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RK Fanatasy
Mitsurugi, the Path of the Sword
The Battousai Files v.2
Kenshinz Girl Dojo
Kenshin Elite
Kenshin Online!
Uncreative Unlimited



Come in! Come in! You've come to the "twin section" - a page looking for the long lost twins or possible reincarnation of some RK characters! In case you have any anime characters in mind that looks/reminds of someone in RK, feel free to e-mail me at ^_^x


I'll add more look-alikes in the future! (Reminder: the pairs here are not really PHYSICALLY look-alikes - they may be similar in attitude, or in any other way)

Hey hey hey! Our chibi-guest of May is a twin of Kenshin! See the reasons at page 3 of twin corner ^_^x

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The zoo would like to thank Jill-san for this suggestion! She did ALL the reasons here, arigato very much ^_^x

Go to her RK website at Fireflies in the Summer !!!


The 2 girls of RK and Sakura Taisen

  • Both are 17 are the beginning of the anime 

  • Both are the only daughters of a family of kendo masters, with deceased fathers

  • Both are somewhat of tomboys who practice kendo. Their dojo clothes are also the same : yellow gi & blue hakama:

The 2 lady masters in kendo

  • really look-alikes : Hair up in ponytail & long bangs, also large ribbons! Their faces are also almost the same.

  • Sakura is often referred to as a 'country bumpkin' (well she is from the country) for her lack of lady's ediquette & surprisingly rough behavior, while Kaoru is often referred by Kenshin-gumi (especially Megumi and Yahiko) as a 'loud-trashed girl from a country' who has the manners of a boy

  • Sakura's rival, Kanzaki Sumire, is a classy, scanty 'snake woman' who goes 'ohohohoh' all the time. They fight over the same guy - Sakura often resulting to violence. You probably know who could be Sumire's counterpart in RK *foxy ears*

Megumi and Sumire

Megumi and Sumire

  • Both have a nasty - rage/jealous streak. Though I admit Sakura hasn't reached the extreme nastiness of Kaoru's rage attacks, but she hits & yells & gets the same scary face! (Poor Kenshin and Ichirou . . .)

Waah!!! Watch out guys!

  • Both are in love with the main guy - Sakura's guy, Oogami Ichirou is a sweet, stupid man who is terrible when confronting women. He often gets himself in the stickiest situations, like doing errands/chores for girls or getting caught in the crossfire of a cat fight. But he is a great fighter & uses twin katana in battle. (Don't we just see striking similarities going in this 2 anime? ^^;)

  • Both seiyuus are women with high pitch, nasel voices . Yokoyama Chisa & Fujitani Miki have very similar singing voices. If you listen to their character songs, you can interchange who's singing. 

  • both are simple-minded girls - though very courageous & kawaii in kimonos, they're still very naive (?) and simple-minded.

Kaoru and Sakura!!!

  • Both have the belief to use the sword as a device for protecting people. Sakura uses a real katana though, but she saves people from demons overrunning Tokyo.

Guys, here's a long shot why Kaoru and Sakura might be related! (Courtesy again of Jill ^_^x):

R.K. took place in Meiji era 1860's. Sakura Taisen took place in Taishou era 1920's. Let's say, K&K's kid, Kenji, married into the Shinguji family, and it's tradition that the most famous family name is taken on so... Shinguji Kenji. Kenji has a son... Sakura's father, Kazuma (again with the Ks!!) then comes Sakura!!!!!


Wohooo!!! There are Jill-san's reasons! Really a cool and bright suggestion,eh? My mouth really dropped while I was reading her e-mail ^_^x. She even sent me the pics of Sakura!!! Arigato very much, Jill-san! Once again, don't ever forget to go to her RK site, ok? It's at Fireflies in the Summer !!!





Thanks a lot to Kasumi Vulpix for this suggestion!


Meet the 2 most beautiful guys of RK and FY!

  • Both beautiful ^^ - who would have though that these 2 pretty ones are actually ...uhm, guys-turned-girls? They're even prettier than the main characters of their anime (Nuriko's prettier than Miaka, and some say Kamatari's cuter than Kaoru or Misao!)
  • They are both crossdressers.
  • They both love leaders - Hotohori's an emperor, Shishio's the head of the Juppon Gatana

  • They both have big feelings for the ones that they love - unfortunately, their love was never returned back 

  • They are both really strong - super-duper-mega strength! Nuriko can throw anything and anyone into the air, and Kamatari carries a really BIG weapon ^^;

Oops! Watch out - they're strong

  • They are both in a big group - the Juppon Gatana and the 7 Suzaku warriors




Thanks also to Sarah for this suggestion!

Go to her RK website at Uncreative Unlimited !!!



  • They both have black hair that hangs in front of their eyes, same haircut too - okay! okay! so there are lots of anime characters with the same haircut as the zoo, but  for the sake of finding similarities (like what I said in the Kurama-Kenshin-twins), let's consider it, ok?

  • They both have blue eyes. - I think. It's hard to tell on Aoshi (argh! it's changing from green to blue green to light blue to dark blue to . . . .)

  • Mamoru gets brainwashed, and Aoshi sides up with Shishio. - Mamoru gets to be a bad guy in the original Sailormoon because his memories gets totally mixed up. Aoshi goes mental-crazy-something because he gets obsessed in getting to be the most powerful! 

  • Mamoru's family is dead, the Oniwabanshuu were killed.

  • Aoshi has Misao, and Mamoru has Usagi - super uber-genki girls.

  • They're both rather standoffish.





Reasons why I think Soujiro could become the "Rurouni Kenshin Jr."! ^^:


Kenshin and Soujiro


  • Sad childhood memories and they both didn't have families to care for them - Kenshin's parents died of cholera, and Soujiro's an illegitimate child maltreated by his siblings (what happened to his parents wasn't mentioned)


The 2 poor kids


  • Both bishounen, very kawaii too when they were still small ^^

  • The two of them were adopted by sword-masters, Shishio and Hiko.

  • They were adopted after a bad incident happened - Kenshin was adopted by Hiko after the massacre done by the bandits, Shishio took Soujiro after he (Soujiro) killed his siblings who tried to murder him. Obviously, the 2 learned their sword skills from their masters.


The sword-teachers of RK


The first meeting of Hiko and Shinta


  • Kenshin and Soujiro have mottos (they differ completely, though): "A sword is used for protecting people" (or something like that) for Kenshin, and "Survival of the fittest: The strong shall live and the weak will die" for Soujiro.

  • Both masters of battou-jutsu! Their techniques are extremely fast too: Kenshin's "Hiten Mitsurugi" and Soujiro's "Shinsoku".

  • After they realized what they were doing was wrong, they both wanted to atone for their past sins. 

  • Soujiro also becomes a "rurouni" (wanderer) at the end of the Shishio chapter. He also said something like "Maybe I'll be able to find the correct path in 10 years" - the same no. of years Kenshin became a wanderer!


Soujiro realizing he was wrong ^^





Thanks also to Hiei for this suggestion!

Actually Hiei already suggested this a long long time ago, but it's only till now that I finally remembered it! Argh *bangs head on the wall* Gomen gomen Hiei-san!


Soujiro and Okita


  • They really look alike together! Just take away Okita's ponytail and -tadah!- you've got Soujiro


Just remove the ponytail...


Reminder: Well, my reasons here are based on the Okita on the RK OAV, not Okita in the anime series. However, in the anime, he looks more like Soujiro (the drawings in the series and OAV are quite different)


  • Both of the cheerful type, funny and always on the good mood (well, they're always seen smiling, that is)


Okita smiling ^^

(This is Okita talking cheerfully to Saitoh in the OAV)

(The Okita that's about to fight Battousai in the anime - still smiling!)


  • The 2 of them are always seen together with serious/bad guys: Shishio and Saitoh. Soujiro is the second-hand of Shishio, and the same goes for Okita and Saitoh (somehow)


Saitoh and Okita


  • Okita gets to fight Kenshin one on one, just like Soujiro in the anime

The fight of Okita and Battousai'


  • Watsuki based Soujiro on Okita (hmm maybe that explains why they're similar, ne?)





The zoo would like to thank Chibi K (the chibiest-chibi!!!) for the suggestion and reasons here ^^


Tsubame and SailorSaturn


  • The hair, the hair. IT'S THE HAIR!!!

  • They both have a shy personality.

  • At the end of their series they rely on other people for strength, but

    later their personalities develop.

  • Tsubame was based on Hotaru Tomoe!! ^_^




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