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If you or your organization would like to volunteer your time to help our cause please contact Sarah Hardin at (718) 574-0058 ext. 26 or E-mail her by clicking here

to print and mail a volunteer form click here


  1. Farewell to Poverty
  2. Employment Counseling
  3. Aids Support Group
  4. Adopt-A-Family
  5. More-Than-A-Meal
  6. Legal Clinic
  7. Medical Clinic
  8. Nutrition Counseling
  9. Referrals and Advocacy

Farewell to Poverty

a program for mothers with children under 15 years old. It is intended to help women transition from welfare to self sufficiency. The program consists of weekly meetings and workshops that help these women develop skills that will assist them in becoming more economically independent. Workshops deal with topics such as job readiness, parenting skills, domestic violence and nutrition. In addition, members of Farewell to Poverty receive a hot meal at each meeting and bi-weekly food packages to help them make ends meet.

For more information on Farewell to Poverty, contact Yemi Oyename at (718) 574-0058 (ext. 21) or Katiria Addison (ext. 15).

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Employment Counseling

An employment counselor is available Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. and works with homeless and economically disadvantaged people in the community who are able to work. Participants receive vocational counseling, referrals to GED and ESL classes and/or job training (computer literacy, nurse's aide, home attendant, etc.). Participants have been placed in jobs such as stock handlers, security guards, professional staff, cashiers, office workers and data entry positions.

For more information on our employment counseling contact Ms. Bernard at (718) 574-0058 (ext.22).

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AIDS Support Group

Every Monday evening, Bread and Life Program offers a support group for people with AIDS and people who are HIV positive. This support group is intended to help people with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (the virus that causes AIDS). Members of this support group learn how to live healthier, longer lives. The group also allows members to openly discuss issues faced by people who are HIV positive. During the group sessions, members receive a meal and are also provided with nutritious emergency food packages on a bi-weekly basis.

For more information on this group, please call Bread and Life at 574-0058 and ask for the PWA coordinator.

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During the Christmas season, the Adopt-A-Family project provides holiday take-home meal packages, toys for children, new clothing, movie tickets and basketball tickets to over 1,400 poor families and 4,000 children in the community. Families are given the opportunity to enjoy a holiday meal in the privacy of their own home with dignity. Food vouchers, hats, gloves and socks are also given to homeless individuals.

To learn more about Adopt-A-Family, how to enroll or how you can help, please contact Al Diefenbach at (718) 574-0058 (ext.20) or Ann Sukhan-Ramdhan at (ext.16).

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More-Than-A-Meal provides personal items such as shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc. to needy families in order to help them make ends meet. Families may schedule appointments to use this program once every two months. To schedule and appointment for More-Than-A-Meal call Laverne Spencer at (718) 574-0058 ext. 15. (Note: proper documentation is required).

If you would like to make a donation or organize a collection drive to benefit the More-Than-A-Meal program please call Sr. Nora Sweeney at 718-574-0058 ext. 19.

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Legal Clinic

Every Friday, Bread and Life runs a free legal clinic in collaboration with the Urban Justice Center. This clinic assists Bread and Life's clients by providing them with legal advice on matters such as welfare, disability, housing, and food stamps.

For more information on the Urban Justice Legal Clinic at Bread and Life call (718) 574-0058.

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Medical Clinic

On Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., a medical team, staffed by an MD or PA, provides diagnosis and treatment for episodic illness and chronic conditions like pneumonia and bronchitis. A social worker and outreach worker are available to help clients apply for Medicaid, public assistance and Social Security benefits. The medical team provides referrals to specialty health clinics, mental health and substance abuse treatment services.

For more information on the Medical Clinic at Bread and Life contact Allyson Green (718) 574-0058 ext.11.

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Nutrition Counseling

A New York State certified staff nutritionist is available to provide individual diet counseling to clients, especially mothers with children and people with HIV/AIDS. Additionally, nutrition workshops that include menu planning, recipes, and food safety sessions are provided on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

For more information on the Nutrition Counseling, contact Yemi Oyename at (718) 574-0058 ext. 21.

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Referrals and Advocacy

A full time outreach worker assists many guests of our soup kitchen who have a multitude of external problems including inadequate housing, homelessness and problems completing applications and forms. They may also in need supplemental food or need help contacting their caseworkers. Homeless individuals may be referred to drop-in centers and public shelters. Families and individuals seeking supplemental food are referred to food pantries throughout New York City.

For more information on our Advocacy and Referral service contact Rochelle Gonzalez at (718) 574-0058 ext.17.

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