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August Rants 2002

Well, I haven't updated my rants in a while, so I thought it was time. Lots of things have happened, I suppose. My first week at college was Hell with all the freshmen orientation crap and then my computer crashing. Then classes started and things are cool I guess. Bad stuff did keep happening..weird! I had a meeting with my therapist on campus, and we're going to try to get me someone off campus. So we'll see how that goes. I guess the biggest development lies in my love life. I have met a wonderful guy and I am just in awe at it all. Okay, here is the story: my friend introduced us online (I will be meeting him in person in two weeks!) and since our first hello's we have talked everyday and all night...I've gone to bed at 3am just about every night! Its incredible...I could talk to him for hours. But the biggest freakin' coincidence (fate???) happened the other night. We were having a rather deep conversation so I decided it was time to let him in a little about my past. He is going to know sometime, then seemed like a good time. So I told him and its all good. He was impressed! and really admired me etc. So then he begged for my website address and I finally relented and gave it to him. Then we were talking and everything, when suddenly he goes: you know what? Of course I had no idea...well he said...I've been here, to your site, before!!!!!!!!! Blew me away!! I didn't believe him...it was because of self injury or suicide or depression or anything like that. He was looking for poetry sites and places he maybe can post some. He used a yahoo search engine and somehow my page came up and he went there, not realizing what it really was. He was shocked what it was so he poked around a bit, went to rants and raves etc. He did that about two days before we met. Well, after we got over the initial shock, I tried to reproduce his search...and I've never been able to pull up my page based on poetry. The odds of him seeing my site and then meeting me are about impossible. I have never actually known anyone who has come to my site from a search engine. All of my friends received the site from me. Its just so incredible... we can't get over it. We talked forever that night...and since then, its like we're in the twilight zone, a few other things have happened like that.

It's so weird, I was not expecting any of this...he has really swept me off my feet like I've never thought possible. And its making my recovery so much sweeter...and gives me incentive not to fall backwards! But even so, I know he'd support me. He is like a dream come true. Just like a day before I met him, I had been watching A Walk To Remember...What a movie!!!! Incredible love story and I remember thinking I wish something like that could happen...have a love affair out of the movies...but I didn't think it was possible, until now. So needless to say every crappy thing that has happened recently aren't so bad after all (except for losing documents- I'll never get over that). It's funny how life is.

I've been thrown quite a few curveballs in my life...each catching me off guard and setting me on the right path...this is just another example. You can choose to hit that curve ball, swing and miss or ignore that pitch completely...but its the hitting that brings the sweetest reward. I'm trying to hit this one for a home run. It's come at a time when I'm a little nervous and scared. Since last week my urges have come up more than usual...not good of course. And I'm very worried. Suddenly I am sleeping very little, have a million tasks...my head is swimming with ideas and thoughts and I can't sit still etc. It is reminding me of my senior year- the beginning of it- all was good, I accomplished so much...and then I crashed- so its a little scary. But this time I'm trying for PREvention instead of INTERvention! That way if I do falter, it won't be so bad. I really want to do right this time...I really have something special and I don't want to lose that...I will not let Depression and self injury destroy me any longer. I've let it control me for too long. I just can't do that anymore. Sure its hard as hell, but I know I have the strength within me. I have hope :-)

Well if ya'll need me or anything email me, or IM me!!! Hope ya'll are doing and talk to ya later. Take Care.

First: Chat room is now here- its not the best thing, but for now it will do! I will probably do something different when I get to college, but hey, its something!

Well, things are going well, despite my last rant, I was just being a little emotional, but hey I tell it like it is of course. I'm about to head home from my vacation...my days of relaxing over as I go to college! Wahoo, I'm happy about that. Finally get back to learning more about Psychology! I've missed that actually. There is only so much reading I can do on my own. And of course I've missed my friends etc. And so much will happen with my website...its been so hard to update etc being at home, but now things will be much better. So expect some updates!

As for my emotional well- being, couldn't be better really. Meds are working, obviously. Urges, so very infrequent! So things are going well. Of course college, again, is a whole new ball park. Things are going to be tight this semester etc. So we shall see how I hold up...which should be well!! :-) Well, that is about all the updates for now. Let me know if ya'll need anything. Take Care. 

Ya ever know what it is like to be shafted...constantly. I get so sick of it. On one side of my family I have these two cousins- pretty, smart etc etc...they are good girls, but my step grandma sings their praises like they are God's gift to Earth. Nothing is ever wrong with them, they can do no wrong. The older cousin goes to a good college, not great, but its pretty good...but she's like, only kids with A's and B's can get in there, no one else and on and on and on. I go to a better college, I know this for a fact. Now that older cousin is a genius, definitely, absolute genius...could have gone anywhere but instead went to this okay school. I worked my ass off literally to get into my good school etc. I nearly went crazy to get in. Any word EVER mentioned about my school? Never.
I work my ass off all summer- I work morning to night and when I come home at night I work on my website till the wee hours of the morning. All my money went to my car, insurance, phone and the like- no spending money or anything. I worked at least ten different jobs this summer, plus the website. The older cousin goes to the Dominican Republic for some mission work for six weeks- "can you imagine working all day for no pay...that is so wonderful!" Yeah, well work all day and have your money go to expenses AND volunteer your time at the end of that day and tell me how you feel. No mention what so ever. I might as well not exist. I mean, I have one set of step grandparents, who also revere other grand kids etc., this set I'm talking about (one step, one real) and then one grandfather I speak to every three months, just so we can say we have a relationship and that's it for extended family. The only Uncles I talk to are step...and I never "talk" to them...There are pleasantries at family functions and that is it.

I just wish for once I felt like I belonged...just once... I feel like all I do is just try to prove myself, to be worthy of love. I mean just once of saying, Erin, you've worked so hard this summer, we're proud of you; or Erin its so wonderful you were able to get into such a great school. Just something so I know I'm worth something. Or just be excited with a phone call from me or a card or something, like the other granddaughters. Geez, I'll take anything, anything.

I am just so tired of not fitting in, ya know? I'm on the right meds now, I don't hurt myself, hell I don't even think about suicide anymore, but I still just don't seem to fit anywhere. I am always working to prove myself, just to say, love me, do you love me? I wonder if it does any good. Or am I just a wreck not deserving of anything good?
Ah, as you can see I'm just a tad upset tonight, though it was the perfect time for a rant :-) Let me know if ya'll need anything...and check out the message board- some new stuff there! Hope everyone is doing well and Take Care. 

Well I’ve come to several revelations these past few days. First, I’m tired of all my shit. Its high time I get my act together…I am a strong person, life has made me that way. My urges don’t come around much anymore, my Depression only rears its ugly head every once in a while…its time to put all of that to rest. I need to get on with my life, be out on my own, be my own person. I’ve lost to many things in my life to Depression, to cutting, Hell if I let it ruin one more thing. Right now, in this moment…there is this one thing that I don’t want to lose. So now I’m laying down my cards, I’m saying goodbye to my past… because it all belongs in the past. Life is hard, that much I know, but I’m sick of being different, I’m sick of losing out on love, I’m sick and tired of fighting. So I’m leaving it behind and hope and pray that I won’t lose this one thing that has of late made me feel on top of the world. If I hold on to Depression/cutting I will lose it and that’s something I’m not willing to lose.

I’m here now, ready to move on, ready to show the world what I have to offer, what I can do. I am here, holding myself out there, risking a hell of a lot and hoping that it’s the right thing to do.

That’s my rant for today and I think things may be a bit different from now on. But what remains is I’m here for everyone, you need something just ask, need to talk, to vent, advice, whatever it is, I am here for you. All ya gotta do is email or IM me hope everyone is doing as well as I am and hope to talk to you guys soon. Take care ya’ll.September Rants

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August Rants 2002

Well, I haven't updated my rants in a while, so I thought it was time. Lots of things have happened, I suppose. My first week at college was Hell with all the freshmen orientation crap and then my computer crashing. Then classes started and things are cool I guess. Bad stuff did keep happening..weird! I had a meeting with my therapist on campus, and we're going to try to get me someone off campus. So we'll see how that goes. I guess the biggest development lies in my love life. I have met a wonderful guy and I am just in awe at it all. Okay, here is the story: my friend introduced us online (I will be meeting him in person in two weeks!) and since our first hello's we have talked everyday and all night...I've gone to bed at 3am just about every night! Its incredible...I could talk to him for hours. But the biggest freakin' coincidence (fate???) happened the other night. We were having a rather deep conversation so I decided it was time to let him in a little about my past. He is going to know sometime, then seemed like a good time. So I told him and its all good. He was impressed! and really admired me etc. So then he begged for my website address and I finally relented and gave it to him. Then we were talking and everything, when suddenly he goes: you know what? Of course I had no idea...well he said...I've been here, to your site, before!!!!!!!!! Blew me away!! I didn't believe him...it was because of self injury or suicide or depression or anything like that. He was looking for poetry sites and places he maybe can post some. He used a yahoo search engine and somehow my page came up and he went there, not realizing what it really was. He was shocked what it was so he poked around a bit, went to rants and raves etc. He did that about two days before we met. Well, after we got over the initial shock, I tried to reproduce his search...and I've never been able to pull up my page based on poetry. The odds of him seeing my site and then meeting me are about impossible. I have never actually known anyone who has come to my site from a search engine. All of my friends received the site from me. Its just so incredible... we can't get over it. We talked forever that night...and since then, its like we're in the twilight zone, a few other things have happened like that.

It's so weird, I was not expecting any of this...he has really swept me off my feet like I've never thought possible. And its making my recovery so much sweeter...and gives me incentive not to fall backwards! But even so, I know he'd support me. He is like a dream come true. Just like a day before I met him, I had been watching A Walk To Remember...What a movie!!!! Incredible love story and I remember thinking I wish something like that could happen...have a love affair out of the movies...but I didn't think it was possible, until now. So needless to say every crappy thing that has happened recently aren't so bad after all (except for losing documents- I'll never get over that). It's funny how life is.

I've been thrown quite a few curveballs in my life...each catching me off guard and setting me on the right path...this is just another example. You can choose to hit that curve ball, swing and miss or ignore that pitch completely...but its the hitting that brings the sweetest reward. I'm trying to hit this one for a home run. It's come at a time when I'm a little nervous and scared. Since last week my urges have come up more than usual...not good of course. And I'm very worried. Suddenly I am sleeping very little, have a million tasks...my head is swimming with ideas and thoughts and I can't sit still etc. It is reminding me of my senior year- the beginning of it- all was good, I accomplished so much...and then I crashed- so its a little scary. But this time I'm trying for PREvention instead of INTERvention! That way if I do falter, it won't be so bad. I really want to do right this time...I really have something special and I don't want to lose that...I will not let Depression and self injury destroy me any longer. I've let it control me for too long. I just can't do that anymore. Sure its hard as hell, but I know I have the strength within me. I have hope :-)

Well if ya'll need me or anything email me, or IM me!!! Hope ya'll are doing and talk to ya later. Take Care.

First: Chat room is now here- its not the best thing, but for now it will do! I will probably do something different when I get to college, but hey, its something!

Well, things are going well, despite my last rant, I was just being a little emotional, but hey I tell it like it is of course. I'm about to head home from my vacation...my days of relaxing over as I go to college! Wahoo, I'm happy about that. Finally get back to learning more about Psychology! I've missed that actually. There is only so much reading I can do on my own. And of course I've missed my friends etc. And so much will happen with my website...its been so hard to update etc being at home, but now things will be much better. So expect some updates!

As for my emotional well- being, couldn't be better really. Meds are working, obviously. Urges, so very infrequent! So things are going well. Of course college, again, is a whole new ball park. Things are going to be tight this semester etc. So we shall see how I hold up...which should be well!! :-) Well, that is about all the updates for now. Let me know if ya'll need anything. Take Care. 

Ya ever know what it is like to be shafted...constantly. I get so sick of it. On one side of my family I have these two cousins- pretty, smart etc etc...they are good girls, but my step grandma sings their praises like they are God's gift to Earth. Nothing is ever wrong with them, they can do no wrong. The older cousin goes to a good college, not great, but its pretty good...but she's like, only kids with A's and B's can get in there, no one else and on and on and on. I go to a better college, I know this for a fact. Now that older cousin is a genius, definitely, absolute genius...could have gone anywhere but instead went to this okay school. I worked my ass off literally to get into my good school etc. I nearly went crazy to get in. Any word EVER mentioned about my school? Never.
I work my ass off all summer- I work morning to night and when I come home at night I work on my website till the wee hours of the morning. All my money went to my car, insurance, phone and the like- no spending money or anything. I worked at least ten different jobs this summer, plus the website. The older cousin goes to the Dominican Republic for some mission work for six weeks- "can you imagine working all day for no pay...that is so wonderful!" Yeah, well work all day and have your money go to expenses AND volunteer your time at the end of that day and tell me how you feel. No mention what so ever. I might as well not exist. I mean, I have one set of step grandparents, who also revere other grand kids etc., this set I'm talking about (one step, one real) and then one grandfather I speak to every three months, just so we can say we have a relationship and that's it for extended family. The only Uncles I talk to are step...and I never "talk" to them...There are pleasantries at family functions and that is it.

I just wish for once I felt like I belonged...just once... I feel like all I do is just try to prove myself, to be worthy of love. I mean just once of saying, Erin, you've worked so hard this summer, we're proud of you; or Erin its so wonderful you were able to get into such a great school. Just something so I know I'm worth something. Or just be excited with a phone call from me or a card or something, like the other granddaughters. Geez, I'll take anything, anything.

I am just so tired of not fitting in, ya know? I'm on the right meds now, I don't hurt myself, hell I don't even think about suicide anymore, but I still just don't seem to fit anywhere. I am always working to prove myself, just to say, love me, do you love me? I wonder if it does any good. Or am I just a wreck not deserving of anything good?
Ah, as you can see I'm just a tad upset tonight, though it was the perfect time for a rant :-) Let me know if ya'll need anything...and check out the message board- some new stuff there! Hope everyone is doing well and Take Care. 

Well I’ve come to several revelations these past few days. First, I’m tired of all my shit. Its high time I get my act together…I am a strong person, life has made me that way. My urges don’t come around much anymore, my Depression only rears its ugly head every once in a while…its time to put all of that to rest. I need to get on with my life, be out on my own, be my own person. I’ve lost to many things in my life to Depression, to cutting, Hell if I let it ruin one more thing. Right now, in this moment…there is this one thing that I don’t want to lose. So now I’m laying down my cards, I’m saying goodbye to my past… because it all belongs in the past. Life is hard, that much I know, but I’m sick of being different, I’m sick of losing out on love, I’m sick and tired of fighting. So I’m leaving it behind and hope and pray that I won’t lose this one thing that has of late made me feel on top of the world. If I hold on to Depression/cutting I will lose it and that’s something I’m not willing to lose.

I’m here now, ready to move on, ready to show the world what I have to offer, what I can do. I am here, holding myself out there, risking a hell of a lot and hoping that it’s the right thing to do.

That’s my rant for today and I think things may be a bit different from now on. But what remains is I’m here for everyone, you need something just ask, need to talk, to vent, advice, whatever it is, I am here for you. All ya gotta do is email or IM me hope everyone is doing as well as I am and hope to talk to you guys soon. Take care ya’ll.September Rants

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August Rants 2002

Well, I haven't updated my rants in a while, so I thought it was time. Lots of things have happened, I suppose. My first week at college was Hell with all the freshmen orientation crap and then my computer crashing. Then classes started and things are cool I guess. Bad stuff did keep happening..weird! I had a meeting with my therapist on campus, and we're going to try to get me someone off campus. So we'll see how that goes. I guess the biggest development lies in my love life. I have met a wonderful guy and I am just in awe at it all. Okay, here is the story: my friend introduced us online (I will be meeting him in person in two weeks!) and since our first hello's we have talked everyday and all night...I've gone to bed at 3am just about every night! Its incredible...I could talk to him for hours. But the biggest freakin' coincidence (fate???) happened the other night. We were having a rather deep conversation so I decided it was time to let him in a little about my past. He is going to know sometime, then seemed like a good time. So I told him and its all good. He was impressed! and really admired me etc. So then he begged for my website address and I finally relented and gave it to him. Then we were talking and everything, when suddenly he goes: you know what? Of course I had no idea...well he said...I've been here, to your site, before!!!!!!!!! Blew me away!! I didn't believe him...it was because of self injury or suicide or depression or anything like that. He was looking for poetry sites and places he maybe can post some. He used a yahoo search engine and somehow my page came up and he went there, not realizing what it really was. He was shocked what it was so he poked around a bit, went to rants and raves etc. He did that about two days before we met. Well, after we got over the initial shock, I tried to reproduce his search...and I've never been able to pull up my page based on poetry. The odds of him seeing my site and then meeting me are about impossible. I have never actually known anyone who has come to my site from a search engine. All of my friends received the site from me. Its just so incredible... we can't get over it. We talked forever that night...and since then, its like we're in the twilight zone, a few other things have happened like that.

It's so weird, I was not expecting any of this...he has really swept me off my feet like I've never thought possible. And its making my recovery so much sweeter...and gives me incentive not to fall backwards! But even so, I know he'd support me. He is like a dream come true. Just like a day before I met him, I had been watching A Walk To Remember...What a movie!!!! Incredible love story and I remember thinking I wish something like that could happen...have a love affair out of the movies...but I didn't think it was possible, until now. So needless to say every crappy thing that has happened recently aren't so bad after all (except for losing documents- I'll never get over that). It's funny how life is.

I've been thrown quite a few curveballs in my life...each catching me off guard and setting me on the right path...this is just another example. You can choose to hit that curve ball, swing and miss or ignore that pitch completely...but its the hitting that brings the sweetest reward. I'm trying to hit this one for a home run. It's come at a time when I'm a little nervous and scared. Since last week my urges have come up more than usual...not good of course. And I'm very worried. Suddenly I am sleeping very little, have a million tasks...my head is swimming with ideas and thoughts and I can't sit still etc. It is reminding me of my senior year- the beginning of it- all was good, I accomplished so much...and then I crashed- so its a little scary. But this time I'm trying for PREvention instead of INTERvention! That way if I do falter, it won't be so bad. I really want to do right this time...I really have something special and I don't want to lose that...I will not let Depression and self injury destroy me any longer. I've let it control me for too long. I just can't do that anymore. Sure its hard as hell, but I know I have the strength within me. I have hope :-)

Well if ya'll need me or anything email me, or IM me!!! Hope ya'll are doing and talk to ya later. Take Care.

First: Chat room is now here- its not the best thing, but for now it will do! I will probably do something different when I get to college, but hey, its something!

Well, things are going well, despite my last rant, I was just being a little emotional, but hey I tell it like it is of course. I'm about to head home from my vacation...my days of relaxing over as I go to college! Wahoo, I'm happy about that. Finally get back to learning more about Psychology! I've missed that actually. There is only so much reading I can do on my own. And of course I've missed my friends etc. And so much will happen with my website...its been so hard to update etc being at home, but now things will be much better. So expect some updates!

As for my emotional well- being, couldn't be better really. Meds are working, obviously. Urges, so very infrequent! So things are going well. Of course college, again, is a whole new ball park. Things are going to be tight this semester etc. So we shall see how I hold up...which should be well!! :-) Well, that is about all the updates for now. Let me know if ya'll need anything. Take Care. 

Ya ever know what it is like to be shafted...constantly. I get so sick of it. On one side of my family I have these two cousins- pretty, smart etc etc...they are good girls, but my step grandma sings their praises like they are God's gift to Earth. Nothing is ever wrong with them, they can do no wrong. The older cousin goes to a good college, not great, but its pretty good...but she's like, only kids with A's and B's can get in there, no one else and on and on and on. I go to a better college, I know this for a fact. Now that older cousin is a genius, definitely, absolute genius...could have gone anywhere but instead went to this okay school. I worked my ass off literally to get into my good school etc. I nearly went crazy to get in. Any word EVER mentioned about my school? Never.
I work my ass off all summer- I work morning to night and when I come home at night I work on my website till the wee hours of the morning. All my money went to my car, insurance, phone and the like- no spending money or anything. I worked at least ten different jobs this summer, plus the website. The older cousin goes to the Dominican Republic for some mission work for six weeks- "can you imagine working all day for no pay...that is so wonderful!" Yeah, well work all day and have your money go to expenses AND volunteer your time at the end of that day and tell me how you feel. No mention what so ever. I might as well not exist. I mean, I have one set of step grandparents, who also revere other grand kids etc., this set I'm talking about (one step, one real) and then one grandfather I speak to every three months, just so we can say we have a relationship and that's it for extended family. The only Uncles I talk to are step...and I never "talk" to them...There are pleasantries at family functions and that is it.

I just wish for once I felt like I belonged...just once... I feel like all I do is just try to prove myself, to be worthy of love. I mean just once of saying, Erin, you've worked so hard this summer, we're proud of you; or Erin its so wonderful you were able to get into such a great school. Just something so I know I'm worth something. Or just be excited with a phone call from me or a card or something, like the other granddaughters. Geez, I'll take anything, anything.

I am just so tired of not fitting in, ya know? I'm on the right meds now, I don't hurt myself, hell I don't even think about suicide anymore, but I still just don't seem to fit anywhere. I am always working to prove myself, just to say, love me, do you love me? I wonder if it does any good. Or am I just a wreck not deserving of anything good?
Ah, as you can see I'm just a tad upset tonight, though it was the perfect time for a rant :-) Let me know if ya'll need anything...and check out the message board- some new stuff there! Hope everyone is doing well and Take Care. 

Well I’ve come to several revelations these past few days. First, I’m tired of all my shit. Its high time I get my act together…I am a strong person, life has made me that way. My urges don’t come around much anymore, my Depression only rears its ugly head every once in a while…its time to put all of that to rest. I need to get on with my life, be out on my own, be my own person. I’ve lost to many things in my life to Depression, to cutting, Hell if I let it ruin one more thing. Right now, in this moment…there is this one thing that I don’t want to lose. So now I’m laying down my cards, I’m saying goodbye to my past… because it all belongs in the past. Life is hard, that much I know, but I’m sick of being different, I’m sick of losing out on love, I’m sick and tired of fighting. So I’m leaving it behind and hope and pray that I won’t lose this one thing that has of late made me feel on top of the world. If I hold on to Depression/cutting I will lose it and that’s something I’m not willing to lose.

I’m here now, ready to move on, ready to show the world what I have to offer, what I can do. I am here, holding myself out there, risking a hell of a lot and hoping that it’s the right thing to do.

That’s my rant for today and I think things may be a bit different from now on. But what remains is I’m here for everyone, you need something just ask, need to talk, to vent, advice, whatever it is, I am here for you. All ya gotta do is email or IM me hope everyone is doing as well as I am and hope to talk to you guys soon. Take care ya’ll.September Rants

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Something happened to my December rants, I'll try to find them!
November Rants