Contact Lists 

Please be sure and "cc" your letters to everybody! Including President Bush, Vice President Cheney, the First Ladies and Bill and Hillary too. Also send it out to wildlife organizations, animal rights organizations and other similar foundations so that they are aware how major this campaign has become. It is always recommended to write letters and send them snail mail as it has been proven to be the most effective method.

All letters regarding any performing animals should be sent to the people on this list. Individual situations such as Lota, Delhi and Hawthorn, Gilda, Ringling Bro's Elephant Farm and Carson and Barnes all have additional contacts, such as state reps, governors, mayors and first ladies for whichever state they are in.

Keep these issues in the public eye as well and send your letter in press release form to newspapers and news programs. A sample media list appears below. And if a circus is coming to your town, there are a lot of things you can do to protest and raise awareness, including contacting your local newspapers and news programs.

In order to get a complete ban (or any law) passed, it must be done so by Senators and House Representatives. This is the ONLY way to get laws passed. Therefore, we MUST put continuous pressure on EVERY SINGLE United States Senator and House Rep. There are literally hundreds of them. For the sake of protecting our cause, the email lists will not be posted here. It is up to you to seek out as many Senators and Reps as possible and "cc" your letters regarding the banning of animals in circuses to ALL of them. Reps from ALL 50 United States need to receive many letters with as many reasons why this ban needs to be passed as possible. To find the contact information please go to and

Please Use this contact list to find as many legislatures as possible to send your letters of support to:

Quick Senate Contact List
Quick House Member Contact List
Quick Agriculture Committee Member List

UPDATE: The Administrators of this site have compiled a mass data base of legislatures, making it easy to send mailers - just paste and print onto Avery Labels. A copy of this data base is available to you by request through the message board.

Please send a "cc" of your letter to the Governor of your state and his First Lady and the Mayor of your city and his First Lady also.

Sending copies of your letters to organizations such as ASPCA, HSUS and PETA is also very important. Once organizations see how hard the general public is trying, they can file more lawsuits against these abusers, which will help even more.

Letter List

The Honorable Ann M. Veneman
Secretary of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave. S.W., Rm. 200-A
Washington, DC 20250
Fax: 202-720-6314

Chester Gipson
Deputy Administrator
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Unit 97, 4700 River Road
Riverdale, MD 20737

The Honorable Marc Hillson
1400 Independence Ave. SW
Room 1070
South Building
Washington DC 20250
TEL: 202 720-6383
FAX: 202 690-0790
EMAIL: marc.hillson@usda.

Bernandez Juarez
Office of the General Council
1400 Independence Ave. S.W.
South Agricultural Building
Washington, DC 20250-1400
TEL: 202 720-2633
FAX: 202 690-4299

Peter Fernandez
1400 Independence Ave. S.W.
Room 312-E
Washington, DC  20250
TEL: 202 720-3668
FAX: 202 720-3054

U.S. Dept of Interior
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Division of Management Authority
USFWS, Room 700
4401 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22203

The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Office of William Jefferson Clinton
55 West 125th Street
New York, New York 10027

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Vice President Cheney
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

First Lady Laura Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Lynne  Cheney
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

cc:  Copy and Paste Email List,,,,,,,,,

Humane Society Contact Form Page
Wildlife Sanctuary
Government Affairs
Hollywood Office

Mail to CDC


Snail Mail Organization List

National Audubon Society
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003

Sierra Club
Legislative Office
408 C St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20002

International Headquarters
50 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10020

The Humane Society of the United States
2100 L Street NW
Washington DC 20037

National Wildlife Federation
1400 16th Street NW
Washington DC 20036

Animal Protection Institute
P.O. Box 22505
Sacramento, CA 95822

World Wildlife Fund
1250 Twenty-Fourth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037


Sample Media List

*Please do an internet search for other media contacts on your own in addition to these.

The Associated Press
50 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10020

Los Angeles Times
202 W. 1st St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Ted Williams, Journalist
50 North St.
Grafton, MA, 01519

Mel White, Journalist
7227 Richwood Rd.
Little Rock, AR 72207

Story Suggestions
Dateline NBC
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

60 Minutes
524 West 57th St.
New York, NY 10019

7950 Jones Branch Drive
McLean, VA 22108-0605

LIVE with Regis and Kelly
7 Lincoln Square
New York, NY 10023



FAX Media List

New York Times Digest
Fax: 212-499-3436

Associated Press
NY FAX: 212-621-1587



Sample Email Media List

More media contacts thanks to many contributors:

Oprah Contacts:
Email Oprah
Oprah's Angel network
Email the producers at Oprah
Oprah Winfrey Show Ideas
P.O. Box 909715
Chicago, Il 60690

Fox News Sunday w/ Tony Snow

Connie Chung

Larry King

SHARKS (Showing Kindness and Respect to Animals)
Reporters who care

Contact Celebrities and ask them to help support and raise awareness.

These wonderful contacts came from many wonderful people. Click here to see all.


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