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Entrance to the Zoo

Meet the Animals

Chibi SD Downloads!

Animal attitude - RK humor and jokes!

Twin Corner - RK lookalikes

Zoological Thingys - see the animals!

Miscellany - RK stuff

Guest of the month

Heart of Sword

Links - other webbys


ABOUT the zookeeper








Click at their banners to enter their RK webbys ^^

Dianes RK Page
The Battousai Files v.2
Kenshin Elite
Kenshin Online!
Uncreative Unlimited

e-mail me at if you want your site to become a pal of the zoo! ^_^x



Whoppeeeeee!!! These are the special visitors of the zoo ^_^x. If you come back and happen to be the 6000th, 6500th and so on, please e-mail me onegai! ^^


          500th - Yoshi 3000th - Jessica Santos
          2000th - Zigger 4500th - Keiko-chan
          2500th - Kiara


Wohoooo! The animals and I (especially Kenshin, see the right pic?) would like to give a big hug and thanks to those who have contributed stuff/ideas or gave support to the zoo. Thank you to the following animals!!! I hope we didn't forget anyone ^^. (We animals did this by random, so if we forgot a name, that's why! Gomen gomen gomen. We'll check this list from time to time in case we remember more contributors who weren't mentioned ^^;)


Again again, suggestions comments blah are welcome at

Give Kenshin a big hug!

THANK YOUS ^^: (in no particular order)

*sniff**sniff* and I would like to thank the ff. for helping me win this oscar award...nah just joking. Thanks guys!

  • Shura (RK Uncensored)

  • Hiei, the 17th Hiten Mitsurugi Master!!!

  • Gem-san, Kenshin4ever ne?

  • Shinsow

  • Yoshi, *waving hands*

  • Tai (

  • Diane-san (Diane's RK Page v2)

  • Ponti (RK Web)

  • Race, hey friend!

  • Aquamaid

  • Vegeta, oi! so how did the fried Pikachu taste?

  • Jill-chan (Fireflies in Early Summer)

  • Kiara, our humble visitor ^^

  • Sarah (Uncreative Unlimited)

  • Bijan, the Super-RK Otaku ne?

  • Johnny, the alter ego of Watsuki Nobuhiro (huh?)

  • Jessica, hey Seta-fan!

  • Zigger

  • Mark (The Battousai Files)

  • Mizzy, the founder of Aoshi-and-Edge! ^^

  • Red (Chibi-chibi-Kenshin-Gumi)

  • Synkro~lala

  • Alaric, cute-logos ne? ^^

  • Takani Megumi, FY addict!

  • Niko, the quest for anime stores will continue....

  • Noin Lucrezia

  • Darth Vampire, whoo scary!

  • P.Rico, thanks man!

  • Pikachu, where'd u go? =(

  • Kasumi Vulpix, go Nuriko!

  • Misty the lucky chan and Karina (Shall We Dance?)

  • JC (Selos ka talaga eh)


  • Sckye and Mulder (tehee)

  • Seiyo

  • Chibi-K, the Chibiest chibi!

  • Seta, hey thanks again

  • Sumant, manager of the Chicken Interview

  • Sachi-chan for some twins ^_^x

  • Kenko-chan

  • June, a ka-pinoy RK fan! ^^

  • Arashi Kishu

  • Tokio!! Saitoh4ever ne?

  • Mizzy ^^

  • Sumant

  • Keiko-chan, our 4500th visitor!

  • Kumiko (Bishoujo Seishi Nuriko)

  • Lucrezia Noin-Peacecraft (Shishio and Yumi)

  • Sanasuke *thumbs up*

  • Setsuna (ty for the award!)

  • Suzume Aki, the 6000th visitor!

  • Fer-san (The Child of the Storm)

  • Daniel (Pokemon)

  • Heather (Kaoru's dojo)