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Entrance to the Zoo

Meet the Animals

Chibi SD Downloads!

Animal attitude - RK humor and jokes!

Twin Corner - RK lookalikes

Zoological Thingys - see the animals!

Miscellany - RK stuff

Guest of the month

Heart of Sword

Links - other webbys


ABOUT the zookeeper






RK Fanatasy
Mitsurugi, the Path of the Sword
The Battousai Files v.2
Kenshinz Girl Dojo
Kenshin Elite
Kenshin Online!
Uncreative Unlimited



Come in! Come in! You've come to the "twin section" - a page looking for the long lost twins or possible reincarnation of some RK characters! In case you have any anime characters in mind that looks/reminds of someone in RK, feel free to e-mail me at ^_^x


I'll add more look-alikes in the future! (Reminder: the pairs here are not really PHYSICALLY look-alikes - they may be similar in attitude, or in any other way)

Hey hey hey! Our chibi-guest of May is a twin of Kenshin! See the reasons at page 3 of twin corner ^_^x

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LOOK-ALIKE NO. 12: AOSHI, LANTIS (Magic Knight Rayearth) and LEGATO (Trigun)

The zoo would like to thank Darth Vampire for Aoshi-Lantis and Sachi-chan for the Aoshi-Legato!


Lantis MKR, Aoshi of RK and Legato of Trigun


  • Physically, they look like a LOT! (Aoshi's got many look-alikes, ne?)

  • All of them serious - I think they only smile once in a decade ^_~ (As for Legato's case, he only smiles when something's bad happening =D)

  • Weird clothing - Aoshi wears a weird coat (what's that big yellow-thingy?), Lantis's clothes are.....weird!, and Legato's are....are.........somebody please get him a fashion designer!!!!!




LOOK-ALIKE NO. 13: YUMI and SOI (Fushigi Yuugi)

The zoo would like to thank Misty for this suggestion!

Go to her and Karina's Koenma-and-Botan-shrine (Yu yu Hakusho) at Shall We Dance? !!!


Yumi of RK and Soi of YYH

(does anyone know of a Yumi shrine? Please e-mail me! I knew a good one a  long time ago but it's gone now=(. I kinda like her strong and loving personality ^_^.)


  • Look alikes - though you'd really have to look closely and carefully before you can say that ^^;. Anyway their faces have many similarities, right? They can look like sisters ^_^. 

  • They always have their hair tied up (with some bangs in the front too!)

  • Both are fiercely dedicated to villains - Yumi to Shisio, and Soi to Nakago. They are both very in-love - unfortunately in Soi's case, that love was never returned back =(


The bad guys of RK and FY


  • Both belong to the group of the bad guys - Yumi's in the Juppon Gatanna, Soi in the 7 Seiryuu Seishi

  • Both are (uh, you know what I mean, right?). Yumi's sexy, and one of Soi's powers is increasing one's energy through..........through..........uniting (Hey! I won't say that word!) 


*sniff* *sniff*...


  • They died for and in the arms of their loved ones. They also confessed what they really felt in the last minute of their lives =(

  • They also died in the same way - both of them were killed through swords (and both in the back too!). Their "ponytails" (or hairstyle, whatever) got loose also when they were stabbed.





Arigato gozaimasu to Sachi-chan for this!


(reminder: Ooops...we're talking about the serious "narrow-eyed" Kenshin here, ok? Not the "oro"-twirley eyed one ^_^x...don't u think Kenshin needs a psychiatrist? I think he has this double-personality thingy ^^;)


  • Just take away Kenshin's x-mark and pony tail - tadah!- you've got Aya ^^. Both red haired and purple-eyed!!!

  • Bishounen (do I hear girls dreaming?)

  • Both "leaders" of a 4-membered group that fights the bad guys.

  • Both assassins (Well, Kenshin WAS) - don't get them angry, ok?



  • They're expert at fighting with swords! (In fact, Aya sort of uses "Ryu Tsui Sen")

  • Lost someone close to them - Aya was separated from his sister for years, Kenshin lost Tomoe *sniffle*




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Suggestions and comments, etc. are very welcome at !