SHEK Lyrics...
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Included here are SHEK's lyrics
from the following STP hits:

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...


Seedtime and harvest is lesson number one
What goes around comes around, that's just how it's done.
But we've forgotten this basic principle of God's direction,
as we've said 'There is no God, just natural selection'.
'Survival of the fittest is the rule', or so they say;
It's true to an extent, but take a look around today
Cuz if evolution's true, then society's improving;
but common sense will show ya the direction that we're moving--
It's wide and straight, the path that leads to destruction
and many enter into it because they lack instruction.
So SHEKONE and STP Crew will be your guide
through the muck and filth and out the other side
of a nation puffed up with pride, yes, arrogance and boasting--
we're addicted to freedom and now we're overdosing.
So many people ready to fight so hard and long
defending any Right, even if it's WRONG.
It just doesn't seem to matter, so this I must lament:
we've been so blessed, now we're spoiled, ungrateful, discontent.
Cuz freedom in excess has led to breaking even basic rules--
In our quest for wisdom we've become nothing but fools.
But the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men;
let's not forget it, or for sure we will end up in sin.
We could've used the principle to set us free,
but instead we've worked it to the negative, now we're in slavery!
Chained to the sins of our past, and yes, we must get loosed
before the chickens, the chickens come home to roost.
We've sown the seeds of evil and now they grow
cuz no matter what the seed, you reap what you sow.


You reap, I said you reap what you sow
Plant the bad seed, watch the bad corn grow
I said you reap, you reap what you sow
Plant the good seed, watch the sweet corn grow

Cuz human education and philosophy's made our heads swell
No room left for God's direction, but it's just as well.
Cuz that which we have now we don't utilize;
And it's hard to see clearly with the wool pulled over your eyes.
"Pro-Choice": Politically correct deception, and I can't stand it!
We're reaping havoc, cuz that's just what we've planted.
30 million children slaughtered in the womb, and I never heard of
THEIR choice to be the voice-less victims of murder.
But if 'There is no God, no one can judge me but myself;
so take that Word of God and stick it back up on the shelf.'
Our shame's begun to fade, with sinners' pride parades--
small wonder that we're cursed with the scourge of AIDS.
And men's foolish solutions will kill us faster than a cancer--
givin out free drug needles and condoms ain't the answer!
What we must do is call it wrong straight from the beginning,
stop tryin to justify ourselves, KNOWING that we're sinning,
get down on our knees, beg forgiveness and repent,
head the right direction and never relent.
Cuz ya see, EVERY word, EVERY action is a seed--
sow each one carefully, you'll never lack or be in need.
Sow it in faith and it comes back multiplied,
water it and be patient and you'll be satisfied--
Like, Judge not, lest ya wanna be judged.
Show yourself to be loving and you will also be loved.
Give the tithe to Jah, a dime from every buck,
then share of your bounty with a brother down on his luck--
Soon the blessings will overtake you and your cup will overflow;
'Be not deceived, God is not mocked!' You reap what you sow.

Copyright 1996 STP Productions

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...

SHEK's verse from

Hello, my name is SHEKONE, hey, I'm glad to meet'cha.
Sit down my friend, and listen up to the teacha.
I'll retrace the steps of our history
SHEKONE's breakin out to take out all the mystery.
But then you ask me, 'Why do you even bother?'
My sons and daughters, we gain much wisdom from the forefathers,
Like how to walk by faith and not sight,
When do ya make peace, when do ya stand up and fight?
These are holy secrets found deep in the Scripture
Hasn't it hit ya? If not, just listen up, soon you'll get the picture.
Like Abraham, 'Father of Nations' by definition--
He had a purpose, so Jah sent him on a mission--
'Go to a land you've never heard of, and never seen,
It flows with milk and honey son, the grass is always green.
A land of plenty I've prepared just for you,
Tell me Abram, what'cha gonna do?
Will you stagger at My Word through unbelief?
Or get to it, cuz the Almighty promised and I can do it.
Step out in faith son, and watch what comes to pass!'
Prepare yourself as He comes in with a mighty blast!
Like Abraham, God will give you much success--
Believe the vision, and so you shall be blessed.
I'm glad we had this little session; but now I'm through.
And remember, don't give up your blessin for a little bowl of stew!

Copyright 1995 STP Productions

Click on the song title to hear a sample in STREAMING...

SHEK's verse from

Well I walk out into the sun, highlight of my day--
the gate to the yard's unlockin--time to play.
So I head to the weight bench and start pumpin,
longin for the days back when I was thumpin
fat beats in the trunk of funk of my jeep -n-
beeper on my hip keeps beep beepin--
Time for another deal; if it goes bad,
lights low, drive slow, MP5 out the window:
'Buck -b- buck' another sucker's life snuffed out--
my heart's turned to stone without a doubt.
So now here I sit, reflecting, encarcerated;
once again my mistakes contemplated.
Wish I had never seen a gold chain glisten,
wish someone had told me, wish I would have listened!
Now I'm here in prison, sorry for what I've done...
used to think stealin -n- dealin -n- killin was fun.
But lately, middle of the night, head under the pillow,
Grit my teeth as I weep like a willow.
Cryin out to the LORD, 'Free me from this trap', -n-
never pickin up the soap, always watch my back, -n-
On the right track -n- tryin to play it straight, -n-
gettin education, now I'm feelin great -n-
studyin the Word for the true peace that I find--
Still behind bars; but I'm free from the prison of my mind!

Copyright 1996 STP Productions

...and HERE we have some fine samples
of SHEK's poetry: