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Yes, another page to work on. When will it be done? Who knows. I think this is my favorite idea so far. It'll take a lot of updating, but that's ok. Hopefully people will actually use it. When completed, this page will have links to non-profit organizations, webpages about environmental issues, and ways to help protect the planet. (Isn't Captain Planet cute!?)


Campaign to Save Our Wild Forests Last January, after 2 years of debate, over 600 public hearings, and 1.6 million comments, (95% of which called for the strongest protection possible) former President Clinton passed the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, a measurement that protects 58.5 million acres of wild forests from mining, logging, and drilling. This would still only protect 31% of our national forests and leave over half to corporate special interests. Before the measurement has even gone into effect, the Bush administration is now looking to drastically weaken it by passing new amendments. They have opened up four weeks for public commenting. Click on the above link to send an email to Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth asking him to uphold the Roadless Area Conservation Rule. The email is pretyped, just sign your name and click send!

Petition for the Kyoto ProtocolThe Kyoto Protocol is a worldwide treaty to reduce greenhouse gasses in the earth's atmosphere and stop global warming. 178 nations have already signed on to the Protocol, but President Bush has rejected it fearing the economy of the United States, the wealthiest nation in the world, would suffer. Learn more about the treaty and sign a petition, which will be sent to the US Senate, to show your support for the Kyoto Protocol.

Econference 2001This is the largest student activism conference in the nation! They are expecting over 6000 students from all over the US to attend. Econference is October 19-21 in Washington, D.C. There will be amazing speakers, workshops, rallys, and more! It is sponsored by some of the leading environmental organizations including Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Student PIRGs. Check out the speakers list and the pictures from the last econference in Philadelphia!

Nausea ManifestoThis one's new to me, but a friend suggested I put it up. Nausea Manifesto is a website with articles about moral, social, and environmental issues that the media wouldn't usually cover. Some examples are coporate deglobalization, environmental responsibility, and genetic protection. It is definitely worth checking out.

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