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Under construction as is the rest of my website. I'm not even sure what I want to do with this page anymore. I was going to write stories about the places I have been, which sounded fun when I originally began this huge project, but now it seems like too much work. For now, here is a list of places I have been within the past 5 years or so. If you have any suggestions on what I can do with this page, please let me know. If you think this page is a waste of cyberspace, you can tell me that too.

-drove across US to Pennsylvania and Michigan
-Dillon's Beach

-North Coast/Bodega (attempt at getting scuba certified...bad weather...coast guards...more later)
-Senior Trip to Southern California
-family trip to Nevada and Idaho (Ruby Mountains)
-secind trip to North Coast

-drove across US again (this time stopping in DC on the way home to see the Smithsonian. Also saw the Grand Canyon for a second time.)
-Channel Islands

-San Francisco
-Channel Islands/San Diego
-Rafting and camping along South fork American River
-Camping and hiking in Big Sur

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