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Mission Statement
About us
Food Services
Vision Statement
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If you or your organization would like to volunteer your time to help our cause please contact Sarah Hardin at (718) 574-0058 ext. 26 or E-mail her by clicking here

to print and mail a volunteer form click here

Mission Statement

St.John's Bread and Life Program manifests God's love of all through presence and programs. We seek to restore shattered hopes and human dignity.We serve all in need through emergency food programs and an array of social and health services provided in an atmosphere of respect and compassion. We are committed to the development of a well-trained, client-centered, professional staff seeking to accompany those we serve in their journey to wholeness and achievement of meaningful life outcomes. We seek to empower those we serve, stabilizing families as well as the communities in which they live. Through advocacy we strive to heighten awareness of the public's responsibility to understand, confront and prevent poverty. The motivating force behind our efforts comes from Gospel values as expresses in the social teachings of the Catholic Church.