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The Basic Lowdown...

Byem would like to say...
The more I search and observe the world, the more I see the importance of having God in your life. He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end. Where can you go without God? He was present in my mother's womb when I was formulated; and He'll be be present when I'm called back to the essence, the earthly grave. That is why I will not get caught up into this world's philosophy of basing one's worth on material objects. WAKE UP!!! When will we learn that all these cars, clothes, homes, and money will just burn. Be content and just live by your means. And for the men and women out there using the word "Love" so freely and without sincere meaning----Stop using my GOD's Name in vain. It only brings pain. God is Love (1 John 4:8).

One Love,
DPK aka the Direct Masta BYEM.

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Email: Direct Masta Byem