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Entrance to the Zoo

Meet the Animals

Chibi SD Downloads!

Animal attitude - RK humor and jokes!

Twin Corner - RK lookalikes

Zoological Thingys - see the animals!

Miscellany - RK stuff

Guest of the month

Heart of Sword

Links - other webbys


ABOUT the zookeeper






RK Fanatasy
Mitsurugi, the Path of the Sword
The Battousai Files v.2
Kenshinz Girl Dojo
Kenshin Elite
Kenshin Online!
Uncreative Unlimited



Thank you! Arigato! Thank you for devoting a part of you're time to know just a little bit on the patient janitress of this Zoo! You can e-mail me whatever you want to talk about, even when it's not related to RK. - my e-mail add is listed below. ^_^x

But be forewarned . . . I'm quite a boring person (hehe 6^^). *YAAAAWN*

My own anime-style-character-design by Hiei-san!!! Kawaii ne? ^_^x



name: Kaoru Kanzaki -->why that nick? I'm a GREAAAAAT fan of Kaoru, and "Kanzaki"s quite a nice name (I was a fan of Hitomi of Vision of Escaflowne a long time ago, but I think not now already . . .)

age: 15 - waaah! Getting old! (Don't forget to gimme a gift on my b-day!!!!)

b-day (hint, hint): Aug 27 (hehe)

country: Quezon City, Philippines! (kamusta mga kababayan!)

fave color: blue, white

e-mail: (comments? suggestions? stories? (even not related to RK!) bombs? wanna be an e-mail pal? just e-mail me on whatever you want! just don't include viruses . . . or i'll hire Saitoh to kill you  ~_~x )

favorite animes:     Rurouni Kenshin (isn't that obvious?), YuYu Hakusho (action-packed, maaaaan!!!), Dragonball Z (Vegeta's BALD! Mwahaha!)

favorite characters: Kenshin, Kaoru (K&K! K&K! K&K!!!!!!!!!!!), Rei of Evangelion ( Yeah yeah I know, she's too quiet, but anywayz, you can't deny she's quite cute and mysterious, that's why I like her ^_^x), Yoriko  of You're Under Arrest

hated characters:     Miaka and Tamahome (shacks - they're IN HEAT!!! --- EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW......) Asuka of Evangelion (get a grip, girl!)**

**to those who are fans of Miaka, Tamahome, and Asuka - NO OFFENSE OKAY? *peace sign* This is only my opinion . . . everyone has different views, you know . . .




My "The RK Zoo" idea started quite just a few months ago when my bigger sister made a new e-mail referring to Kaoru the tanuki ("raccoon"). It was also the same time when AXN started showing RK, and in one of the episodes, Misao was always called a "weasel" - BOOOM! An idea popped out of my head from nowhere and I decided to make a "zoo" for the "animals" of RK. My over-all idea of a "chibi/sd" mood of the site was also influenced by Misty-san (*waving hands*), who allowed me to borrow some of her stickers that contained chibi-pics of RK (saw the large pic on the page before the entrance of the zoo? That came from her stickers ^^).




  • Kanzaki no baka started making it: September 2K

  • "born" into the internet: November 2K

  • added to anipike: March 2K (? - not sure ^^; *bangs head*).....wonder what took them so long? *scratches head*

  • "went silent" (means I didn't update for a LONG time, hehe *BANGS HEAD OVER AND OVER AGAIN): June to August 2K (why? college entrance exams! Hehe -_-;;;)

  • 10,000 hits: July 2K1