d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - April 1, 2000 
She's online for District 3's home page
    Last week Rene Hicks, Twilite Toastmasters, started the process of  updating District 3's ten Policies and uploading them to the District home page.

    It was her first project assignment from District Governor Kelli McDoulett, DTM, as she began to update the District website --- and prepare for her seventh basic manual speech.

    Her "webmastering work" can be seen at http://www.geocities.com/tempetwilite --- a project she suggested to bring new folks into her club and then volunteered to  make it happen.

    "I had just completed some HTML classes at MCC," she said, "and I was brimming with confidence, so I took on the challenge.

    "I am new to toastmasters, but the concept is not new to me.  I dropped into a few meetings when I was in college.  After college I soon learned that I needed A LOT of help with my public speaking skills, so I dropped by Twilite last June (1999) and simply fell in love with the group."

    In her ice breaker Rene told members that she grew up in the small town of Miami, Arizona.  "It's a copper town that at one time was booming with promise, but alas, "she said, "the luster has worn off, and what appears to remain are the old homes, neighborhoods, and schools."

    "I went off to college after high school to become an engineer, I did just that, a biomedical engineer as a matter of fact.  My current goal is to rid the world of cardiovascular disease, but I hopefully will get into biomechanical research and development, and make it so that everyone that wants to walk, but can't at this point will get that chance.

    Rene works for IMPRA, a vascular graft manufacturing company and, for the fun of it, is taking classes for her MCSE and web publishing. . . .and improving her ability to communicate ---- at the lectern and on the web.

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International

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