d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - April, 2000 
Saturday, March 25, 2000

These minutes are in draft form and are currently being reviewed and approved by the Minutes Approval Committee. Upon approval of the Minutes Approval Committee, the information displayed here will be updated to reflect that approval.

  1. Opening Ceremonies
    1. Welcome by Kelli McDoulett
    2. Introductions of District Officers at head table and Dignitaries in the audience
  2. Housekeeping
    1. Quorum: 22 present; we have a quorum
    2. Unanimous Consent was explained
    3. Membership: District Governor, Lt. Governor Education & Training, Lt. Governor Marketing, Immediate Past District Governor. Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Division and Area Governors
    4. Appointments
      1. Minutes Approval Committee: Juris Kursulis, Janice Winscot & Jerome Lahey
      2. Tellers: Julie Schruel, Marian Sjostrom, & Dixie Humphyres
      3. Timers: Mike Kaml & Joseph Snyder
    5. Approval Of Agenda. Without objective Item VI E. Spring Conference Committee report will be given before Item VI A.
  3. Minutes: Approved
  4. Financial Reports
    1. Treasurer’s Report –Janet Brinton. Report filed with minutes.
    2. Audit Report – Marian Sjostrom. Report adopted.
  5. Reports Of Officers And Standing Committees
    1. District Governor: Kelli McDoulett: Report on Distinguished Area Governor/Distinguished Division Governor status; Welcome to 4 new additions to the District leadership team: Bobbie Mendenhall, ATM-B (P2 Area Governor), Cyndi Newburn CTM (Resource Chair), Marcia Golombik, DTM (Youth Leadership), and Liz Bebo, DTM (Judges Training); area visits discussed; report that TI Board of Directors approved boundary changes between District 3 and District 15; TI has revised Leadership Part I and Leadership Part II of the Success Leadership Modules; TI Web site additions: Online Supply Catalog and Candidates Corner; processing of expense reports; congratulations to Area Governors for 100% visits turned in to date: G1 Donna Edwards, G5 Mike Kaml, S1 Judy Norris, Y2 Don Allen. Written report filed with minutes.
    2. Lt. Governor Education & Training: P.J. Glauz: 36 Toastmasters achieved CTMs during Nov/Dec. campaign. Tom Lord, G5 Area Governor first to achieve Distinguished Division/Area CTM/ATM goals; Area Governors Joseph Snyder G3 and Julie Schruel Y5 achieved their Distinguished Division/Area CTM goals; need an additional 86 CTMs to achieve our District goal of 220; Area/Division CTM challenge was discussed; ATM goal exceeded by 9; Thanks to Nancy Starr, TLI chairman for leading the TLI team to success; report on spring conference. Written report filed with minutes.
    3. Lt. Governor Marketing: Virginia Richtar: membership campaigns and club bulletin contests discussed.
    D. Public Relations Officer: Report given by Kelli McDoulett.
  6. Reports Of Special Committees
    1. Spring Conference Committee: Verbal report by P.J. Glauz
    2. Nominating Committee: Report by Immediate Past District Governor, Jodie Kay Petra: Candidates nominated as District Officers for the 2000/2001 term: District Governor: P.J. Glauz, DTM; Lt. Gov. Education & Training: Virginia Richtar, ATM-B, CL; Lt. Gov. Marketing: Mike Herskovits, DTM; Cholla Division Gov.: Don Griffith, CTM; Gila Division Gov.: Joe Snyder, CTM; Paiute Division Gov.: Richard Chard, CTM; Sonoran Division Gov.: George Self, ATM-B; Yavapai Division Gov.: Ellis Rackoff, CTM.
    3. C&L Award Committee: Juris Kursulis reported that Kathleen Mitchell will receive the C&L award at the Spring Conference.
    4. Past District Governors Advisory Committee: Report by Nancy Starr: PDG Dwayne Roberts will have the District 3 Operations manual completed by the end of April; report on Leonard Knight’s suggestion that the District look at options for following up with youth leadership students for recruitment into regular Toastmaster clubs; PDG Advisory Team continued to discuss options for obtaining corporate contributions and sponsorships for TLI, the district conferences and on-going marketing efforts. Written report filed with minutes.
    5. Toastmasters Leadership Institute: Report presented by Nancy Starr: 470 attendees at three sessions of winter TLI; Summer dates announced: 6/10, 6/24, 7/8/2000. Report filed with minutes
    6. Club Extension Committee: Report by Virginia Richtar. Report filed with minutes.
    7. Club Rescue Committee: Report by Virginia Richtar. Report filed with minutes.
  7. Special Orders
    1. Approval Of Appointed Officers: Kelli McDoulett:

    2. 1. Bobbie Mendenhall, ATM-B as Area P2 Governor.
    3. New Club Placement: Approved without objection: Tosco Talkers to C5
  8. (Unfinished Business & General Orders) - none
  9. New Business - none
  10. Announcements & "For The Good Of The Order":
  11. Kelli McDoulett: 1) mentioned that area governors are needed for next term; 2) pick up packets for others not in attendance today.

    Janette Gann: Suggested that people stand when giving reports; 2) provide written Treasurer’s Reports to committee members; 3) provide new club information for inclusion on maps

    Jodie Kay Petra: Thank you to Pam Hall for assisting with nominating committee

    Judy Norris: Consider having two contests instead of one

    Mike Kaml: Announced charter club ceremony of State Expressions Toastmasters 3/27 @ noon

    Leonard Knight: Announced Toastmasters open house at Bank One Ballpark 4/25 @ noon

  12. Parliamentarian’s Report – Dwayne Roberts
  13. Adjourned

Submitted by:
DeeAnne Michael, District Secretary


Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Newsletter/Internet advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, George Self, ATM-B/CL, Richard Moore, ATM.

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