d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - April, 2000 
Club News

    Northwest Casas Adobes . . . .
    Toastmasters Club #5417-3 in Tucson, marks its 10th anniversary this Spring. The charter was presented to the club at a Charter Dinner held on May 10, 1990. District Governor Glen Knudson, DTM presented the banner and Lt. Gov. Bill Bristol, DTM was the featured speaker. Deane Erickson, DTM was Toastmaster for the event.

    Northwest Casas Adobes is still going strong with the help of Charter Member Marcia Golombik, DTM. The club currently boast of having S-4 Area Governor Judy Norris, ATM-G/CL, and its newest member is long time, award winning Toastmaster Laird Guttersen, DTM. Laird recently transferred his membership to the club.

    You are cordially invited . . .
    Smile High Toastmasters proudly presents Susan Carter Jackson, MA; Executive Director of the Prescott Fine Arts Association. Ms. Jackson will speak on "Public Speaking Power," Monday, April 24, 2000 at 7:00pm at the Church of God, 600 West Hillside Road, Prescott, AZ. All are welcome at no charge. For further information contact Mary Jane Gill at 520-445-7644 or at mjwgill@earthlink.net

    New Brochures, Personal Presentation attracted New Members . . . Janette Gann, DTM, President, Valued Voices

    Just this week (March 30), our three year old club which has been struggling lately had 4 wonderful, excited guests. Three from the police department and one from the planning section.  All 4 heard about our club through the efforts of 2 members.
    Lenora Danowski, a member for only a few months, took over at VPR recently. She attending TLI and was very
    impressed. She took to heart her role and created a tri-fold brochure for the city to include in their new employee packets. Elva, one of our guests last Thursday saw the brochure, came and joined. She even asked if she could be the secretary since ours is not active. WOW.

    The other 3 who joined heard  about the club from Rob McLeod, CTM-CL, our Treasurer, who did at a presentation at an employee meeting and really impressed our new members. Rob is running for President next term, I hear. We are now back up over 20 members!  Congratulations to our new, enthusiastic members. 

      Valued Voices club #7744, open, meets 1st, 3rd, 5th Thurs. at 12 noon, Chandler City Council Chambers, 22 S. Delaware, Chandler.

    When a reporter from the AZ Republic knocks -- its table Topics time. Jodie Kay Petra, CTM, was interviewed by Arizona Republic reporter Janie Magruder a few weeks back for an article she wrote which appeared in the Wednesday, March 15 issue. The topic was "Bullies in the Workplace". "She interviewed me as the Director of Corporate Education for my new start up company The Orion Institute for Organizational Excellence," said Jodie. "She wanted my viewpoints of how bullies act, what happens to the employees who are bullied--and then the biggest part of all--what did I think the employee should do to handle the bully? Her questions, and especially the one about solutions, allowed me to "draw upon" my years of experience in answering Table Topics. I give credit to TM for helping me be quoted so intelligently in the article. I had no prior knowledge of what she would ask and the article she wrote was great!"

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International <

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