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Everyone does a page about their friends...and why not!? Friends are an important part of everyone's life. So, here are my friends!


Where do I begin? I have met so many people in college. Here are just a few in no particular order of course! If I miss you, email me!!! I didn't do it on purpose, I swear! Also, what I wrote about people is what came to mind first. They are just small summaries to get this site going. If you don't like what I wrote about you, I take suggestions and you won't hurt my feelings! (Thanks to Sky and Mikayla for helping me write these!)

Billie Billie and I met while working on a campaign to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We have a lot in common including our interest in the outdoors and the environment. She's one of few people I can really let loose with...probably because we have the same sense of humor. I can't quite describe it, but were both....well, silly.

Major: International Relations

Adam Adam is a REALLY cool guy. He is always fun to be around, probably because of his optimism, his tendency to attract adventure, and love of life. He makes me laugh! Adam is also a music lover and guitar player.

Major: Nature and Culture

Francis I met Francis through other friends and we quickly hit it off. We have so much in common! We both LOVE to ski, go to concerts, listen to music, play guitar, camp, and play sports. He is one of the nicest guys I have ever met and has taught me a lot of my guitar playing skills.

Francis graduated last year as a Mechanical Engineer and is now at officer traning for the navy.

Brad Brad is another friend I met through Calpirg. Although we haven't known each for long, we have become good friends. He loves soccer, whether it's playing or watching, and was an important player on our IM soccer team. He also likes to work out, play board games, and hang out with friends.

Major: Environmental Resource Science

Charlotte Charlotte is one of very few friends I've met in class. Although much of our time getting to know each other was spent in the wee hours of morning while studying for WFC midterms and finals, we have become good friends outside of class. Charlotte likes to sleep A LOT, loves cats and boys.

Major: Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology

Alex Alex and I met through mutual friends and Calpirg. He loves to backpack, take pictures, hike, garden and most everything pertaining to the outdoors. He also likes to cook...and has a natural talent for making a meal out of what is left in the fridge when most people would agree it's time to go grocery shopping. He's also a whiz on the computer.

Major: Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology

Michele - She was also my roomate in the dorms freshman year. We also lived together with another roomate in an apartment sophmore year. She is an expert banana crepe maker as well as a gourmet mac and cheese cook. She doesn't own a desk, just a bed and a laptop. Michele is very studious, likes to swing dance, and calls herself a "water baby." Watch out, she is also a green belt in Hapkido.

Michele graduated last year with a degree in Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior and is headed to DC to work with 'da monkeys

Sky - We met through Mikayla, even though she lived next door to me last year. Sky is SO nice! Everyone should have a friend like her. She is a San Diego native who makes awesome quilts. She is an expert tennis player and also played on our IM football team last year, and IM soccer team this year. She especially likes to stick her tongue out and go "ptthhhbltbltblt" when she isn't swearing. She is covered in tattoos and is pierced from head to toe. She also has a boyfriend on every continent and likes to deface national monuments. It's always the quiet ones....

Major: Food Science

Anne - I thought Anne was really quiet when I first met her, but she opens up when you get to know her. (This is not a bad thing. I actually think I am the same way....sort of) Anne lives with Mikayla and Sky. Anne owns two large stuffed animals, "Josh," a froggy and "Uua," an Orangutan. She enjoys playing soccer and spending her late nights before bio 1c midterms by shoving bicycles into the back seat of compact cars. Anne has finished "Crime and Punishment" (finally) and has moved on to reading other books. She was also on our IM football and soccer teams.

Major: Plant Biology

Mikayla - Mikayla was the first person I met in college. She came looking for her roomate as I was moving in and I mistook her for one of my suitemates. I remember thinking she was very outgoing and talkative, which she is. Mikayla owns a kick ass car that makes guys do a double take thinking, "What is that cute chick doing in that huge Explorer?" She is the proud owner of a bottomless jar (and not your ordinary sized jar! We are talking Costco sized!) of M&M's. She comes from paradise (assuming you like breathtaking scenery) and loves to people watch. Mikayla is also a proud member of the Useless Sox and The Avacado Bannana Lizards.

Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology

Chris - I honestly don't remember how I met Chris. He lived next door to me in the dorms and is a really nice guy. I actually think he is a crazier driver than me, which is amazing. Chris loves ice hockey and is a huge Sharks fan. He also loves to cook and is pretty famous for his qiche and gormet pizza.

Chris graduated last year with degrees in Political Science and Economics and is now working for WIC

Jason - I met Jason through Chris who are now roomates. The three of us caught an awesome Aerosmith concert last spring. Jason is a great guitar player and likes hiking and fishing.

Major: Environmental Horticulture

Heather - I knew Heather from the dorms, but we have become better friends this year. She enjoys watching movies and TAs for astronomy. We live pretty close to each other, so she is nice enough to give me rides all the time. (I really do appreciate that Heather.) She also likes to bake and snowboard...but has yet to beat me down the hill! :o) Oh yeah...she's pretty good at soccer too!

Major: Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior

Tyson - I met Tyson at a frat party at the beginning of my junior year, and since then, we have become pretty good friends. He likes to read and play chess. Him, Anne, Michele, and I also enjoy playing Marco Polo at 3am in the fog. (More of that on a stories page.)

Bryan - Bryan is another person I have not known for too long, but is quickly becoming a good friend. Sky and I met him last year in tennis, but he was already friends with Chris. (small world) Bryan and Sky are now going out, so I have to put up with him. (Just kidding Bryan!!! He's never going to forgive me for that one.) Bryan is very athletic. He coaches swimming and also played on our soccer team.

Bryan graduated last year. Congratulations! He now has a degree in American Studies.

Ryan - I met Ryan junior year. He was in my plant bio lab. (good times) Ryan went to England over Christmas break...I think pretty much on a whim. He loves movies and hanging out with friends. He lives in a HUGE apartment...which I wouldn't even call an apartment...more of a house since he has his own backyard. Be careful if you are ever driving in front or behind him...he seems to like to rear end people and throw things out of cars.

Major: Genetics

Minor: Film Studies (maybe)

Friends from home

Ken - I could devote an entire website to Ken!!! There is soo much to say about him, I don't even know where to begin. Well, I hated him when I first met him. He wasn't very nice...but now, I don't know where I would be without him. Thank God he stayed at home. Any further away and my phone bills would be outrageous!

Major: English with emphasis on creative writing

Minor: Journalism

Kristi - Ms. "my life revolves around my sorority." She'll probably hate me for that, but I am only writing the truth. Anyway, another REALLY great friend who goes to UC San Diego. The only things that come to mind when I think of her right now are loud, hillarious, and someone I miss a lot! She describes herself as the queen of randomness. Check out her page on my links...there are a lot of funny pirate jokes (not sure why pirates) on there that her and her friend made up.

Major: Changes too often to be able to keep up...but I think it is currently economics. I do know she wants to eventually go to buisness school.

Krista - always the hardest to write about! (I honestly don't know why!?) Krista is a person who is caring and always understands. She has a dog named Demi and loves photography. She one of the hardest workers often working two or more jobs. She currently works at TGI Fridays and photographs on the side.

Angela - the first of my friends I met at RHS. SOOO friendly, funny, one of my good friends, even though I hardly ever talk to her! Angela goes to Humboldt State has one semester left, and is also in a sorority. She makes me laugh...a lot :o)

Major: History

Minor: Education

Megan - Angela's little sister...which makes her my little sister too. Megan is just graduated from RHS and will be attending Chico State in the fall.

Melissa - My dive buddy and fellow lab desk destroyer. I met Millisa Mill our sophmore year of HS and we could not keep our hands off of lab desks! (don't ask) Thank God we don't go to the same school anymore...I think colleges are pretty strict about that kind of stuff :o) She recently completed the rescue diving course (without me). We've been to the Channel Islands twice, and we'll someday (hopefully in the near future) get out of California's cold water!!

Friends from canvassing

During the summer of my sophmore year, I worked for an organization called Summer Jobs for the Environment. We canvassed to raise money for The National Parks Conservation Association and CalPirg. Not only did I learn a lot, but I also met some awesome new people!!

Guru Mantra - Finally, someone who loves music just as much as I do. Guru is a big fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Stone Temple Pilots. Like many other people I met over this past summer, she has inspired me not only in the way I think, but also in the way I view the world.

Britta - Britta is the sweetest person and she makes me laugh. She goes to Berkeley, and is part of CalPIRG on that campus, so I get to see her every once in awhile during events. She's taking a year off to backpack around Europe.

Major: Undeclared (maybe Sociology with a minor in art)

Laura - Laura goes to University of Puget Sound up in Washington state. She is a blast to be around and is an awesome person. She likes the word buttface, but I'm pretty sure she only calls her friends that (hopefully). She has recently returned from a year of studying in Germany

Major: German (maybe doubling in Religion)

Susannah - Susannah was my director over the summer. She works for the CalPIRG lobby office during most of the year...and runs the canvass office during the summer. Without her even knowing (or maybe that was her goal all along), she's got me thinking about working for non-profit organizations. Anyway, she is a fun person to be around...and loves to sing kareoke.

Bill - Bill is such a cool guy. He's always laughing and loves a good beer. He also likes to travel and is originally from Fiji. He has hiked the Pacific Coast Trail, from Mexico to Washington. I won't get to see him in awhile because he just went down to South America and Costa Rica. I enjoy getting postcards from everywhere he goes and hope to someday see many of the beautiful places he has been!

Friends Afar

Brandie - I met Brandie when I moved to Michigan in 8th grade. We began high school together, but I had to move back to Ca. early freshman year. We've kinda-sorta kept in visiting her once and her visiting me once. I think I am due for another!

Jen - Jen and I met through softball when I was living in Michigan (Pillsbury Doughboy). We also went to school together for the whole year I lived there. She will hopefully be coming to California to visit soon!!


Eventually, I'd like to put my family on their very own page instead of under my friends. I'd also like to put more than my parents and my dog because I have such a HUGE family. I have TONS of cousins and a lot of Aunts and Uncles.

Mom - Mom is a member service representative for the Golden 1 Credit Union. She is great at her job and has won many awards, including $1000 to go on vacation anywhere she wants!!! She decided to go to Spain with the money and she had a really nice time. She would like to go to Europe, mainly Switzerland and other northern countries when I graduate.

Dad - Dad is in the Air Force Reserves. He gets to go to the Sierras and Tahoe a lot (at least once a week!) while I am stuck in school. He mostly goes fishing at Pyramid lake. He loves to fly fish, especially in isolated lakes, where no one bothers to go. He also likes to ride his motorcycle.

Comet - Comet is a seven year old black and white English Springer Spaniel who's real name is Carousel's Family Man (AKC). He was such a hyper puppy, and for the most part, still is. He knows a lot of tricks, but only does them if you have food or when he feels like it. He especially likes to shake...but most often does it with his left paw!

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