*** Use this schedule if you would like to skip incremental issues and go straight for a Complete Ban on the Use of Animals in Circuses and other performing venues.
This process is much more
effective but also much more time consuming. We recommend setting an hour or
so aside every day to work on this - or whatever works for your schedule,
just be advised that it can take 10 to 15 plus hours total each time. (But we have made it easier for you - please read on.) This is why it is recommended to set a schedule setting aside 30 minutes to 2 hours per day to work on this for the tortured souls of the circus.
If you need a quick reminder why we MUST do this, just look here, here or
here. If you need lots of reminders, simply visit the Links page.
Step 1
Write up a good letter, being courteous, that describes several undeniable
reasons why the use of animals should be prohibited in circuses. Please tell these legislatures of the horror stories you have heard, things you have seen and how it effects you. Tell it to them in the terrifying way that you see it. Please visit
our link page to get hundreds of reasons for the prohibition to put into your
letters. If you get stuck writing letters, please visit our message board and
ask for help. This may take up to an hour to write and possibly longer.
Step 2
Visit this link:
Quick Senate Contact List
This page will give you a complete list of all 100
U.S. Senators. This lists provides physical addresses as well as emails and webform pages for each Senator. A mass mailer is recommended (snail mail) if you have the time. Once these addresses are recorded into your database, it will be easier to send mass mailers every month to these reps, if you have the means to do this. If you have access to a fax machine, please fax your letters. (A fax gets there immediately and is in their face much faster than snail mail or backed up e-mail.) Otherwise, you can easily paste your letters into emails and webforms. However, on webforms,
you will be asked to include your name and address as well as the
subject of your mail. Many have "Animal" issues listed and if they do
not, please select "Agriculture." Please take the time to send
your letter to ALL 100 Senators. Please insert their individual names into each
of your letters such as "Dear Senator Clinton." This process will take
approximately four hours. We recommend splitting up the task into a few different sessions. You will find yourself repeatedly typing your name and contact info as well as pasting your letter but the animals need your help so it's well worth it. If you do this, it is recommended to write down where you left off so that you don't send repeat emails or leave anyone out.
Step 3
Send your letters to ALL House Reps listed here:
Quick House Member Contact List. There are more Reps than Senators so this
process will take approximately six to eight hours. We definitely recommend
splitting this task up into several different sessions - whatever you feel
comfortable with. This rep list is a little more difficult to navigate than the Senate list. Some reps do not offer email or webforms and some won't even allow you to pull up their contact info unless you are located in their state. Please just do the best you can with whatever contacts you can find - most of them at least have snail mail addresses listed and some do have the webforms available.
UPDATE: The Administrators of this website have compiled a mass data base for contacting these reps. We will provide this to you. Simply visit the Message Board and send a private message to request this. ALSO, a picture is worth a thousand words! Please, if you are sending snail mail, send horrifying photos of circus animals. Again, the Administrators of this site have a few on file that are not posted on the site due to lack of server space. However, they are available to you via request from the message board. ALSO, many of these reps offer help if you are having problems with federal agencies, such as the USDA not confiscating circus animals in deplorable conditions and health. Please complain to these reps that the USDA needs to stop slacking and start cracking down on circuses and the trainers that abuse these animals.
Step 4
If you followed step 3 completely, your letters will already reach the Ag Committee. If you choose not to follow step 3, please send your letters to all Agriculture Committee Members
listed here: Quick Agriculture Committee Member List
This process will take approximately three hours.
Also please "cc" your letter to everyone listed on the Contact List including USDA, animal welfare organizations, wildlife organizations and presidential leaders and first ladies.