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Entrance to the Zoo

Meet the Animals

Chibi SD Downloads!

Animal attitude - RK humor and jokes!

Twin Corner - RK lookalikes

Zoological Thingys - see the animals!

Miscellany - RK stuff

Guest of the month

Heart of Sword

Links - other webbys


ABOUT the zookeeper






RK Fanatasy
Mitsurugi, the Path of the Sword
The Battousai Files v.2
Kenshinz Girl Dojo
Kenshin Elite
Kenshin Online!
Uncreative Unlimited



        In this part of the zoo we see the characters and their corresponding animals! After each explanation, I did a little interviewing with them to know how they feel!


        Anyway, some animals were really mentioned in the anime, some just invented by me and friends. If you have more suggestions, comments, or other animal/reason for a RK character, e-mail me at . I'll do my best to add them! ^_^X


        Oh, we again would like to thank Shura and Yoshi for most of the ideas here. Go to Shura's webby at my links . Thanx!!!


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zoo-ey animal # 8: Misanagi as a rat



       Okay, this drawing above is too good - so again I didn't make that. It's Shura again!!! Thanx Thanx Thanx again!


         I know a lot of people who likes Misanagi (which includes me), so I am really surprised why there are aren't webbys dedicated to her. Hmmm . . . maybe I'll make one in the future!


        Anyway, this zooey thingy was invented by Shura-san. You see, Misanagi's got a rat-face (don't take it negatively: rats are cute), and she's smart too. She's the leader of a ninja gang (forgot their name).


        Oh, I couldn't interview Misanagi cause I couldn't find her - you see, she's a tough and serious ninja, and she's always moving and hiding around (u know what ninjas do).







zoo-ey animal # 9: Megumi as a fox


Why Megumi's a fox in the anime? I dunno again. Foxxy ears just popps on her head when she's doing silly things, mostly making Sano angry (SM! SM! SM!). Maybe because she's quite sharp and disciplined too for a doctor.


Megumi's reaction?

e-mail me at for suggestions!







zoo-ey animal # 10: Hiko as a gorilla


         Hihi - I was the one who drew this, so it's quite scary.


        Anyway, one visitor actually e-mailed me and told me Hiko's a gorilla. I e-mailed her again asking what her codename is so I could credit her, but she never replied. ( I don't wanna put down here on the internet her real name, you know - she might get angry for revealing her private information!!!). Anyway, we animals would like to thank her for the suggestion.


        Uhm, I think she made Hiko a gorilla (she didn't put a reason) because of his really BIG body. Hiko's pretty strong too (like Kingkong - only cuter).







zoo-ey animal #11: SAITOH as a COCKROACH


(pardon my drawing - he seems he's dancing ^^; )


        Haha!!!! This one was suggested by Hiei (arigato out there!!! ^_^x). Well it's just because of Saitoh's weird hairstyle. His bangs are like those of a cockroach!!! 


(note:     I drew that one above, but not the face (obviously). Hehe sorry . . . I tried and tried to draw Saitoh's face, but his character design's just too difficult for me to draw, considering I have no artistic talent ^_^x . . . )


        I don't dare to ask how Saitoh feels being a cockroach - he'll gatotsu me for sure!






(note: Sorry if the above pic of Shishio is so dark - when we took the pic the electricity of the zoo was cut off! But  Shishio said he preferred dark pics anyway than the lighter pic we took after the brown-out ^^;)


zoo-ey animal #12: SHISHIO AS A SNAKE


Hey, is that a snake or a worm?


        Thanks to someone out there for putting a comment on the last poll telling Shishio's a snake! ^_^x Now I remember . . .

        Anyways this zoo thingy was in the anime (I think), though it's mentioned once in a bluemoon.

        Why a snake? Hmmm . . . maybe because he's deadly, and also, his bite is as poisonous (rememer when Shishio bit Kenshin? Yummm *munch* munch*)


Shishio's reaction:


Shishio: (to you) Ahasssss visitorsssss, wannassss havessss a tastesssss ofssssss mysssss bitessssss ??ssssss







zoo-ey animal #13: YAHIKO AS A MONKEY


Monkey boy

        This zooey thingy was suggested by Shura-san! I think this was really seen the anime, but I'm not quite sure. I think it was shown only once, only that I don't remember when ^^; . Anyway maybe it's because Yahiko's dark-skinned, learns quickly, and is small (he's only 10 years old, am I right?)

        My drawings' giving you nightmares? Gomen ne ^^;


Yoshi's reaction?

Yahiko: A monkey? Yuck . . .






zoo-ey animal #15: MR. USUI THE NINJA TURTLE!


drawing and idea made by: Yoshi


        Kinda self-explanatory, eh? Mr.Power-of-the-eyes has all it got to become one of the ninja turtles: see his "turtley fashion"?


Usui:     Hey, kanzaki, I don't mind you calling me a turtle, but what's with this pink background and girly design?!!





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E-mail me at if you have suggestions, comments blah blah (DRAWINGS ARE REALLY WELCOMED!!! Hehe ^_^x )