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Entrance to the Zoo

Meet the Animals

Chibi SD Downloads!

Animal attitude - RK humor and jokes!

Twin Corner - RK lookalikes

Zoological Thingys - see the animals!

Miscellany - RK stuff

Guest of the month

Heart of Sword

Links - other webbys


ABOUT the zookeeper






RK Fanatasy
Mitsurugi, the Path of the Sword
The Battousai Files v.2
Kenshinz Girl Dojo
Kenshin Elite
Kenshin Online!
Uncreative Unlimited



        In this part of the zoo we see the characters and their corresponding animals! After each explanation, I did a little interviewing with them to know how they feel!


        Anyway, some animals were really mentioned in the anime, some just invented by me and friends. If you have more suggestions, comments, or other animal/reason for a RK character, e-mail me at . I'll do my best to add them! ^_^X


        Oh, we again would like to thank Shura and Yoshi for most of the ideas here. Go to Shura's webby at my links . Thanx!!!


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zoo-ey animal #16: SAITOH THE WOLF!


this zoo thingy was suggested by: Tokio-san!!!!!!! ^_^x

(Hehe, believe me, it's supposed to look like a wolf there. Dunno why it became a drawing of Saitoh in a bunny suit...)


          Well, at least I can say something's changed on my's gotten worse!!!!! (Oh please don't gatotsu me Saitoh fans!!! Onegai! *sniffle*)

          Okidoki, this zoological thingy is really in the anime. Saitoh often refers to himself as "Mibu no Ookami", or the wolf of Mibu. Maybe that's because his as cunning as a wolf, fast as a wolf, sharp as a wolf, super-strong at fighting like a wolf (he's kinda proud ne?) and stays loyal to his pack (and in his case, the Shinsen Gumi) forever (yup, and I mean forever). 


Saitoh: Aku Soku Zan. Kanzaki is evil. Kanzaki shall die

Kanzaki: I'm dead!







zoo-ey animal # 17: SANO as a HEDGEHOG


this zoo thingy was drawn and suggested by: Yoshi-san =D

(Wohoo!!!! Sano has the zoo record of having the most zooey thingys ^^;)


           Sano was made a hedgehog mainly because of his hair (woooooooo!!! Look at those spikes!). Hedgehogs are also hard to capture ne? Just like Sano whose so hard to control (Oh no!!!!! He just destroyed another gate of the zoo *sniffle* *sniffle*). 









zoo-ey animal #1: KENSHIN AS A DRAGON


     Oh gosh - I was the one who drew this pic on the left. It was the best that I could do - but it's still ugly! I would like to say sorry if the pic's scary. I definitely need a LOT of practice  6^^ .   


    Anyway, here's a zoological thingy really mentioned in the anime. Kenshin is compared to a dragon because of the way he fights. His technique is called the Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki, which literally means "The attack of a Flying Dragon" (I guess . . .). As Hiko puts it (remember Kenshin's fight with Shishio?), "Even though an opponent avoids the fangs of a dragon, the attack of its claws will be inevitable". Quite cool, eh? (Sorry - I'm all doing this by my memory. So if anything is off, then that's why!). 


        So what does Kenshin think of when his compared to a dragon?



Kenshin:     I look ugly on my pic of a dragon . . .

Zoo-keeper:     A-hehe. . .


please e-mail me at if you have another animal or reason in mind for Kenshin! (OR IF YOU HAVE A BETTER DRAWING!!!)






zoo-ey animal # 2: KAORU AS A TANUKI


(FYI: Oh, case you don't know, tanuki's Japanese for raccoon)


        I've got absolutely no idea how to draw Kaoru with a raccoon-body. I've tried it a lot of times, but it always ends up like a bear. So instead here's a screen-cap showing Kaoru and a raccoon.

        Well, we do not exactly know why Watsuki-dono decided to make her a racccoon, but I think it's connected to Kaoru's looks. Besides being cute, look closely at the big ribbon Kaoru's always wearing and the huge cheeks tanukis have, expecially on the pic above left. See something similar? (Look closer! Look closer! Just don't bump your head on the screen ^_^x). Their shapes are almost the same! Well also, I think another reason is because raccoons may be cute, but sometimes they're deadly (^^;). Her cooking, remember? ^_^x


        So here's Kaoru's reaction:


Kaoru:        She called me cute!!!!!!!


Yahiko:        Yeah right . . . but she also called you deadly. . .



zoo-ey animal #3: KAORU the BUTTERFLY


Aiieeee! Kaoru's flying all over the zoo! (It's hard to control flying animals, you know ^_^ . . . With Kenshin constantly burping flames, then Kaoru spreading powder that makes you go coughing-crazy . . . you get the picture  6^_^; )


        Well, Kaoru's a butterfly . . . . hmmm maybe because of her large ribbon too (it can serve as wings!!!). She's also beautiful and cute (I know someone who has a crush on Kaoru out there!!!! Hehe, - guilty! *tsk* *tsk*). 


Kaoru:     I don't mind mutating from a tanuki to a butterfly ,but when I am flyng (butterfly ofcourse) and I suddenly mutate to a tanuki the landings can be kinda rough!


(Yeah right . . . but she loves flying cause she can chase Kenshin when he's a dragon ^_^x)







zoo-ey animal # 4, 5: Misao as a cat, weasel


        Oh here's a nice drawing. DEFINITELY I didn't made that - it's too good. We would like to send special thanks Shura for the pic here!!!!!! (You've contributed a LOT to this site!!! ARIGATO!!!!!). Go to her webby on my links , or else . . .

        Like Kaoru's zooey thingy, we animals aren't sure why Misao's a cat/weasel. We've got no reason to present to you visitors, but we only know that Misao's got a musical theme called "Wild cat - a theme of Misao Makimachi" (here's another info from Shura-san!!!).



Oh, I couldn't interview Misao, well, because she's too busy fighting with Sano and Saitoh. (Cause you see, they're basically the ones who calls here weasel in the anime ^^; ).


e-mail me at if you have another idea/animal for Misao-chan!







zoo-ey animal # 6: Sano as a chicken


        Here's also a zoological thingy mentioned in the anime. Sano was really drawn as a chicken (see the screen cap on the left!), so obviously I don't have to draw him anymore (phew - what a relief!!!).

        The reason for Sano being a chicken is obvious - see his weird hairstyle? It's got spikes like a chicken. Well probably another reason is because you often see him chewing something - most of a time a fish bone (isn't that gross if you'd do that in real life? Some of my friends say it's quite cool ^^; ). Another thing is because of - well, just remember what Aoshi said to Sano: "Sano, you need to borrow a brain from a chicken to understand something" ^_^x


        So what does Sanosuke think?

zoo-keeper: Hehe . . . Sano's freaking . . .


zoo-ey animal #7: SANO THE SKUNK!


QUICK QUIIIIIIIIICK!!!!! Cover your ears!!!! . . . (ooops - I mean your nose)


        Yoshi said he thought of this zooey thingy because of the zoo's RK saying of the month! If you haven't seen it, just click here ^_^x.

        Why we animals think Sano stinks? (Oh no, I think he's steams getting out of his head!). Noticed the fishy bone he always "stucks" in his mouth? Hehe . . . you probably know already . . . BAAAAAD breath (phew - we really need some FRESH air around here in the zoo, with Sano's mouth talking non-stop ^^). I even gave Soujiro a job of giving Sano a new toothbrush and toothpaste everyday.


Sano's reaction?



Sano:     . . . 


zoo-keeper:     (covering nose with the other animals) ARGH! Forget about Sano's reaction! Somebody give him a bath!!!!!!!


zoo-ey animal #14: SANO THE FROG!!!


(hey, do I hear you laughing at my drawing? -_-;)


        Teheee . . . Yoshi-san thought of it because of this screencap:


(So much for candid camera, ne?) 


        Sano did this "jumping around" in the Shimabara arc, right after the Shishio chapter. Remember the doggys running after him? Sano did some acrobatics and started jumping around some rocks (BIG rocks, by the way), so, that's the reason I and Yoshi-san made him a . . . frog.




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E-mail me at if you have suggestions, comments blah blah (DRAWINGS ARE REALLY WELCOMED!!! Hehe ^_^x )