaste, Disparage, Denigrate, Murmuring, Scrutinizing, Fault Finding Is Totally Unjustified.  The Love Of Yahweh Is In You, (Romans 5:5).  Love Surpasses Knowledge, Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment.  Love Is The Way.  By This Everyone WILL KNOW, By The Love We Have For One Another,

    (Ephesians 3:19; 1 Corinthians 13:2;
    James 2:13; John 13:34-35

    Some Folks Wanted To Picket Outside Of Sandy Hook With Signs Saying… “God Sent The Shooter”…
    Yikes~! That’s Wrong.  You May Already Know That d—Evil One Loves To Have The Whole World Moaning And Crying, And This Is Like Praise To Him, And The Acts At The School Certainly Ensured That Happened, (It’s Praising d—Evil One).

    And This Guy Even Flips Me A Bird.  Wow, That’s Very Disrespectful, And Obviously Not The Kind Of Love That Yahweh Has.

    But, Read More On That Website Cited Above Where It States That In Snyder v. Phelps, Decided By The Supreme Court In March 2011, The Father Of 20-Year-Old Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, Who Had Been Killed In Iraq, Filed A Lawsuit Seeking Damages, Saying The Westboro Group Had Turned His Son’s 2006 Funeral Into A, “Circus”, According To Post Reporting.  The Court Sided With Westboro; Meaning An Order To Pay The Protesters’ Legal Costs.  All This Father’s Anger Did Not Produce The Righteousness Of God And This Father Did Not Show The Love Of Yahweh To These Protesters, And Their Freedom Of Speech And He Lost The Case.

    Or This… {On The Same Website}.  Lady Gaga, Whose July 2010 Concert In St. Louis Was Picketed, Called On Her Fans To, “Not Respond To Any Of Their Provocation”, Adding, “Don’t Waste Your Words, or Feelings, No Matter What You Hear or See.  You Are More Fortunate And Blessed Than They Are, And In Your Heart Just Pray For Them.  Wow, This Group Picketing Made Lady Gaga Appear To Have More Love Than The Christians~!  And Maybe She Showed More Love Than The Father Above or Even Us.


    By This Shall All Men Know That You Are My Disciples, If You Have Love One To Another,
    John 13:34-35)

    And That’s The Point I’m Making, (They Will KNOW We Are Christians By Our Love, John 13:34-35).  If The Current or Past Presidential Administration Has Only Seen The Wrong Version Of Christianity Without The Love, Then They Have Not Seen Christ As Only We Can Portray Him And His Love.  We Are Instructed To Love People, Hate Evil, {Amos 5:15; Romans 12:9; Psalm 97:10}, And We Are Told, “For Our Wrestling Is Not Against Flesh And Blood, But Against The Principalities, Against The Powers, Against The World’s Rulers Of The Darkness Of This Age, And Against The Spiritual Hosts Of Wickedness In The Heavenly Places”, (Ephesians 6:12)}.

    Romans 16:19 Says To, “For Your Obedience Is Come Abroad Unto ALL Men.  I Am Glad Therefore On Your Behalf: But Yet I Would Have You Wise Unto That Which Is Good, And Simple Concerning Evil”.

    This Is Two-Fold.  You Can Spot The Enemies’ Plans And Strategies, If You’ll Look For The Simple Explanation, Rather Than The Complex.  Like The Love Of Money Is The Root Of ALL Evil, (1 Timothy 6:10).  So Start There.  But, The Other Part Of This Instruction Is Not To Dwell On And Focus All Of Attention On What The Counterfeit Is Doing, But To Just Praise Yahweh With Thanksgiving, Because We Like The Group In The United Kingdom Can And Will Win If We Focus On Yahweh And Walk In Faith And Love~!  However, There Is Good News For Us.  We’re Not Going To Have To Defeat d—Evil One With Our Hands, (Daniel 8:25).



    Once When We Were At A Southwest Believers’ Convention In Fort Worth, Texas, And It Had Finally Ended After 39 Sermons, And It Was A Late Saturday Night; The Tail End Of The Convention, And Kenneth Copeland Had Just Said That The Anointing That Was On Him Would Be On Us, And Then He Messed Up His Hair, (His Hair Is Always Flawlessly In Place And It Is So UnCharacteristic For Him To Mess Up His Hair), And I Felt Led Of The Lord Also To Mess Up My Hair And I Am Very Particular About My Hair And I Don’t Normally Ever Mess Up My Hair Either, And At The Exact Time The Guy Behind Me Felt Led To Mess Up His Hair.

    Well, The Actions Of The Young Man Behind Me Piqued My Curiosity And I Started Talking To This Man And His Wife.  This Couple Were Both Extremely Good Looking, (Like A Real Life Ken And Barbie Doll).  So, It Was Also Out Of Character For Him To Mess Up His Hair.  The Holy Ghost Was Strong, And I Did Not Want To Leave.  My Wife Had Gone On With Some Other Ladies Back To The Hotel Where We Were Staying And It Would Have Been So Easy For This Couple To Brush Me Off As I Was Talking So Much, And Because It Was Late As We All Had Planes To Catch In The Morning, {Blah, Blah, Blah ~ Any Excuse Would Have Done Such As… “The Light Bulb Burned Out In My Refrigerator, And I Had To Go Home And Change It”, etc.}.

    However, They Stayed And We Talked.  Mostly I Talked And They Listened.  And Finally, It Came Time To Say Goodbye, And I Turned And In My Thoughts, I Said, “Abba, Father, I Don’t Want To Leave, And Go Back To Ordinary Life And The Temptations And Forget You, I Don’t Want It To End”.  Immediately, It Rose Up In My Spirit To Bless This Couple.  I Said, “Hey, Wait… Y’all Come Back”.  Again They Could Easily Have Said, We’ve Talked A Long Time Already, And It’s Late And We Have A Plane To Catch In The Morning And We’ll Catch Up With You Later, etc.


    They Showed Honor

    But, They Didn’t.  They Came Back.  And As They Came Back I Felt That They Want To Have A Baby, (If They Had Not Returned, This Word Of Knowledge Wouldn’t Have Come To Me).

    I Inquired, “Are Y’all Wanting To Have A Baby?”  Right Away, They Looked At Each Other And Tears Started Swelling Up In Both Of Their Eyes.  I Said, “Well, Get Ready A Year From This Date You Will Already Have A Boy, Go Buy All The High Chairs And Jenny Lind Baby Cribs, And To Paint The Room, And Pick Out Names, And Notify The Grand Fathers And Grand Mothers To Start Getting Ready And Set Aside Time On Their Calendars For Next Year For This Baby’s Dedication”,

    By This Time, They Are Both Holding My Hands Very Tightly And Just Sobbing, With Their Eyes Sparkling With Excitement.  They Said, “You Don’t Know This, But We Have Been Trying To Have A Baby For Ten Years Without Success”.  I Said, “I Want Your Email Address.  Write Me When The Baby Is Born”.  And They Search For And Found A Pen And Wrote It Down, (This Was Before FaceBook or Cell Phones).  Then We Thanked God And Prayed Together That They Would Have A Child-Hand Picked By Yahweh Without Trouble or Defects That Would Have A Heart For Yahweh, And We Made Sure To Give Yahweh ALL The Glory.

    They Wrote Me On Email And It Turns Out Both Of Their Parents Were Pastors And They Didn’t Write Me Much, Maybe Four Times, But I Remember The Time That They Wrote Me An Email About Nine Months To The Day And Said, They Had A Little Boy In Perfect Condition, (They Wrote Me Afterwards, But When I Figured It Up, It Was Nine Months Precisely).  It Wasn’t Me That Made It Happen.  I Was Just The Messenger, And They Were The Receptive Vessels.

    Was It Important For Them To Stay?  Do You Think These Folks Are Complaining About Any Loss Of Sleep Because That Long-Winded Prophet Of Yahweh Kept Going On And On?  Often We Say We Will Honor God And If Yahweh Tells Us To Do Something, Then We Will Do It.  However, We Fail To See That Means That, “We Are The Center Of Our Universe”.  As Long As We View Things That Way And Not To Embrace That When Yahweh Tells Us To Do Something via A Pastor or A Prophet, We Are To Give Just As Much Regard To Them And To Show Honor To Them Else We’ll Miss Some Things That Yahweh Wants Us To Have~!

    I Am Reminded Of:

    1 Chronicles 16:43 Then All The People Departed, Each Man To His House, And David Returned Home To Bless His Household~!

    2 Samuel 6:20-23 ~
    20 When David Returned Home To Bless His Household, Michal Daughter Of Saul Came Out To Meet Him And Said, “How The King Of Israel Has Distinguished Himself Today, Going Around Half-Naked In Full View Of The Slave Girls Of His Servants As Any Vulgar Fellow Would~!”
    21 So David Said To Michal, “It Was Before Yahweh, Who Chose Me Instead Of Your Father And All His House, To Appoint Me Ruler Over The People Of Yahweh, Over Israel.  Therefore I Will Play Music Before Yahweh.
    22 And I Will Be Even More Undignified Than This, And Will Be Humble In My Own Sight.  But As For The Maidservants Of Whom You Have Spoken, By Them I Will Be Held In Honor”.
    23 Therefore Michal The Daughter Of Saul Had No Children To The Day Of Her Death.


    Making Fun Of Someone

    Humility IS Before Honor, (Every Time); Which Normally Means That We Are Going To Have To Yield To The Holy Ghost, or To That Person, or To The Time Of Day or The Events.

    1 Samuel 2:12-30 ~ * For Those Who Honor Me I Will Honor, And Those Who Despise Me Shall Be, “Lightly Esteemed”.
    Proverbs 22:4 ~ The Result Of Humility And The Fear Of Yahweh Is Wealth, Honor, And Life.
    Proverbs 15:33 ~ The Fear Of Yahweh Teaches Wisdom.  Before Honor Is Humility.
    1 Timothy 5:17 ~ Let The Elders Who Perform Their Duties Wisely And Well Be Held Worthy Of Double Honor, Especially Those Who Labor In Preaching And Teaching.

    You See, King David Was Not Just A King, But Also A Prophet, (Acts 2:30).  Look At What King David Was Going To Do.  Do You Suppose King David Was In High Joy~!  {Hint: 2 Samuel 6:14, 16; 1 Chronicles 15:29 Says David Was Leaping And Twirling * Kârar In The Hebrew ~ Strong’s Concordance # H3769}.  Do You Suppose King David Was Like Me Wanting More And More Of Yahweh And Not Looking For An Excuse To End It Early And Go Home?  What Was King David’s Purpose?  2 Samuel 6:20 Tells That David Returned Home To Bless His Household, That Was His Objective.

    *H3769 Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Definition:

    1) (Pilpel) To Whirl, Dance
    1a) Whirling, Dancing (Participle)


    Chronicles Of Two Responses

    Today, In Augusta, Georgia; We Have The Augusta Chronicles To Tell Us The News As The Events Unfolded.  Similarly, In The Old Testament, You’ll Find That We Have 1st & 2nd Chronicles.  The Chronicles Would Be Like Our Modern Day Newspaper, With The Notable Exception That They Are Yahweh-Breathed.

    You’ll Find That In 1 Chronicles 15:25-29 That King David Was Bringing In The Ark.  However, Micah Saw David Leaping And Twirling Probably In A Loin Cloth As His Robe Would Have Been In His Way, And When She Saw King David Dancing And Celebrating, She Despised Him In Her Heart.  In Other Words, She Lightly Esteemed Him In Her Eyes.*

    If You’ll Take The Time To Read All Of 1 Chronicles 16:1-43, You’ll See That Was At That Same Exact Time That David, “Blessed Israel”, And, “Blessed” Means To Proclaim or To Say With Your Mouth Such Things As Would Change The Outcome Of Future Situations, (Much Like I Blessed My Sister And Told Her That She Would Have A Daughter, I Even Prayed That She Be Hand-Picked By Yahweh From The First String, The Best Of The Best, With No Defects.  This Proved To Be True In My Niece Who Was Born A Short Time Later.

    However, If You’ll Read The Words Written Down In 2 Samuel 6:1-23 Concerning The Unfolding Of These Exact Same Events In 1 Chronicles 15:1-29, You’ll Find Something Very Interesting… King David, Who Just Got Through Doing All The Stuff Chronicled In 1 Chronicles 16:1-43, (Chronicles Also Means A Narrative In Chronological Order And Chapter 16 Would Have Been Told After Chapter 15), You Will See That David Was On His Way To Bless Micah, Just As He Had Finished Blessing Israel.


    The Objective And Purpose
    David Returned Home To Bless His Household

    1 Chronicles 16:43 Then All The People Departed, Each Man To His House, And David Returned Home To Bless His Household~!

    2 Samuel 6:20 ~ When David Returned Home To Bless His Household, Michal Daughter Of Saul Came Out To Meet Him And Said, “How The King Of Israel Has Distinguished Himself Today, Going Around Half-Naked In Full View Of The Slave Girls Of His Servants As Any Vulgar Fellow Would~!”

    David Was Clothed With A Robe Of Fine Linen, And All The Levites Who Bore The Ark, And The Singers, And Chenaniah The Master Of The Song [With] The Singers: And David Had On Him An Ephod Of Linen, (1 Chronicles 15:27).

    So, What Happened To This Blessing?  It Just Was Never Spoken And Never Came Into Being.  Do You Think It Was Like A Wet Blanket On David’s Joy?  What Happened To Michal?  In The Very Next Verses…

    2 Samuel 6:21-23
    21 So David Said To Michal, “It Was Before Yahweh, Who Chose Me Instead Of Your Father And All His House, To Appoint Me Ruler Over The People Of Yahweh, Over Israel.  Therefore I Will Play Music Before Yahweh.
    22 And I Will Be Even More Undignified Than This, And Will Be Humble In My Own Sight.  But As For The Maidservants Of Whom You Have Spoken, By Them I Will Be Held In Honor”.
    23 Therefore Michal The Daughter Of Saul Had No Children To The Day Of Her Death.

    It Wasn’t That Micah Got Cursed, Insomuch As It Was Just The Absent Of The Blessing~!  I Am A Lot Like King David.  David Was Human, Just Like I Am.  We May Not Realize That When We Do Something To Someone, It Has Cause And Effect With Consequences.

    Note To Self, Don’t Bite The Hand That Feeds You, And Don’t Bad Mouth The One Who Prays Sometimes At Long After This Person Is At Work.  I Could Say The Same Thing In Reverse.  When Is This Person Praying?  They’re Probably Not, As They Get Up And Go Straight To Work.


    David Blessed His Household~!

    Notice That King David Still Said A, “Blessing”, But, He Only Blessed His Part Of The HouseHold, (2 Samuel 6:16, 21-23).

    He Blessed Himself By Saying, “Therefore, I Will Celebrate”, {Play, Laugh, Rejoice, Strong Expression Of Celebration, Making Merry, Rejoicing, To Have Fun, Enjoying Life}1 Before Yahweh.

    David Might Have Been Saying To Michal, {Saul’s Daughter ~ (2 Samuel 6:16)}, “I Might Not Be Like Your Father, And Be All Prim And Proper, And Behave The Way That You Think That I Should Act, But Yahweh Chose Me And What I Bring To The Table—Over Your Father.  Yahweh Chose Me To Be The Leader, And Yahweh Knows How I Am, or That I Speak Saying ‘Y’all’, or That I Get Excited When I Worship, And That I Twirl, etc”.  When Yahweh Chose Me, Apparently Yahweh Wanted Someone To Lead Who Leaps And Twirls, Therefore I’m Going To Celebrate The Way That Yahweh Made Me To Be”.

    I Will Be Held In Honor By The Hand Maids”.  {Here David Blessed Himself}.

    1 The Words, “Music”, Was Added By The Translators.


    Honor And DisHonor

    When You Talk About Women Of The Scriptures As Role Model You Better Include Abigail Who Became One Of King David’s Wives.  The Story Of How David Met Abigail Would Make An Awesome Scripture Study.

    1 Samuel 25:1-42

    1 Samuel Died; And All Israel Gathered Themselves Together, And Lamented Him, And Buried Him In His House At Ramah.  David Arose, And Went Down To The Wilderness Of Paran.
    2 There Was A Man In Maon, Whose Possessions Were In Carmel; And The Man Was Very Great, And He Had Three Thousand Sheep, And A Thousand Goats: And He Was Shearing His Sheep In Carmel.
    3 Now The Name Of The Man Was Nabal; And The Name Of His Wife Abigail; And The Woman Was Of Good Understanding, And Of A Beautiful Face: But The Man Was Rude, Blunt, Ungracious, Violent, Rough, Harsh, Stiff, Hard, or Unyielding And Evil In His Doings, {Surly And Mean In His Dealings}; And He Was Of The House Of Caleb.
    4 David Heard In The Wilderness That Nabal Was Shearing His Sheep.
    5 David Sent Ten Young Men, And David Said To The Young Men, Go Up To Carmel, And Go To Nabal, And Greet Him In My Name:
    6 And Thus Shall You Tell Him Who Lives In Prosperity, Peace Be To You, And Peace Be To Your House, And Peace Be To ALL That You Have.
    7 Now I Have Heard That You Have Shearers: Your Shepherds Have Now Been With Us, And We Did Them No Hurt, Neither Was There Anything Missing To Them, All The While They Were In Carmel.
    8 Ask Your Young Men, And They Will Tell You: Therefore Let The Young Men Find Favor In Your Eyes; For We Come In A Good Day.  Please Give Whatever Comes To Your Hand, To Your Servants, And To Your Son David.
    9 When David’s Young Men Came, They Spoke To Nabal According To ALL Those Words In The Name Of David, And Ceased.
    10 Nabal Answered David’s Servants, And Said, Who Is David?  And Who Is The Son Of Jesse?  There Are Many Servants Now-a-Days Who Break Away Every Man From His Master.
    11 Shall I Then Take My Bread, And My Water, And My Meat That I Have Killed For My Shearers, And Give It To Men Who I Don’t Know Where They Come From?
    12 So David’s Young Men Turned On Their Way, And Went Back, And Came And Told Him According To ALL These Words.
    13 David Said To His Men, Gird You On Every Man His Sword.  They Girded On Every Man His Sword; And David Also Girded On His Sword: And There Went Up After David About Four Hundred Men; And Two Hundred Abode By The Baggage.
    14 But One Of The Young Men Told Abigail, Nabal’s Wife, Saying, Behold, David Sent Messengers Out Of The Wilderness To Greet Our Master; And He Railed At Them.
    15 But The Men Were Very Good To Us, And We Were Not Hurt, Neither Missed We Anything, As Long As We Went With Them, When We Were In The Fields:
    16 They Were A Wall To Us Both By Night And By Day, All The While We Were With Them Keeping The Sheep.
    17 Now Therefore Know And Consider What You Will Do; For Evil Is Determined Against Our Master, And Against ALL His House: For He Is Such A Worthless Fellow That One Can’t Speak To Him.
    18 Then Abigail Made Haste, And Took Two Hundred Loaves, And Two Bottles Of Wine, And Five Sheep Ready Dressed, And Five Measures Of Parched Grain, And One Hundred clusters Of Raisins, And Two Hundred Cakes Of Figs, And Laid Them On Donkeys.
    19 She Said To Her Young Men, Go On Before Me; Behold, I Come After You.  But She Didn’t Tell Her Husband, Nabal.
    20 It Was So, As She Rode On Her Donkey, And Came Down By The Covert Of The Mountain, That Behold, David And His Men Came Down Toward Her; And She Met Them.
    21 Now David Had Said, Surely In Vain Have I Kept ALL That This Fellow Has In The Wilderness, So That Nothing Was Missed Of ALL That Pertained To Him: And He Has Returned Me Evil For Good.
    22 God Do So To The Enemies Of David, And More Also, If I Leave Of ALL That Belongs To Him By The Morning Light So Much As One Man-Child.
    23 When Abigail Saw David, She Hurried, And Alighted From Her Donkey, And Fell Before David On Her Face, And Bowed Herself To The Ground.
    24 She Fell At His Feet, And Said, On Me, My Lord, On Me Be The Iniquity; And Please Let Your Handmaid Speak In Your Ears.  Hear The Words Of Your Handmaid.
    25 Please Don’t Let My Lord Regard This Worthless Fellow, Even Nabal; For As His Name Is, So Is He; Nabal Is His Name, And Folly Is With Him: But I Your Handmaid Didn’t See The Young Men Of My Lord, Whom You Did Send.
    26 Now Therefore, My Lord, As Yahweh Lives, And As Your Soul Lives, Seeing Yahweh Has Withheld You From Blood Guiltiness, And From Avenging Yourself With Your Own Hand, Now Therefore Let Your Enemies, And Those Who Seek Evil To My Lord, Be As Nabal.
    27 Now This Present Which Your Servant Has Brought To My Lord, Let It Be Given To The Young Men Who Follow My Lord.
    28 Please Forgive The Trespass Of Your Handmaid: For Yahweh Will Certainly Make My Lord A Sure House, Because My Lord Fights The Battles Of Yahweh; And Evil Shall Not Be Found In You ALL Your Days.
    29 Though Men Be Risen Up To Pursue You, And To Seek Your Soul, Yet The Soul Of My Lord Shall Be Bound In The Bundle Of Life With Yahweh Your God; And The Souls Of Your Enemies, Them Shall He Sling Out, As From The Hollow Of A Sling.
    30 It Shall Come To Pass, When Yahweh Shall Have Done To My Lord According To ALL The Good That He Has Spoken Concerning You, And Shall Have Appointed You Prince, {Ruler, Leader, Captain, Prince-OverSeer Strong’s Concordance H5057} Over Israel,
    31 That This Shall Be No Grief To You, Nor Offense Of Heart To My Lord, Either That You Have Shed Blood Without Cause, or That My Lord Has Avenged Himself.  When Yahweh Shall Have Dealt Well With My Lord, Then Remember Your Handmaid.
    32 David Said To Abigail, Blessed Be Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Who Sent You This Day To Meet Me:
    33 And Blessed Be Your Discretion, And Blessed Be You, That Have Kept Me This Day From Blood Guiltiness, And From Avenging Myself With My Own Hand.
    34 For In Very Deed, As Yahweh, The God Of Israel, Lives, Who Has Withheld Me From Hurting You, Except You Had Hurried And Come To Meet Me, Surely There Wouldn’t Have Been Left To Nabal By The Morning Light So Much As One Man-Child.
    35 So David Received Of Her Hand That Which She Had Brought Him: And He Said To Her, Go Up In Peace To Your House; Behold, I Have Listened To Your Voice, And Have Accepted Your Person.
    36 Abigail Came To Nabal; And, Behold, He Held A Feast In His House, Like The Feast Of A King; And Nabal’s Heart Was Merry Within Him, For He Was Very Drunken: Therefore She Told Him Nothing, Less or More, Until The Morning Light.
    37 It Happened In The Morning, When The Wine Was Gone Out Of Nabal, That His Wife Told Him These Things, And His Heart Died Within Him, And He Became As A Stone.
    38 It Happened About Ten Days After, That Yahweh Struck Nabal, So That He Died.
    39 When David Heard That Nabal Was Dead, He Said, Blessed Be Yahweh, Who Has Pleaded The Cause Of My Reproach From The Hand Of Nabal, And Has Kept Back His Servant From Evil: And The Evil-Doing Of Nabal Has Yahweh Returned On His Own Head.  David Sent And Spoke Concerning Abigail, To Take Her To Him As Wife.
    40 When The Servants Of David Were Come To Abigail To Carmel, They Spoke To Her, Saying, David Has Sent Us To You, To Take You To Him As Wife.
    41 She Arose, And Bowed Herself With Her Face To The Earth, And Said, Behold, Your Handmaid Is A Servant To Wash The Feet Of The Servants Of My Lord.
    42 Abigail Hurried, And Arose, And Rode On A Donkey, With Five Ladies Of Hers Who Followed Her; And She Went After The Messengers Of David, And Became His Wife.


    One DisHonors And One Honors

    Before David In The Scriptures Became The King Of Israel, He Was Appointed To Be King By Samuel, But Samuel Had Died And Now David And “His Merry Men” Were “The Band On The Run” From King Saul With 600+ Men, (ie. Warriors), (1 Samuel 25:13). But, The Feast Times Were Approaching, And David Had Been In The Area Where A Shepherd Was, (Remember David Himself Used To Be A Shepherd).  While He Was In The Area, They Never Stole The Man’s Sheep, Nor Were Any Of Nabal Shepherds Hurt, And Probably Just Their Presence There Kept The Predators Away, And That’s What David Was Saying For Surely Losing A Few Sheep Might Be The Norm, But David And His Young Men Made Sure That Not One Of Them Went Missing, (And They May Have Even Guided A Stray Back or Rescued One).  Even The Other Young Men That Were Shepherds Testified That “As Long As We WENT WITH THEM”, (1 Samuel 25:15), [Note: Not The Inverse, Like “As Long As They Stayed With Us”], Sounds Like David Knew Where To Guide Them To Green Acres, And Must Have Been Getting These Directions From Yahweh As He Had Done When He Was A Shepherd Boy Himself, {See Psalm 23:1-2 … David Said That Yahweh Was His Shepherd That Leads Him Besides Green Pastures}.

    David Sent Word To This Rich Man, [The King James Says, “And Thus Shall You Tell Him Who Lives In Prosperity” (1 Samuel 25:1-9)]; And Told The Men To Say That They Come In David’s Name, And David Blessed Nabal, (The NIV Says In Verse 6, “‘Long Life To You~! Good Health To You And Your Household~! And Good Health To ALL That Is Yours~!”).  And The Men Also Asked For Provisions Per David’s Instruction For Food For The Feast.

    Nabal Saw David As, “Who Is This David?”, And Went On To Say Who Is This Renegade, Rebel, That Left His Master, “No Count” And Did Not Regard David In High Esteem At ALL~!  Nabal “Lightly Esteemed” David.  Abigail, On The Other Hand Saw David As One Day Becoming The King And Ran To Him With Provisions And Humbled Herself. 


    Humility Comes Before Honor

    As Said Before, Often We Say We Will Honor God And If Yahweh Tells Us To Do Something, Then We Will Do It.  However, We Fail To Embrace That When Yahweh Tells Us To Do Something via A Pastor or A Prophet or Another Man Of Yahweh, That We Are To Give Just As Much Regard To Them And To Show Honor, Even Double Honor To Them Also, {1 Timothy 5:17}.  Most Of The Time When Yahweh Wants To Move In Your Life, It Will Require Faith On Your Part, And As Such Will Come At A Seemingly Bad Time, or When You Don’t Regard The One Speaking To You.  Before Honor Is Humility, Which Normally Means That We Are Going To Have To Yield To The Holy Ghost, or To That Person, or To The Time Of Day or The Events.

    Yahoshua Said In Matthew 23:39,For I Tell You, You Will Not See Me From Now On, Until You Say, ‘Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord~!’  In Other Words, Until You Receive The One Sent In Yahweh’s Name, You Will Not See Yahoshua.

    Coincidently, While At The Very Feast, (That Nabal Was Too Preoccupied With… To Take Care Of David And His Men), On The Very Next Day Abigail Told Nabal How Close He Came To Being Killed, His Heart Froze And He Was Paralyzed And Remained That Way For 10 Days Until He Died.  He Didn’t Receive David, So Nabal Also Didn’t Receive The Blessing That David Had Bestowed Upon Him And It Cost Him His Life Leaving Abigail To Be A Widow.  The NIV Says Of Abigail That She Was, “She Was An Intelligent And Beautiful Woman”.  David Asked This Wise Woman To Be His Wife And She Gladly Did So.  David Was Blessed, By Not Taking Matters Into His Own Hands, And Got Abigail As His Wife~!


    Poured Out~!

    This Is The Story Of A Certain Young Woman Whom I Shall Call Flo, (Not Her Real Name).  I Was In Charge Of The Games For Both Children’s Camp And The Teen Camp At A Certain Church Camp.  I Had 125 Per Camp, (Divided Up Into Smaller Groups Of 60+ At A Time).  I Assigned Each Teen Group To Take Various Photos, (Everybody Jumping, All Standing On One Log, Making A Human Pyramid, etc. ~ Aka… Digital Scavenger Hunt).  I Gave Each Team One Of My Old Cell Phones, (That I Still Used In Hotels Via WiFi ~ So They Still Had A Value To Me).

    Well, Another Young Woman Whom I Will Call, (Ebb, Also Not Her Real Name), Dropped And Broke One Of My Cell Phones, And Flo Came Running Up Saying, “Don’t Be Mad.  Please Don’t Be Mad”.  I Said, “What?” And Flo Told Me That Ebb Had Dropped One Of My Cell Phones And Broke The Glass… At First I Was Upset.  How Can You Drop A Cell Phone?  But, I Remembered What My Sister Had Said About Anything That Can Be Fixed With Money Is Not Really A Problem At All, And So I Told Them That.  I Said, “Now, If One Of Y’all Had Run Out Into The Road And Gotten Injured By A Car, That Would Be Something To Get Serious About”.

    They Said, “Are You Sure”, And I Pretended To Be Sure.  But On The Inside I Heard The Holy Ghost Say, “You Really Have To Forgive, Because They Will Know If You Don’t”.  So, I Really Forgave And Right After This Incident Was Over, Flo Came Up To Me And Said That Her Father Would Have Been So Mad And She Couldn’t Believe I Was So Willing To Let It Go.

    Oh, One More Thing.  After I Forgave Her, One Of The Girls Said, “What Happened To Your Short Pants?”, And I Looked Down And The Lid Had Came Off Of The Anointing Oil That I Carry In My Pants Pocket And My Pants Had A 6” Stain And The Aroma Of Frankincense And Myrrh Permeated The Air And The Girls Said, “That’s A Nice Fragrance~!”

    However, I Believe That The Oil Was The Heavenly Father’s Way Of Saying That He Was Pleased That I Walked In Love And Represented Him Well; {Because I Was Being Poured Out}, (See My Notes About Being Poured Out By Tapping or Clicking Here).  Flo Got Saved At That Teen Camp About 2 Days Later.  I Will Always Believe That Was In Part Due To My Making A Decision To Walk In Love~!


    Compare Micah With Abigail

    In Both Of These Scenarios, They Both Involved David And His Reaction To Being Either Dishonored or To Being Honored.  One Was His Wife That Should Have Given Him Respect And The Other Was A Woman That Became His Wife, Because She Honored And Regarded Him.

    Oftentimes The Words Glory And Honor Are Thrown Out Together.  Being The King’s Wife Is An Honor.  Humility ALWAYS Comes Before Honor ~

    (Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33;
    Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4;
    Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6;
    Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52

    To Have Yahweh’s Glory, We Must Have Honor And To Have Honor, We Must Walk In Humility Towards Others…

    Likewise, You Younger, Submit Yourselves Unto The Elder. Yes, All [Of You] Be Subject One To Another, And Be Clothed With Humility: For Yahweh Resists The Proud, And Gives Grace To The Humble ~ (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)…


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