Yahoshua Washing Feet


Would You Like For Your Life To Have Significance?

Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of Yahweh, And He Will Lift You Up.
[He Will Lift You Up And Make Your Lives Significant~!], (James 4:10),

{Amplified Bible Classic Edition}

If Yahweh Mentions Something Once, It’s Significant.  If Yahweh Mentions It Twice, It’s More Important.  If Yahweh Mentions It Three Times, It Is Of The Utmost Importance.  Before Something Can Be Set In Stone As A Word From Yahweh, Abba Put In Motion This Criteria, That, “In TheMouth’ Of Two or Three Witnesses Shall Every Word Be Established”, {This Truth Itself Was Said In At Least Seven Places~!

(Deuteronomy 17:6; Deuteronomy 19:15; Matthew 18:16; John 8:17; 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:28)}.

So, The Following Truth Below To Be Mentioned At Least 12 Times; Must Be Critically, Vitally, Life & Death Essential Important And A Prerequisite For Our Success~!

Likewise, You Younger, Submit Yourselves Unto The Elder. Yes, All [Of You] Be Subject One To Another, And Be Clothed With Humility: For Yahweh Resists The Proud, And Gives Grace To The Humble ~

(Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10) ~
5 Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble, But Opposes The Proud.

 To Have Yahweh’s Glory, We Must Have Honor And To Have Honor, We Must Walk In Humility Towards Others Especially Those That Are Older Than Us … {Grace Is A Free Gift, But Only To The Humble}.

Humility Comes Before Honor
Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You”.





I Felt LED Of Yahweh To Start Off Start Off Light-Hearted By Reading This Email.

There Was Once A Graduating Class Where They Were Told That They Could Not Pray or Mention Yahweh During The Commencement Ceremony.

The Speeches Were Nice, But They Were Routine Until The Final Speech Received A Standing Ovation.  A Solitary Student Walked Proudly To The Microphone.  He Stood Still And Silent For Just A Moment, And Then, It Happened.  All 92 Students, Every Single One Of Them, Suddenly SNEEZED~!

The Student On Stage Simply Looked At The Graduates And Said, “Yahweh BLESS YOU, Each And Every One Of You~!” And He Walked Off Stage.

The Audience Exploded Into Applause.  The Graduating Class Found A Unique Way To Invoke Yahweh’s Blessing On Their Future With or Without The Court’s Approval.  How Many Here Would Like To Gain Yahweh’s Blessing On Your Life?



Yahweh Gives Grace [Continually] To The Humble

I Want That Also, So I Got Up At 4 AM That Morning To Pray And Knew That I Wanted To Draw Close To Yahweh As I Was Preaching That Day.  So, I Thought I Start At James 4:1-11.

James 4:1 WHAT LEADS To Strife (Discord And Feuds) And How Do Conflicts (Quarrels And Fightings) Originate Among You?  Do They Not Arise From Your Sensual Desires That Are Ever Warring In Your Bodily Members?

James 4:2 You Are Jealous And Covet [What Others Have] And Your Desires Go Unfulfilled; [So] You Become Murderers, [To Hate Is To Murder As Far As Your Hearts Are Concerned].  You Burn With Envy And Anger And Are Not Able To Obtain [The Gratification, The Contentment, And The Happiness That You Seek], So You Fight And War.  You Do Not Have, Because You Do Not Ask. [See Also I John 3:15].

James 4:3 [Or] You Do Ask [Yahweh For Them] And Yet Fail To Receive, Because You Ask With Wrong Purpose And Evil, Selfish Motives. Your Intention Is [When You Get What You Desire] To Spend It In Sensual Pleasures.

James 4:4 You [Are Like] UnFaithful Wives [Having Illicit Love Affairs With The World And Breaking Your Marriage Vow To Yahweh]~!  Do You Not Know That Being The World’s Friend Is Being Yahweh’s Enemy?  So Whoever Chooses To Be A Friend Of The World Takes His Stand As An Enemy Of Yahweh.

James 4:5 Or Do You Suppose That The Scripture Is Speaking To No Purpose That Says, The Spirit Whom He Has Caused To Dwell In Us Yearns Over Us And He Yearns For The Spirit [To Be Welcome] With A Jealous Love?

James 4:6 But He Gives Us More And More Grace (Power Of The Holy Ghost, To Meet This Evil Tendency And ALL Others Fully).  That Is Why He Says, Yahweh Sets Himself Against The Proud And Haughty, But Gives Grace [Continually] To The Humble (Those Who Are Humble Enough To Receive It).



Draw Close To Yahweh And He Will Come Close To You

Around Verse 7, The Idea Occurred To Me To Read A Verse And Then Apply It.

James 4:7 So Be Subject To Yahweh. Resist The Devil [Stand Firm Against Him], And He Will Flee From You.

James 4:8 Come Close To Yahweh And He Will Come Close To You. [Recognize That You Are] Sinners, Get Your Soiled Hands Clean; [Realize That You Have Been Disloyal] Wavering Individuals With Divided Interests, And Purify Your Hearts [Of Your Spiritual Adultery].

I Stopped What I Was Reading, Stood Before Yahweh And Imaged I Was In The Presence Of Yahweh.  Usually, This Works For Me, But Not This Morning.  Nothing.  I Stood There Some More.  I Really Felt Like Yahweh Was Not Around.  I Started Wondering, Well, Maybe Yahweh Is Not In Me Preaching That Day And Perhaps, My Brother Was Supposed To Preach, And Dad Just Asked Me So I Wouldn’t Feel Left Out.  Then I Heard Yahweh Say, Go Read Some More Before You Come Back To Me, {See Matthew 5:23-24}.  So, I Flipped Back Over To James 4:9-11 Where It Normally Says Draw Close To Yahweh And He Will Draw Close To You, But I Was Reading Out Of The Amplified Bible Classic Edition So It Reads This Way.

James 4:9 [As You Draw Near To Yahweh] Be Deeply Penitent And Grieve, Even Weep [Over Your Disloyalty].  Let Your Laughter Be Turned To Grief And Your Mirth To Dejection And Heartfelt Shame [For Your Sins].

I Pondered This In My Heart“

James 4:10 Humble Yourselves [Feeling Very Insignificant] In The Presence Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You [He Will Lift You Up And Make Your Lives Significant].

And Then, There It Was …

James 4:11 [My] Sisters And Brothers, Do Not Speak Evil About or Accuse One Another.  He That Maligns A Brother or Judges His Brother Is Maligning And Criticizing The Law And Judging The Law.  But If You Judge The Law, You Are Not Just Someone Practicing The Law, But A Censor And Judge [Of It].



LightBulb Moment

I Knew Three Things Just Exactly At That Moment.

  1. I Knew That I Was Called To Preach

  2. I Knew That Yahweh Had Been Trying To Talk To Me This Morning But That There Was A Blockage Stopping The Flow.

  3. I Knew That I Been A Part Of The Blockage Because I Had Talked About My Pastor.

  So I Called Up My Pastor At Around 5 A.M.  How Would You Like To Be My Pastor And Get A Call From Me At That Early In The Morning?  Fortunately, For Him He Had His Cell Phone Turned Off, But I Left An Apology Message Anyway.  I Thought That I Had Already Done This Before I Left Huntsville, But This Time It Was With Faith; As Faith Comes From Hearing And Hearing From The Word, (Rhema’, <4487>), or Revealed Word Of Yahweh; {Not Just The Logos <3056>}, And I Had Just Gotten This Revelation Fresh From The Word Of Yahweh.

I Went Back To Just Standing Before Yahweh.  I Wasn’t Trying To Do Anything.  I Was Just Still Pondering On How ALL These Verses Seem To Center On Humbleness, {The Opposite Of Pride}, And About The Part Saying [My] Sisters And Brothers, Do Not Speak Evil About or Accuse One Another, And Wondering How Much I Might Have Harmed The Kingdom Of Yahweh Because Of Talking About Someone.

  When Suddenly, It Was Like A Cool Breeze Blew On Me, And I Had Chill Bumps On Top Of Chill Bumps, And The River Was Flowing From Yahweh At A Nice Pace.  It Caught Me Off Guard, So I Stopped And Said To Yahweh, “What Did I Do Right?”  Yahweh Brought Me Back To [My] Sisters And Brothers, Do Not Speak Evil About or Accuse One Another.  And Told Me That I Repented By Faith And Unclogged The Blockage.

Yahweh Had Already Dropped A Word Into My Heart Earlier That I Was Going To Use In Delivering This Message, But Now These Same Passages Were Vibrant And Alive And Made So Much Sense.  I Couldn’t Wait To Convey The Message That Abba Father Was Just Now Giving Me Hot Off The Plate.  But, At The Same Time, I Really Knew That I Might Be The Wrong Guy To Deliver This Message As I Might Come Across As A Prophet, And Rather Harsh And Make People Feel Rotten Instead Of Wanting To Repent, (Repent Means To, “Change Your Mind”).

Then Yahweh Spoke, “Why Not Make It About Yourself, And Let Me Work On Their Hearts”.  Excellent, I Thought~!

James 4:10 Humble Yourselves [Feeling Very Insignificant] In The Presence Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You [He Will Lift You Up And Make Your Lives Significant~!].



The Sin That So Easily Besets Me

So, This Sermon Is Preaching To Me.  I Mentioned At Dad & Mom’s 50th Wedding Anniversary That I Have Never Had A Drink Of Alcohol Even After Being In The Navy For 4 Years, Nor Have I Been Locked Up In Jail, Something I Honor My Parents With In Their Raising Me.  And This Is True; However, I Failed To Mention My Faults, And If Ever There Was Some Murmuring Going On At Church, You Can Almost Bet That I Used To Be The Root Cause Of It, or At Least Heavily Involved.

I Didn’t Think About This Verse Until Later, But If I Ever Preach This Again, I Plan To Include It, (Proverbs 6:16-19):

16 These Six Things Yahweh Hates, Indeed , Seven Are An Abomination To Him:
17 A Proud Look [The Spirit That Makes One Overestimate Himself And Underestimate Others], A Lying Tongue, And Hands That Shed Innocent Blood,
18 A Heart That Manufactures Wicked Thoughts And Plans, Feet That Are Swift In Running To Evil,
19 A False Witness Who Breathes Out Lies [Even Under Oath], And He Who Sows Discord Among His Sisters And Brothers.

When I Was 48 Years Old, I Encountered A Pastor Who Was 36 Years Old.  I Had Been Saved Since I Was 7 Years Old.  I’d Been Saved Longer Than This Pastor Is Old.  I’d Been Married Twice As Long As This Pastor.  My Mind Wanted To Cry Out, Surely I Must Know Something~!  I Know About The Languages Of Love And My Pastor Did Not, Yet He Teaches Married Classes And Acts Like He Knows More Than Me. 

It’s Humbling To Submit To A Person That Is Younger Than I, That Acts Like He Knows More Than I Do, Always Putting His Hand On My Shoulder, When In Fact I Know That I Know More About Him In A Lot Of Ways.  So, I Had Become Disgruntled, I Complained And Spoke Against The Man Of Yahweh Where Yahweh Had Placed Me.  I Know Yahweh Had Directed Me To Be At This Place, Where I Was To Submit To This Pastor.  And Just To Rub The Point In, This Pastor’s Last Name Was, “Young”.

James 4:10 Humble Yourselves [Feeling Very Insignificant] In The Presence Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You [He Will Lift You Up And Make Your Lives Significant].

  And This Is Not The 1st Time That I’ve Gone Through This Test.  I Had Almost Precisely The Same Pastor As The Last Church That I Was In, And They Both Even Carry The Same Drake Annotated Reference Bible.  I’d Get Aggravated At The Pastor And I Would Leave, Only To Find That I’ve Got To Go Through This Same Junk With Another Pastor, This Time Even Harder.

  I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Tired Of Church-Hopping.  I Don’t Want To Go Around This Merry-Go-Round Anymore, Jumping From Place To Place And Still Not Being Settled In My Heart.  How Many Folks Here Today Would Like To Be Settled?  Raise Your Hands.  I Know I Would.  Please Turn With Me To 1 Peter 5:4-10. 



Our Lives Could Have Significance…Here’s How

Have You Heard The Song, “Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us, Much We Need Thy Tender Care…” … Like A Shepherd?   That’s False.  Yahoshua Isn’t Like A Shepherd.  He Is A Shepherd~!  In Fact, He Is The Chief Shepherd~!

1 Peter 5:4-10
And [Then] When The Chief Shepherd Is Revealed, You Will Win The Conqueror’s Crown Of Glory .

* ~ However, If You Want To Read About Somebody That Is Pretending To Be Something He Is Not,
Then Read About Satan Who Roams Around Like A Lion~! ~ *

5 Likewise, You Who Are Younger And Of Lesser Rank, Be Subject To The Elders (The Ministers And Spiritual Guides Of The Church)—[Giving Them Due Respect And Yielding To Their Counsel].  Clothe (Apron) Yourselves, ALL Of You, With Humility [As The Garb Of A Servant, So That Its Covering Cannot Possibly Be Stripped From You, With Freedom From Pride And Arrogance] Toward One Another.  For Yahweh Sets Himself Against The Proud (The Insolent, The Overbearing, The Disdainful, The Presumptuous, The Boastful) —[And He Opposes, Frustrates, And Defeats Them], But Gives Grace (Favor, Blessing) To The Humble.
6 Therefore Humble Yourselves [Demote, Lower Yourselves In Your Own Estimation] Under The Mighty Hand Of Yahweh, That In Due Time He May Exalt You,
7 Casting The Whole Of Your Care [ALL Your Anxieties, ALL Your Worries, ALL Your Concerns, Once And For ALL] On Him, For He Cares For You Affectionately And Cares About You Watchfull y.
8 Be Well Balanced (Temperate, Sober Of Mind), Be Vigilant, Be Alert, Be Watchful And Cautious At ALL Times; For That Enemy Of Yours, The Devil, {The False Accuser}, Roams Around Like A Lion Roaring [In Fierce Hunger], Seeking Someone Whom He May Devour.

* ~ May DevourThat Means There Are Some That He May Not Devour~!   Here’s Some Hints.  Yahweh Was Just Talking About How He Gives Grace To The Humble And A Group Of Lions Is Called A ‘Pride’.  d—Evil One Is Looking For A Place Where There Is Pride, So That He Can Call Them His.   Secondly, d—Evil One Roams Around Like A Lion.  That Means That He Is Not A Lion.  He Is An Imposter.  Read On To Find Out Whom He May Not Devour. ~ *

9 Resist Him, (James 4:7-9); Be Firm In Your Faith [Against His Attack—Rooted, Established, Strong, Immovable, And Determined], Knowing That The Same (Identical) Sufferings Are Being Experienced By Your Sisters And Brothers Throughout The World. [You Do Not Suffer Alone], (1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 4:15).
And After You Have Suffered A Little While, The God Of ALL Grace [Who Imparts ALL Blessing And Favor], Who Has Called You To His [Own] Eternal Glory In Christ Yahoshua, Will Himself Perfect And Complete And Make You What You Ought To Be, Establish And Ground You Securely, And Strengthen, And Settle You.

d—Evil One Goes About LIKE A “Roaring Lion”… (It Didn’t Say He Was A Lion, No, It Said, “Like A Roaring Lion”)…

Be Sober And Self-Controlled.  Be Watchful.  Your Adversary, The Devil, Walks Around Like A Roaring Lion, Seeking Whom He May Devour, (1 Peter 5:8).  d—Evil One Goes About As A, “Roaring Lion”, {He Is Not A Lion, Just A Imposter}.  Yahoshua Is The Real Lion From The Tribe Of Judah, (Revelation 5:5).

Recall That Time In Job’s Day, {[Jobe’s Day], I Changed The Name So As Not To Confuse This With Where We Work}; When Yahweh Asked d—Evil One One A Question… Yahweh Said To Satan, “Where Have You Come From?”  Satan Answered Yahweh, And Said, “From Roaming About On The Earth, And From Walking Around On It”, (Job 1:7; Job 2:2).  This Is Like Spotting Someone About To Shoplift And The Store Owner Asks Them, “Do You Want To Buy Something”, And They Reply, “I Was Just Looking”… Right, You Were Just Looking Alright.  Looking For An Opportunity, When You Think No One Else Is Watching, So That You Can Take Something You Have Your Eyes On When No One Is Looking.  Yahweh Knew What d—Evil One Had Been Watching, And Yahweh Asked Him, Not “What Are You Doing”, But “Where Have You Come From?”  Satan Answered Yahweh, And Said, “From Roaming About On The Earth, And From Walking Around On It”.  d—Evil One Wanted Job [Jobe] And Was Looking For An Opportunity.  This Is The Same Thing d—Evil One Did With Yahoshua… Looking For A More Opportune Time, (Luke 4:13).  That’s His M.O.

Job 1:8-9 ~
8 Then Yahweh Said To Satan, “Have You Considered My Servant Job [Jobe], That There Is None Like Him On The Earth, A Blameless And Upright Man, One Who Fears God And Shuns Evil?” 9 So Satan Answered Yahweh And Said, “Does Job [Jobe] Fear God For Nothing?  Have You Not Made A Hedge Around Him, Around His Household, And Around All That He Has On Every Side?

How Did d—Evil One Know Right Off The Bat That There Was A Hedge Around Job [Jobe]?  That’s Because d—Evil One Had Been Looking.  Evidence Shows That d—Evil One Had Tried To Set Foot On Jobe’s [Job’s] Property But Was Stopped By The Hedge, (Job 1:6-11).

But, Looking For An Opportunity To Do Evil Is Not All d—Evil One Is Known For.  Lions Are Known For Their Roar.  Satan Is Not A Lion, But He Puts On A Good Show With His Roar~!   So, With That In Mind, Here’s Another Obvious Thing That Is In Such Plain Sight That We Haven’t Seen It.  Like When Yahoshua Went Into Jairus’ Home And The Little Girl Was Dead Laying On Her Bed, And Yahoshua Removed The Folks That Were Speaking Negatively, (Their Roar, {UpRoar}, (Mark 5:38), Was Revealing That There Was Doubt And Fear In Their Hearts ~ Mark 5:39-40).… Because Their, “UpRoar” or We Might Emphasize This By Saying It Twice As A, “Tumultuous UpRoar”.  From Now On, Every Time You Hear The “Roar Of The Crowd”, or, “UpRoar” or, “Tumultuous UpRoar; Be Mindful That This Might Be The d—Evil One’s Tactics, Be Alert And Watchful~!… (1 Peter 5:8).  Faith Can’t Work In Fear, {Remember This: Fear Tolerated Is Faith Contaminated}.  If You Think I’m Just Being Cute.  However, Notice That Yahoshua Had Them Leave The Room; And For You To Have Success In Healing, You Might Have To Do The Same Thing, {Be Mindful To Walk In Love, But Politely Ask Them To Leave For A While}~!

Reflect Back To The Crowd Outside The Little Girl’s Home Making A Roar, “A Tumultuous UpRoar”.  Reminds Me Of The Movie, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington”, And While James Stewart Was Filibustering, An Evil Man Was Outside Causing A Tumultuous UpRoar.  Anytime A Move Of Yahweh Is About To Happen, Expect To Hear, A Roar, An UpRoar From The Crowd, (Acts 17:5), Trying To Discourage You From Moving Forward In Faith And Standing Firm On The Word Of Yahweh, {I Will Not Be Moved, (Hebrews 10:39)}.

Bonus: You Will Tread On The Lion And Cobra.  You Will Trample The Young Lion And The Serpent {Adder}, Underfoot, (Psalm 91:13).

Perfect And Complete And Make You What You Ought To Be

Establish And Ground You Securely

And Strengthen, And Settle You.

  How Many Folks Here Today Would Like To Be Complete And Made To Be What We Ought To Be, And To Be Established And Grounded Securely And Strengthened And Settled?  Raise Your Hands.  I Know I Would.  I Would Like For My Life To Have Significance.   Please Turn With Me To 1 Peter 5:6-7, Yahweh Is The CareTaker, So Let Him Take Your Cares.

Footnotes: 1 Peter 5:4 Marvin Vincent, Word Studies: When Paul Uses The Word Translated, “Crown”,
He Typically Has The Conqueror’s Crown In Mind, Using The Imagery Of The Winner Of An Athletic Contest, (1 Corinthians 9:25).
Peter Seems To Have This Same Imagery In Mind As A Symbol Of The Heavenly Reward.



Serve Yahweh With Gladness~

Matthew 23:4-9
4 For They Bind Heavy Burdens, Hard To Bear, And Lay Them On People’s Shoulders; But They Themselves Will Not Move Them With One Of Their Fingers.
5 But All Their Works They Do To Be Seen By Others. They Make Their Phylacteries Broad And Enlarge The Borders Of Their Garments.
6 They Love The Best Places At Feasts, The Best Seats In The Synagogues,
7 Greetings In The Marketplaces, And To Be Called By Others’, ‘Rabbi’, ‘Rabbi’.
8 But You, Do Not Be Called ‘Rabbi; For One Is Your Teacher, The Christ, And You Are All Brothers And Sisters.
9 Do Not Call Anyone On Earth Your Father; For One Is Your Father, He Who Is In Heaven.

I Served In The Navy.  But The Real Truth Was I Wanted To Get Out From My Parent’s Home And I Was In Rebellion And We Were Poor And Could Not Afford College, So, I Joined The Navy So That I Could Start Out On My Own, And So That I Could After My Tour Duty, Go To College On The G.I. Bill, {Which I Did}.  And There Were Some Inconveniences Being In The Navy Only Seeing My Fiancée, {Now, My Wife}, Four Months Over Four Years.  And There Were Some Life-Threatening Mishaps Aboard The Aircraft Carrier, (Like When The Tanker On Purpose Collided With Our Ship), And Other Times.  But, For The Most Part, It Was Just A Job That When I Was At Sea OnBoard An Aircraft Carrier Which Meant I Worked Seven Days A Week For 12 Hour Shifts.  Though The Pay Was Moderate, I Did Receive Compensation Plus Free Room & Board & Three Square Meals A Day, So It Wasn’t Exactly Servitude On My Part.   Others, That Were In Combat, Suffered Much More Than I Did.  For Those Folks, The Key Word Could Be Served As They Actually Served Their Country.   I Chose That Word On Purpose, As It Is Closely Related To The Word, Servant, Which Is What We Really As Christians Are Called To Do, To Be The Unsung Heroes, (Luke 17:7-10).

However, With The Military Discounts That I Am Now Receiving At Stores, I Am Often Greeted With “Thank You For Your Military ‘Service’~!”  What Service?  I Needed A Way To Get Away From Home And Couldn’t Afford To Go To College.  But, I Politely Nod My Head, And Acknowledge Their Salutation.  However, What I’ve Noticed Is That I Can Get Used To Being Greeted Like I Was A Somebody, or To Standing Up On The 4th Of July, Because I Supposedly Sacrificed Four Years Of My Life And Went Into The Navy Instead Of Going To College, {Like I Had A Lot Of Options}.  Sort Of Takes The Humbleness Required By A True Servant Right Out Of The Picture.  I Know Of Folks In The Navy In My Squadron That Were Thieves And Robbers And The Judge Ordered Them To Go Into The Military or Go To Prison.  They Also Are Thanked For Their Military ‘Service.  However, Usually At The Cash Register With The Person Checking Me Out And Seeing My Military ID, Can I Get This Recognition.  For Others, This Tribute Is Not Enough And I See Them Constantly Wearing Their Military Service In Public, {Marketplaces}, Like A Badge Of Honor, With Caps That Say The Name Of Their Ship or Squadron or Unit, So That They Can Get Those Accolades, {I Wonder Do They Wear These Caps At Home, Or When They Are Working As The Caps Always Appear In Pristine Condition}.  But, This Really Puts Matthew 23:5-7 Into Today’s Perspective.

5 But All Their Works They Do To Be Seen By Others. They Make Their Phylacteries Broad And Enlarge The Borders Of Their Garments.
6 They Love The Best Places At Feasts, The Best Seats In The Synagogues,
7 Greetings In The Marketplaces…

This Just Jumps Out At Me. Since Yahweh Is Not Boasting On Himself, How Much More Then Should We Be Telling Others What Yahweh Has Done For Us~!  We Should Praise Yahoshua More And Tell Of His Greatness, (Psalm 34:3; Psalms 145:1-7;15-16), Especially To Others That Are Lost, (Psalm 145:10-21).  Your Testimony Of Yahweh’s Greatness No One Else Can Tell And No One Can Deny, (Revelation 12:11).
It Could Be Just The Thing That Wins The Lost~!

Then Show Them This Website.  https://www.angelfire.com/al4/zoe/adopted.htm.



FieryThe Home Page, (With Frames)Ordeal

1 Peter 4:12-13

12 Beloved, Do Not Be Amazed And Bewildered At The Fiery Ordeal Which Is Taking Place To Test Your Quality, As Though Something Strange (Unusual And Alien To You And Your Position) Were Befalling You.

13 But Insofar As You Are Sharing Christ’s Sufferings, Rejoice, So That When His Glory [Full Of Radiance And Splendor] Is Revealed, You May Also Rejoice With Triumph [Exultantly].



How Did Christ Suffer?  Was Yahoshua Ever Sick?  Do We See Evidence That Yahoshua Was Begging For Money?  It Was Not Recorded That Yahoshua Was Ever Sick And Had To Call Off Today’s Meetings Because Of an Illness.  Christ Suffered By Dying To Self On A Daily Basis For Those He Respected.

And We Suffer The Same Way When We Have To Yield Our Will To That Of Someone Else.  When Yahoshua Said In The Garden, (Matthew 26:39);O My Father, If It Is Possible, Let This Cup Pass From Me; Nevertheless, Not As I Will, But As You Will”.  Would You Not Say That Was Suffering?

However, Look Once More At:

1 Peter 5:4-10

4 And [Then] When The Chief Shepherd Is Revealed, You Will Win The Conqueror’s Crown Of Glory.
5 Likewise, You Who Are Younger And Of Lesser Rank, Be Subject To The Elders (The Ministers And Spiritual Guides Of The Church )[Giving Them Due Respect And Yielding To Their Counsel]. 

Younger”, In This Passage Of Scripture Is Talking About Being Submitted To The “Elders” And The “Shepherd” Is The “Pastor”, The “Chief Shepherd” Is “Yahoshua”.

Yahweh Is Saying To Me, Even Though You Are Older And In Some Ways Know More Than The Pastor, Submit To Him During This Season Of Your Life.  Yahweh Acknowledges That I Might Know Some Things That The Pastor Doesn’t.  Maybe, I’m To Impart These Into His Life.  However, They Will Not Be Imparted, And Neither Will I Obtain From Him What Yahweh Wants Me To Know If I Don’t Humble Myself.  Yahweh Resists The Proud, But Gives Grace To The Humble, And It Is By Grace That We Are Saved, (Through Faith), Not Of Works Lest Any Man Should Boast, (James 4:7-10; Ephesians 2:8).

When You’re Out Of Your Place You’re Out Of Yahweh’s Grace, And Will Fall On Your Face~!  Big Disgrace~!



Perhaps, We Believers Quote The Scriptures About d-Evil One Roaring About As A Lion Seeking Whom He May Devour, (He’s Not A Lion).  However, We Might Overlook The Context In Which These Passages Were Made At 1 Peter 5:4-10.  These Verses Are Encased In Words About Humility, {Which Is The Opposite Of Pride}.

5 Clothe Yourselves, ALL Of You, With Humility.
6 Therefore, Humble Yourselves That He May Exalt You, “Casting ALL Your Care”.

9 Resist Him, (James 4:7-9); Be Firm In Your Faith [Against His Attack—Rooted, Established, Strong, Immovable, And Determined], Knowing That The Same (Identical) Sufferings Are Being Experienced By Your Sisters And Brothers Throughout The World. [You Do Not Suffer Alone], (1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 4:15).
10 And After You Have Suffered A Little While, Yahweh, The God Of ALL Grace Will Himself Perfect And Complete And Make You What You Ought To Be, Establish And Ground You Securely, And Strengthen, And Settle You .

When It Is Talking About Suffering, {Again In This Context}, It Is Not Talking About Being Sick, or Getting Beat With Whips, But In Submitting To The Elder Person, Even Though You Might Have More Insight Than Them.  I Really Want To Tell You About My Experience, But, To Shorten This Message, I Will Just Refer You To The Link That Tells That Saga.  If You Are Going Through Someone That Is Pulling Rank Because They Are Older, I Encourage You To Read That Story By Entering Here.

In Other Words, d—Evil One Would Try To Have You Believe That You Are The Only One That Has Gone Through What You’ve Gone Through… It’s d—Evil One’s Devices, {That By The Way, We Are Not Ignorant Of, (2 Corinthians 2:11)} That He Tries To Use To Divide Us.  d—Evil One, {As A Sly And Cunning Fox or Wolf}, Wants To Separate Us From Those We Are Supposed To Be Connected With, And Like Sheep, Lag Behind or Worse, Not Be A Part Of The Flock.  So, That d—Evil One Is Able To Devour That Person.  And The Way That d—Evil One Gets Us To Voluntarily Cut Ourselves Off From Those That We Supposed To Be Joined To Is With Offense, {A Fence, Creating A Wall Between Us And The Ones We Are Supposed To Stay Connected With}, And Feelings That We Are The Only Ones That Have Ever Had To Go Through This Test,  Self-Pity Is A Form Of Pride, And Not Clothing Ourselves With Humility~!

Hebrews 4:15.
For We Do Not Have A High Priest Who Is Unable To Sympathize And Understand Our Weaknesses And Temptations, But One Who Has Been Tempted [Knowing Exactly How It Feels To Be Human] In Every Respect As We Are, Yet Without [Committing Any] Sin.

1 Corinthians 10:13.
No Temptation [Regardless Of Its Source] Has Overtaken or Enticed You That Is Not Common To Human Experience [Nor Is Any Temptation Unusual or Beyond Human Resistance]; But Yahweh Is Faith ful [To His Word —He Is Compassionate And Trustworthy], [To Resist], [Has In The Past And Is Now And] Will [Always] Provide The Way Out As Well, So That You Will Be Able To Endure It [Without Yielding, And Will Overcome Temptation With ‘Joy].



Sharing Christ’s Sufferings~

1 Peter 4:1-19

1 SINCE Christ Suffered In The Flesh For Us, For You, Arm Yourselves With The Same Thought And Purpose [Patiently To Suffer Rather Than Fail To Please Yahweh]. For Whoever Has Suffered In The Flesh [Having The Mind Of Christ] Is Done With [Intentional] Sin [Has Stopped Pleasing Himself And The World, And Pleases Yahweh],

7 But The End And Culmination Of ALL Things Has Now Come Near; Keep Sound Minded And Self-Restrained And Alert Therefore For [The Practice Of] Prayer.

8 Above ALL Things Have Intense And Unfailing Love For One Another, For Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins [Forgives And Disregards The Offenses Of Others].

9 Practice Hospitality To One Another (Those Of The Household Of Faith). [Be Hospitable, Be A Lover Of Strangers, With Kindred Affection For The Unknown Guests, The Foreigners, The Poor, And ALL Others Who Come Your Way Who Are Of Christ’s Body.] And [In Each Instance] Do It Ungrudgingly (Cordially And Graciously, Without Complaining But As Representing Him).

12 Beloved, Do Not Be Amazed And Bewildered At The Fiery Ordeal Which Is Taking Place To Test Your Quality, As Though Something Strange (Unusual And Alien To You And Your Position) Were Befalling You.

13 But Insofar As You Are Sharing Christ’s Sufferings, Rejoice, So That When His Glory [Full Of Radiance And Splendor] Is Revealed, You May Also Rejoice With Triumph [Exultantly].

ed To Take Up Our Cross And Die Daily To The Desires Of The Body, (or Flesh), And To Renew Our Mindeautiful Girl Would Come Up To The LookOut, And Ask For A Light For Her Cigarette, And While The Watchman Was Busy Lighting Her Cigarette or Glancing The Wrong Way, Another Soldier Would Sneak Up Behind The Sentinel And Cut His Throat.

The Distractions Of Today Include Posting Some Clever Inspiring Messages On FaceBook; Watching Too Much TV, or The Wrong Shows, That Will Take Our Thoughts Down The Wrong Paths, {Like The Rock Thrown To Distract The Guard}, (Mark 4:19).

 What Helps Me To OverCome Is To Agree With The Adversary Quickly, (Matthew 5:25).  Knowing That If Left To Myself, I’d Fall Again.  Even So, Just Knowing That The Greater One Lives Inside Me, (1 John 4:4); And That I Am Not Alone Is An Outstanding Starting Point.

However, The Kicker That Really Does It For Me Is Knowing That I Am A Watchman On The Wall, And That If I Don’t Pray, Others Will Die or Go To Hell.  [So Far 975 Civilians In Ukraine Have Died In Places Like Shopping Centers Because Of Russian Bombing And Gog, {The Spirit Behind Putin}; However, Watch Israel, {The Fig Tree; Magog’s Ultimate End Time Target; The Culmination Of All Of Russia’s Efforts Will Be To Attack Israel}, (Matthew 24:32-34)], Not Ukraine, {That’s The Distraction}.  It All Boils Down To Love, (2 Corinthians 5:14-21).  Love Is A Choice.  Will I Lust After The Things Of This World, or Will I Love?  If I Love I Will Put Aside Watching My Favorite TV Show And I Will Pray.  I Don’t Deny That The Desires Like Lust Is Strong, But As I Yield To The Holy Ghost Those Feelings Evaporate, (James 4:7-9).

We Are Command


Sharing Christ’s Sufferings~

To Yahweh’s Way Of Thinking. This Concurs With, “He That Finds His Life Must Lose His Life In This World”, And This Involves Laying Down Your Life For Your Sisters And Brothers, And Dying To Self, {or Dying To Selfish Ambition}, (Verses About Taking Up Your Cross, And Dying To Self, Enter Here)}.

But, I Must Do This Every Day, (Daily), All Over Again.  I Take Up My Cross And I Die To Self.  I Die To My Own Agenda.  I Die To The Lust Of The Flesh, The Lust Of The Eyes, And The Pride Of Life, And To The Cares Of The World, And The Deceitfulness Of Riches, And The Lusts Of Other Things Entering In That Comes In And Chokes The Word, (1 John 2:16; Mark 4:19).  “I Have Been Crucified With Christ And I No Longer Live, But Christ Lives In Me.  The Life I Now Live In The Body, I Live By Faith OF The Son Of Yahweh, Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself Up For Me”. (Galatians 2:20).  Click or Tap Here To Read More About Your Forgiveness When You Can’t Forgive Yourself See Also (Ephesians 4:22-24; Romans 12:1-2; Romans 8:13; Galatians 6:8; 2 Corinthians 5:15).



Stay With Laban For 20 Years And Serve Under A Man That Was Scheming~

At His Mother’s Promptings, Jacob Tricked His Father.  What Comes Around Goes Around, (Galatians 6:7-8); And So Jacob Because Of Being A Deceiver Met His Mother’s Brother, The Ultimate Con Artist ~ Laban and Even Though Laban Was A Trickster, Yahweh Directed Jacob To Stay With Laban For 20 Years And Serve Under A Man That Was Scheming, And Not Likely To Make The Top 100 List Of Yahweh’s Leaders.

But That Was Nothing Compared To Jacob’s Father Isaac, Who Stayed In A Land Where There Was A Famine And The Surrounding People Kept Covering Up His Wells or The King Was Making A Play For His Wife.  Why Did Isaac Stay?  Because He Had Heard From Yahweh To Stay.

Contrast This With The Unsteadiness Of Church Hopping.  How Many Folks Hearing This Message Would Like To Be Settled?  The Way To Being Settled Is Through Obedience And Not Through Talking About Someone And Being Non-Submissive~!

When You’re Out Of Your Place, You’re Out Of Yahweh’s Grace And You’ll Fall On Your Face~!



Stay In The Land Of The Philistines~

Genesis 26:1-3, 6, 12

1 AND THERE Was A Famine In The Land, Other Than The Former Famine That Was In The Days Of Abraham.  And Isaac Went To Gerar, To Abimelech King Of The Philistines. {Editor’s Note And Hint: The Land Of Philistines Is Where Goliath, The Giant Was From And Is Not In Israel}.

2 And Yahweh Appeared To Him And Said, Do Not Go Down To Egypt; Live In The Land Of Which I Will Tell You.

3 Dwell Temporarily In This Land , And I Will Be With You And Will Favor You With Blessings; For To You And To Your Descendants I Will Give ALL These Lands, And I Will Perform The Oath Which I Swore To Abraham Your Father.

6 So Isaac Stayed In Gerar.

12 Then Isaac Sowed Seed In That Land And Received In The Same Year A Hundred Times As Much As He Had Planted, And Yahweh Favored Him With Blessings, (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

23 And He Went Up From There To Beer-Sheba, {Which Is In Israel}.

24 Yahweh Appeared To Him The Same Night, And Said, “I Am Yahweh Of Abraham Your Father.  Don’t Be Afraid, For I Am With You, And Will Bless You, And Multiply Your Seed For My Servant Abraham’s Sake”.

If Isaac Had Left And Gone On To Egypt, Would He Have Been Blessed?  Isaac Was Blessed Because He Was Obedient To The Voice Of Yahweh And Stayed Temporarily In The Land Of Gerar.

In The Same Way, If Jacob, (Whose Name Was Later Changed To Israel), Had Left Laban, Despite The Fact That Laban Was A Cunning Taskmaster, Jacob Would Not Have Prospered.

How Much More So, Yahweh Wants Us To Stay With The Man or Woman That Yahweh Directs And For Us To Stay Where Yahweh Has Placed Us, Despite The Fact That Y’all Rub Each Other The Wrong Way.  Yahweh Is Calling Us To Humble Ourselves.

The Lexham English Bible (LEB) Reads This Way For Genesis 26:3, “Dwell As An Alien In This Land”.  The NIV Reads, “Foreigner”.  Many Translations Read In The Future Tense Such As , “Dwell In The Land Which I Shall Tell You Of”.  Yahweh’s Word Translation Says, “Live Here In This Land For A While”.  Other Translations Say To, “Sojourn In This Land”.  So, Gerar Was Not The Final Place; But Just A Place To Lodge, (A Hotel Comes To My Mind; Something Temporary).  Gerar - Means ~ “Lodging-Place” — And Was A Philistine Town Beersheba Is In Israel, And The Largest City In The Negev Desert In Southern Israel.  Often Referred To As The “Capital Of The Negev”, It Is The Seventh-Largest City In Israel.

So, Isaac Did Not Go To Egypt But Remained And Even With A Famine In That Land, Prospered.  But With The Local Philistine Folks Either Filling Up or Quarrelling Over His Wells, {He Had To Dig A New Well Four Times, (Genesis 26:18-22)}, And Then The King Took His Wife.  I Wouldn’t Say That Was Without Sorrow, And The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It, (Proverbs 10:22).  And It Wasn’t Until He Left The Philistine Town Of Gerar And Went Inside The Land Of Israel To Be’er Sheva That Something Wonderful Happened…YAHWEH APPEARED TO HIM THE SAME NIGHT, And Said, “I Am The Yahweh Of Abraham Your Father. Don’t Be Afraid, For, I Am With You’, And Will Bless You, And Multiply Your Seed For My Servant Abraham’s Sake”.   Jacob, {Later Called By The Name Israel}, Had Been On The Journey, Sojourning With The Philistines, But Once He Got To The Land Yahweh Had Told Him Of, “Yahweh Appeared To Him The Same Night~!”  Enter Here To Read More About Blooming Where You Are Planted.



Let’s Get Settled~

How Many Folks Here Today Would Like To Be Settled?   If You’ve Realized Today That You Are Not Settled And Would Like To Be, Then There Could Be Some Blockage And That Blockage Is Probably UnForgiveness And As My Brother Mentioned No One Is Getting Saved In The Church . 

My Father Had Opened Up This Opportunity For Me To Preach, But He Is Also The Pastor Of This Church And I Submitted Myself To Him As The Pastor And If He Hadn’t Want Me To Do This, Then I Would Have Stopped.  However, I Said, “I’m Going To Open Up The Front Of The Altar If That’s Alright With My Father, And Anyone That Wants To Come Down Front And Just Stand Before Yahweh And Have Yahweh Show You Where You’ve Got UnForgiveness, And We Might Even Hear or See Folks Going To Others In This Body Apologizing.  Is That Okay With You Pastor?”  And Dad Said, “That’s Fine”. It Probably Would Have Been Better To Ask Dad Beforehand, Not In Front Of All That Congregation, But I Didn’t Know That I Was Going To Do That Beforehand As The Holy Ghost Had Just Instructed Me To Do So. But, That’s My Point, Exactly. Even Though The Holy Ghost Had Instructed Me To Open Up The Altar For Forgiveness, This Was Still My Father’s House, And I Made Sure That He Was Willing To Go Along And Had He Not Had Been, I Would Not Have Done So, Nor Gotten Pouty, or Sulky, (Hebrews 13:17).

About 12 Folks Come Forward, (Some Remained Behind); And Then To Confirm The Word, {Mark 16:20; Acts 14:3; 1 Corinthians 2:4; Hebrews 2:4}, One Young Man Came Forward To Ask Yahoshua Into His Heart, (I Wasn’t Aiming For That, So I Know That I Wasn’t Acting Craftily).  Others Were Sobbing On Their Knees.  It Was A Move Of God, Done With Humility And Yahweh Always Gives Grace To The Humble’.  Always~!

Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of Yahweh, And He Will Lift You Up.
[He Will Lift You Up And Make Your Lives Significant~!], (James 4:10),
{Amplified Bible Classic Edition}

(Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 15:33; Proverbs 18:12; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 29:23; Psalm 138:6; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52; James 4:10)
{See Also Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 57:15; Jeremiah 9:24; Micah 6:8

5 Yahweh Gives Grace To The Humble, But Opposes The Proud.

{Grace Is A Free Gift, But Only To The Humble}

Humility Comes Before Honor
Humble Yourselves In The Sight Of Yahweh, And He Will Exalt You”.

Colossians 3:12-14
12 Therefore, As God’s Chosen People, Holy And Dearly Loved,
Clothe Yourselves With Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness And Patience.
13 Bear With Each Other And Forgive Whatever Grievances You May Have Against One Another.
Forgive As Yahweh Forgave You
14 And Over All These Virtues Put On Love, Which Binds Them All Together In Perfect Unity.

2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ “If My People Who Are Called By My Name Will Humble Themselves, And Pray And Seek My Face, And Turn From Their Wicked Ways, Then I Will Hear From Heaven, And Will Forgive Their Sin And Heal Their Land.”



Be’er‑Sheva Is An Israelite City~!

Interesting Information About Israel And Be’er‑Sheva: The Hebrew Name Of Beersheba Is Derived From Be’er, Meaning “A Well”, And Sheva, Meaning “Oath”.  Sometimes This City Is Called Tel Beer‑Sheba, {Like Tel Aviv-Yafo And Tel Means A Small Hill; Tel Aviv Named After The Biblical Abib, [{The Month Of Abib’, {Later Called Nisan By Some}, Was Foretold That Yahoshua Would Be Crucified, Starting On The 14th Of Abib, {Passover}, And He Was Crucified On The 17th Day Of Abib, And This Was The Same Date That Haman Was Hanged And On The 21th Of Abib, {3 Days Later}]; That The Red The Sea Splits, Allowing Israel To Escape The Egyptian Army.  Tel Aviv And Jaffa Were Later Merged Into A Single Municipality In 1950}.  Tel Aviv-Yafo, {Jaffa} Is Commonly Called Tel Aviv.

Beer‑Sheba Is In Israel To The Right Of The Gaza Strip, Like The Four Points On A Compass, And Beer-Sheba Is South.  Just To Familiarize Yourself With Israel, Think Of A Skewed Diamond Shape And The Gaza Strip Would Be Westward, And Jerusalem Would Be More Or Less Easterly And Tel Aviv Would Be North.  Enter Here To See A Map Of Israel, Then Zoom Out.  Beer-Sheba Is The Largest City In The Negev Desert In Southern Israel.  Often Referred To As The “Capital Of The Negev” And It Is The Seventh-Largest City In Israel.  Beer-Sheba Is Mentioned 33 Times In The Hebrew Bible.

The Tribe Of Judah Had Too Much  {Joshua 19:9 ~ “Out Of The Portion Of The Children Of Judah Was The Inheritance Of The Children Of Simeon: For The Part Of The Children Of Judah Was ‘Too Much For Them: Therefore The Children Of Simeon Had Their Inheritance Within The Inheritance Of Them”}.  The Tribe Of Judah Had “Too Much”.  When The Tribe Of Simeon Had No Land, Judah Said, “Take Some Of Ours, We’ve Got Plenty”.  Yahweh Never Scolded, Nor Punished The Tribe Of Judah For Having Too Much or For Being Too Aggressive In Following Yahweh’s Orders To Possess The Land.  Judah’s Having Too Much Resulted In Sharing With Those That Didn’t Have Enough~!  Their Inheritance Was In The Middle Of The Inheritance Of The Children Of Judah.  And One Of The Cities The Tribe Of Simeon Got From The Tribe Of Judah, Was Beer‑Sheba~!

Beer‑Sheba Is Mainly Dealt With In The Hebrew Bible in Connection With The Patriarchs Abraham And Isaac, Who Both Dug A Well And Closed Peace Treaties With King Abimelech Of Gerar at The Site.  Hence It Receives Its Name Twice, First After Abraham’s Dealings With Abimelech, (Genesis 21:22-34).  And Again From Isaac Who Closes His Own Covenant With Abimelech Of Gerar And Whose Servants Also Dig A Well There, (Genesis 26:23-33).

The Place Is Thus Connected To Two Of The Three Wife–Sister Narratives In The Book Of Genesis.  According To The Hebrew Bible, Beer‑Sheba Was Founded When Abraham  And Abimelech  Settled Their Differences Over A Well Of Water And Made A Covenant, (Genesis 21:22-34).  Abimelech’s Men Had Taken The Well From Abraham After He Had Previously Dug It So Abraham Brought Sheep And Cattle To Abimelech To Get The Well Back.  Abraham Set Aside Seven Lambs To Swear That It Was He That Had Dug The Well And No One Else.  Abimelech Conceded That The Well Belonged To Abraham And, In The Bible, Beer‑Sheba Means “Well Of Seven” or “Well Of The Oath.

Beer‑Sheba Is Further Mentioned In Following Bible Passages: Isaac Built An Altar In Beersheba, (Genesis 26:23–33).  Jacob  Had His Dream About A ‘Stairway To Heaven’. {Jacob’s Ladder}, After Leaving Beersheba, (Genesis 28:10–15; 46:1–7).  Beersheba Was The Territory Of The Tribe Of Simeon By Way Of Judah, (Joshua 15:20;28; 19:1-2).  The Sons Of The Prophet Samuel  Were Judges In Beersheba, (1 Samuel 8:2).  Saul, Israel’s First King, Built A Fort There For His Campaign Against The Amalekites, (1 Samuel 14:48; 15:2–9).  The Prophet Elijah  Took Refuge In Beer‑Sheba When Jezebel Ordered Him Killed, (1 Kings 19:3), The Prophet Amos  Mentions The City In Regard To Idolatry, (Amos 5:5; 8:14).   Following The Babylonian Conquest And Subsequent Enslavement Of Many Israelites, The Town Was Abandoned  After The Israelite Slaves Returned From Babylon, They Resettled The Town  According To The Hebrew Bible, Beer‑Sheba Was The Southernmost City Of The Territories Settled By Israelites, Hence The Expression “From Dan To Beer‑Sheba” To Describe The Whole Kingdom or The Borders,

(Judges 20:1; 1 Samuel 3:20;
2 Samuel 3:10;17:11;24:2;24:15;
1 Kings 4:25; 2 Kings 23:8

The Northern Most City In Israel Is

Metula, Israel
33° 17’ 9" N ~ 35° 34’ 28" E

Which Is About The Same Latitude As

Pelham, AL

33° 17’ 8.2932" N ~ 86° 48’ 36.9540" W

The Southern Most City In Israel Is

Eilat, Israel
29° 33’ 28.98" N ~ 34° 56’ 53.56" E

Which Is About The Same Latitude As

Dauphin Island, AL

33° 17’ 8.2932" N ~ 86° 48’ 36.9540" W

The Eastern Most City In Israel Is

Jerusalem, Israel
33° 17’ 9" N ~ 35° 34’ 28" E

Which Is About The Same Latitude As

Pelham, AL

33° 17’ 8.2932" N ~ 86° 48’ 36.9540" W

The Western Most City In Israel Is

Gaza Strip, Israel
33° 17’ 9" N ~ 35° 34’ 28" E

Which Is About The Same Latitude As

Pelham, AL
33° 17’ 8.2932" N ~ 86° 48’ 36.9540" W



Yahoshua Washing Feet

  Mark 10:42-45; Matthew 20:25-28; Luke 22:25-27



“… Will Himself Complete And Make You What You Ought To Be, Establish And Ground You Securely, And Strengthen, And Settle You , (1 Peter 5:10).


Obey Your Spiritual Leaders And Submit To Them [Continually Recognizing Their Authority Over You], For They Are Constantly Keeping Watch Over Your Souls And Guarding Your Spiritual Welfare, As Men Who Will Have To Render An Account [Of Their Trust].  [Do Your Part To] Let Them Do This With Gladness And Not With Sighing And Groaning, For That Would Not Be Profitable To You [Either]. Hebrews 13:17


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