Just a few things I've written over the last several weeks, most of which
appeared on my message board
Second Chances:
Okay, I know I have been
really quiet for a long time now, and I apologize for that. There were many
reasons. One, I needed to recover to all those behind the scenes things.
Those really took their toll on me, even though I was trying to act brave.
The things that went on…they hurt and they hurt very deeply. Do not think I
was left unaffected by them, I was deeply affected. Then, school work, and
loan stuff appeared out of no where.
And you remember how I talked about just being stagnant, but not going
backwards…well then I began to drown. I was flapping all about and just
could not stay above water. But then something happened. I did stay above
water and I began to swim again (well, more like a dog paddle). I didn’t
crash, I didn’t go to the hospital, I didn’t cut. I made it, I did the
healthy things (for the most part). So a few thoughts on my part.
First, on stagnation. You know what I’m talking about- where you don’t even
think you can get up in the morning…you just feel dead inside, like you
can’t do anything. Can’t do homework, can’t talk to people, can’t crack a
smile, can’t get up, can’t go to work, can’t even think. Even your body
feels this way. Just can’t do anything. But then you force yourself to do
little things, even if it’s just a shower, or getting your clothes on. And
little by little you add to it, and suddenly strength comes back to you. You
do your CD homework in your head, you get inspired.
You don’t think that you are going to make it, then a day goes by, and then
another day, a week, a month, a year…and suddenly you look back and you see
that you did make it. I always say, each day is another day further on your
healing journey. Doesn’t matter what you do on that day (well sorta does heh),
but the fact of the matter is you woke up to another day. And you keep on
going, you don’t stop. I don’t think we give each other enough pat on the
back for simply LIVING. Surviving what we did, and then to keep going. It
takes a special kind of strength to do that sort of thing. To survive, to
wake up each day regardless of whether we want to or not.
I also learned a lot about fear. I was so fearful of the outcomes of things,
that they wouldn’t go my way (like loans for school), that I would do
nothing. And in that doing nothing, I fulfilled my worst fear. However, I
caught myself just in time, and now it’s a waiting game to see if I really
did screw up, but the point is I overcame my fear. I overcame it with over
50 some hours of no sleep, rarely any food, throwing up, you name it. But
the fact is I finally did it, I conquered the fear. It was NOT easy, at all.
It took a lot of will power on my part and asking others for help. And I
didn’t conquer the fear because I am some strong person- I know sometimes
you guys think of me as this awesomely strong person who can do anything to
get over her illness and past abuse. But I am JUST like you guys…we are all
alike in what we have to face. I am merely proof of what you CAN accomplish.
I made up my mind to live six months ago. And in that decision, that meant I
was going to live no matter what, and I was going to have to face my fears
and overcome them. Suicide was no longer a way out, the hospital was no
longer a place to hide.
Bobb recently sorta set me up for me to bust myself heh. Being her brilliant
self. She asked about the the "need" to SI or some other
addiction. Well I told her it wasn’t about whether you could or could
not quit. You could, it was a choice, and
you were choosing
not to quit. Like self injury- there ARE healthy alternatives…it is just
whether or not we will choose to take them or not. And today she used that
on me when we had therapy. Because I was kinda using the “can’t”
word I hate so much. It isn’t that I can’t do something…it’s how much
strength, belief and faith I have in something. Because as Bobb said…”I
can.” And she could not be more right. I can.
There is this funny thing about healing that I thought about recently. I saw
a something on this, about a kid who was abused and was so far in denial
that he didn’t even know it. Like me, I had NO IDEA I had been abused,
because I thought that had been normal. Basically, as much as I had already
gone through, I had an equal or more amount waiting for me- the work to
heal, to understand…to remember. It really is unfair that we have to endure
the abuse and then we have to survive the aftermath to heal, to go through
it all over again. But there are differences…we can do it in safe place, we
can have people around us that love us, we have therapy, meds, support
groups. We can heal. We can endure more to finally get to the other side.
Because the joy and happiness that awaits us is unparallel. No one will
experience more of it, unless they too had to go through such hell and
I recently took stock on lives affected by me. If I were to count the number
of emails or posts from SC, or the kids I’ve worked with and their families,
my brothers, Bobb, and Sam- in my short life…I’ve touched thousands of
lives…through the website and in person. Not too mention ripple effects.
That puts a new spin on suicide, now, while I’m lucid. That is why I had you
all to do the 100 reasons to live. I think I’ll bump that to the top, and
have everyone do it. It’s quite powerful when you realize the lives you DO
affect. Incredible really. If I had taken my life, things would not be the
same in this world, just as if you all took your lives, things would be
different, you would be missed, lives WILL change by the loss of you.
Life is incredibly difficult at times, more than I could have ever imagined…but it is never worth the cost of my own life. Because there ARE solutions to the problems I face. Sucide is not a solution (Insert quote here). Just another way to hide from everything. Sometimes the first solution does not work, or the second, or the third- but damn it, I will find that solution. Just as each of you will. I know it in my heart.
- Mary Manin Morrissey
Panic at the thought of doing a thing is a challenge to do it.
-Henry S. Haskins
Many of our fears are tissue-paper-thin, and a single courageous step would
carry us clear through them.
- Brendan Francis
several fears have ruled me: The fear that the loans for school wouldn't
work out- I'd get kicked out or be unable to register for classes for next
semester. All of this was weighing me down, bringing me down- was a road
block to my healing. I didn't realize how "paper thin" these fears were.
Until finally- I just committed to get through them all, to keep acting and
not get stuck with in-action.
Fear is faith that it won't work out.
- Sister Mary Tricky
quote says exactly what the problem was in conquering my fear- I thought
that I would get in trouble, that everything would not work out...so instead
of acting to change all that, I just sat there and let it accumulate.
However, my faith in it not working out was waning. I took suicide and all
that goes with that off the table- thus I HAD to find a solution, I had to
put faith in action, in change. And when I did that, I believed in it
working out.
To lead by example is difficult when you're a follower of fear.
- T.A. Sachs
conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
- Bertrand Russell
Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially scared
me to death.
- Betty Bender
have accepted fear as a part of life - specifically the fear of change.... I
have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back.
- Erica Jong
1. The loan stuff- DONE. I finished applying for the loans, the
paperwork is being processed- the hold on my registration has been
lifted. So I have classes for next semester, the ones I want, and I have
the money for this semester. I also was able to withdraw from a class I
have needed to withdraw from. I faced the fear- by asking my Dad for
help, by going to the Financial Aid office and realizing they weren't
the enemy- they helped me out so much- they wanted to see me succeed.
2. I just emailed my Dad...and asked him about my brother. My older
brother. He is the one that continually physically abused me until my
mid teens- suffocating me etc....putting me in
immense pain on a daily basis. On top of that, he emotionally abused me-
humiliated me, embarrassed me, took away my self confidence and worth.
But I asked my Dad for either his email address or snail mail addy. I am
"thinking" about writing him a letter. At least a start at something. I
have so far decided not to have contact, but today after watching a show
where a bro and sister got re-united...and knowing how I feel about my
little siblings...I just want to know some things from him. At least ask
some of the hard questions. Doesn't mean I have to forgive him...but
just unlocking the door to a relationship.
And those are my two big steps. The first one I feel relieved...the
second one I am unsure about. But would like to keep going, I think I
need to.
The message here? I guess just about conquering the fear...to really get
past it. Because it is possible...so hard, but so possible. Believe in
yourself, and you can do so much, I promise.
What is it
about? What is healing about? I have pondered this question for so freakin’
long. I just couldn’t get it. First I was angry:
Angry that I had to take meds to be “normal.”
Angry that meds made me sick or not work.
Angry that I couldn’t sleep and wake up like most people.
Angry that I couldn’t experience emotions in the right way.
Angry that I didn’t have a childhood.
Angry that people took my innocence from me
Angry that I didn’t have people to love me.
Basically angry at all things family heh.
Angry that I had to be reminded to eat, sleep, exercise, etc.
I was just plain angry that I could and would not be living my life like
“typical” people would. And in all this time of being angry I was self
destructive to show that anger: SI, overdosing etc., going on and off meds,
not following my plan of action, and choosing suicide as a means to escape
the world. All I saw was the darkness...the light at the end of the tunnel
was an oncoming train. I didn't understand how if I did certain healthy
things that I could actually get better. I didn't know what getting better
meant, and I wasn't sure that was for me. I thought I was too broken to fix,
so why even try. And I shouted- what is healing?!
I still don’t have the whole answer, but I am uncovering the truth. First, I
got rid of suicide- just made it NOT an option. You do this by saying- I’ll
live no matter what, every problem that arises- there IS more than one
solution. You just have to work to find it and rely on a support system.
Then, I surrendered- not to death, but to living. I surrendered to taking
medication- which for the most part, feels right. And to take it EVERY day-
be committed and faithful. Yes, it sucks that for me to be balanced, I take
a combo of seven meds. But you know what- meds lead to wellness, no meds
leads to chaos and instability. Gee- hard decision.
Next- I TALKED in therapy. We devised a plan that worried for both of us and
through that… I can now talk and deal with issues and resolve them and very
importantly – tell my stories.
With therapy- we did a plan of action. And for the first time in my life I
put a little trust and faith in that. Even converting it to a checklist so I
know EXACTLY what I was and was not doing. The plan of action is essentially
“normal” living, but for me- I needed to learn how to do that. And ever
since I committed to that wellness plan, it has made an overall positive
impact on how I live life.
Which brings me to the primaries: Eating, sleeping and exercising- in my
mind I was never sure how important these things were until I did them for
real- and my mental health was ALWAYS better when I did those things.
Keeping my body healthy meant keeping my mind healthy.
I finally stopped rolling my eyes at CD’s (cognitive distortions). And I did
them everyday- wow- it did work. And continues to work. I surrendered to
doing that…retraining the way my mind thinks. And now at times positive
thoughts are my default, not negative.
I joined a sexual abuse survivors group – to try and understand that part of
my life. Just another part of really healing.
Finding myself- big part of healing. Knowing what I like- what a wonderful
thing. Not what someone tells me I should like- but what I like. And doing
those things- bringing true/real happiness to myself.
So what is this thing called healing? I think for everyone it will be a
little different, but certain cornerstones must be in place: therapy (the
biggest), meds (if needed), strong support structure, keeping your body
well, which will help you mind. Surrendering your anger- being angry at all
those things served my self destructive tendencies. Letting go served my
healing. Who cares that I need stickies to remind myself to shower or take
meds- if I’m healthy because of it- then so be it!
I learned that as much as I ever wanted to die...I was always so full of
life. Healing means having faith and committing to getting better. Healing
means not giving up- having so much hope.
A little something I wrote for my message board
Second Chances:
“I need to believe, that something extraordinary is possible.”
- A Beautiful Mind
I do believe that extraordinary things are possible everyday. I see it here
on the boards, as we all struggle, but every day we still wake up in the
morning. We still hope. I see it in the kids I work with, and the miracles
that happen to them each and every day. What a life to live, when every day
you get to witness extraordinary things. Just as you all do, if you would
only look inside yourself.
"Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is
to discover a beautiful heart."
- A Beautiful Mind
What true words. It's great to be intellectual, to figure things out, to
know. But even greater to feel, to really feel. Like with the kids- yeah, I
know the principles behind ABA therapy like the back of my hand, but that is
not what makes me a good therapist. What makes me a good therapist is the
beautiful heart- because it fuels my creativity, and it is my heart that the
kids feel, how they know things without me telling them anything. What a
gift and discovery.
"People ask, How did you get in there? What they really want to know is
if they are likely to end up there as well. I can't answer the real
question. All I can say is, it's easy."
- Girl Interrupted
I haven't decided if I agree with this statement or not. On the one hand- I
think- it's hard- to make that decision, to go to the hospital. That
decision takes strength and courage, and it is not for everyone. It means
you still have hope, and faith...that you WILL get better. But on the other
hand, it is easy. I see both sides of the coin- I could be those nurses, in
my case, one of the counselors at the hospital, and I could be a patient
(well was). It is a fine line. But that is fodder for another post now that
I think about it, too long to explain. I would say, yes, it is easy to
QUALIFY to be in the hospital, but it is hard to actually go, because that
takes a hell of a lot of strength, courage and hope.
There is one movie I continually think of. It was never a blockbuster hit,
but it has stayed with me for seven long years. The basic premise is this:Gattaca
Corp. is an aerospace firm in the future. During this time society analyzes
your DNA and determines where you belong in life. Ethan Hawke's character
was born with a congenital heart condition which would cast him out of
getting a chance to travel in space. He (Vincent) is also one of the last
"natural" babies born into a sterile, genetically-enhanced world, where life
expectancy and disease likelihood are ascertained at birth. Myopic and due
to die at 30, he has no chance of a career in a society that now
discriminates against your genes, instead of your gender, race or religion.
So in turn he assumes the identity of an athlete who has genes that would
allow him to achieve his dream of space travel. He achieves prominence in
the Gattaca Corporation, where he is selected for his lifelong desire: a
manned mission to Titan. Constantly passing gene tests by diligently using
samples of Jerome's hair, skin, blood and urine, his now-perfect world is
thrown into increasing desperation, his dream within reach, when the mission
director is killed - and he carelessly loses an eyelash at the scene!
Certain that they know the murderer's ID, but unable to track down the
former Vincent, the police start to close in, with extra searches, and new
gene tests. With the once-in-a-lifetime launch only days away, Vincent must
avoid arousing suspicion, while passing the tests, evading the police, and
not knowing whom he can trust.
I never forgot this movie. And there was one scene in that movie that makes
me not forget it. The movie is Gattaca. Here are some quotes that explain
that scene and why it stays with me.
"Our favorite game was chicken. When our parents weren't watching, we
used to swim as far out as we dared. It was about who would get scared and
turn back first. Of course it was always me. Anton was by far the stronger
swimmer and he had no excuse to fail."
Then later, as adults when they swim, and Vincent is beating the odds:
Anton: "Where's the shore? We're too far out!"
Vincent: "You wanna quit?"
Anton: We're too far out!"
Vincent: "You wanna quit?"
Anton: "No!"
Anton: "How are you doing this Vincent? How have you done any of this? We
have to go back."
Vincent: "It's too late for that. We're closer to the other side.
Anton: "What other side? You wanna drown us both?"
Vincent: "You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I
never saved anything for the swim back."
"It was the one moment in our lives that my brother was not as strong as
he believed, and I was not as weak. It was the moment that made everything
else possible."
And that is what I think about. That moment. That moment made all
the difference. It was then he realized that he could beat the system
through hard work, ingenuity and self determination... and hope and faith.
And to just keep going. Think about this:
"I never saved anything for the swim back."
When I can't go any further- that is what I remember- for seven long years-
that line has stayed with me. It made so much sense. And so I keep swimming,
and I keep beating the odds, because I don't save anything for the swim
back- because why would I want to go back? That was the old me- the one who
submitted, who was abused, who was a victim, who was silent, who helped no
one. Go back? No way, I'm made to go forward only. I won't save anything for
the swim back. Of course lately, I have just been floating- no energy and
whatnot, but the important thing is that I keep going forward, or at least
hold it steady.
The tag line for the movie: "There is no gene for the human spirit."
No matter what the hell is in our brain, or how the chemicals are out of
whack, nothing can touch our spirit, our hope, our faith, our determination.
The fact that we can and will.
I Can
So nigh is grandeur to our dust,
So near is God to man,
When Duty whispers low, Thou must,
The Youth replies, I can.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It is not length of life, but depth of life."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Depth of life. Too often we are concerned with the length of our life-
many times the shortness of life, given our suicidal tendencies. But then I
wonder- what could we all accomplish. We have so many people here. So many
people with so many gifts- even if you don't know it yet. For those teens
that don't think they can make it another day, fast forward five years or
so, and what if you too, are an advocate for those abused- you could be the
one to instill faith and hope, to let people know they are loved, to get
them through this stuff. You could be one person's light in this world. And
I am reminded of that every day, whether it's through my little brothers-
and my new role of teaching them unconditional love, or knowing that it is
my hard work and dedication to Julia that has gotten her the point where she
is almost considered "typical" to her peers, despite how low functioning she
was at one point. Because I chose life, I've made a difference. And because
you guys have chosen life, you are changing lives, including your own.
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and
the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and
endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best
in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a
garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has
breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I like this meaning of success...food for thought, don't you think?
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to
what lies with in us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This was the central question at my last hospital visit- what is it in me,
that would will me to live. It's hard to explain, I will in another post.
But, obviously, I found it. I found the reason for me to live. A little
about the not saving enough for the swim back. And as much as I ever wanted
to die- I was always so full of life. Just as I see all of you, so full of
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and
leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I like this one. I used to just follow, well no that is not true. I was
always the leader of something, that headstrong, stubborn side of me. But
now, truly in my life, I'm going where there is no path. My hope and faith
and my heart guide me, and I'm trying to leave a trail as I go- sorta like
these posts. I'm going somewhere, not sure where, but it feels right, and
that is enough for me. I know it is the healing path. I wouldn't be here if
it wasn't.
And about Self Injury:
"I still see things that are not here. I just choose not to acknowledge
them. Like a diet of the mind, I just choose not to indulge certain
appetites; like my appetite for patterns; perhaps my appetite to imagine and
to dream."
- A Beautiful Mind
I thought about self injury when I heard this. Eventually, I just chose not
to indulge in those appetites. By the way, he is talking about his
hallucinations in the movie. They stayed with him, but he chose instead to
ignore them, to not acknowledge them. And he lived a hell of a life. Like we
can. We do have so many healthy options at our fingertips, yet sometimes it
is so hard to reach for them. And that is what SC is about- helping you
reach for them. Because change is possible. Finding yourself is possible.
Beating the odds is possible.
remember that I was as good as any and better than most."
- Gattaca
I believe in this statement, and I believe it applies to the members of SC.
Just by the mere fact that we are alive- through everything we have been
through- we are STILL here, we still wake up in the morning, we still work
through our troubles. Some part of us is willing to get help. Sometimes the
progress is slow, or even stagnant, but each day that we wake up, we are
further along in our journey.
- Gattaca
The "they" is our parents, or anybody else that has tried to keep us down.
It's the basis of the cognitive distortions. We've gotten so good at putting
ourselves down that no one has to do it for us. We get told how bad we are
over and over again in various forms, that we begin to believe it, without
question. You come here- question it. Because we are good, we are great, we
do have worth, just by the very fact that we are alive. It is possible- you
all see it every day. Come here, you will see it. Look inside yourself- you
will see that it is possible.
"I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I
was standing right beside it."
Gotta love this statement, for its truth value. To stand next to your goal,
and see how freakin far you have come. Bobb once wrote to me, "I
am really so proud of you, and so happy for you, that you "get" it, and I do
know that it can't be ungotten. You have changed, and it feels like a
miracle to me.”
And then to that I replied:
Why do you feel it's a miracle that I changed/got it?
Her response:
Because it was such a long long road from there to here.
I think that about sums it up, don't you? So many times it feels like I am
getting nowhere, that I'm barely making any steps, that I forget to really
look back and notice how all the "small" steps have added up. Which is why I
write so much, or keep lists or other things- all to remind me how far I
have come. Just as I see how far you all have come. I'll use my favorite
person as an example- Ashley (ashleyboo), I think we've had this
conversation about how far she has come. She couldn't really see it when we
were talking, so I pulled up a conversation (because I save everything) from
two years ago. It could easily be seen then. I think it is so important to
see how far we have come on the journey, in that we can gather so much
strength and courage to take more steps further. And it's fun to get a smirk
when you realize how far you have come. And you can give you cool counselor
a miracle before her eyes,that is fun too!
Redemption...Grace...Hope. You never really know what those words mean, they
are just words said...until you get a CHANCE. A second chance at that. Each
one of us truly knows the meaning of each of those words. I can't describe
the feeling I get when I hear the word "hope." Words will never be enough.
For something that saved your life, something that grows inside you,
something that propels you forward when you think you can't go any further.
How you don't save enough for the swim back.
"Most of the important things in the
world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there
seemed to be no hope at all."
-Dale Carnegie
And they kept going, because there was hope all along. I don't know why I
wrote this. I meant to write something entirely different. Guess that will
be for tomorrow night. But, I just started writing, and this is what came
out. Love you guys.