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Members of the Crew:

If you'll take the time to check out our graffiti pics, lyrics / poetry, fresh RealAudio and MP3 sounds, and
philosophizing, you will surely be enraptured and enthralled by
the phenomena that is...

the mighty STP CREW !!!

Dig the group photo...

Left to Right: BYEM, NEKO, SHEK

So, to begin with, let me explain STP. It stands for Stompin Toy Punks, or Spirit-Taught Peoples, depending on our mood. We are basically the Christian manifestation of true Hip Hop and much, much more. We have loved Hip Hop since birth (or at least the early 80's). We left break dancing in the dust years ago, but our graffiti is definitely in there (Check the photos)! But the main focus for the last few years has been on our music. Distinctively Christian, defiantly anti-gangsta-garbage rap, and diabolically FRESH , every time.

Most of our 30-some songs are recorded over someone else's instrumentals (though we do have a few of our own); but I guess that's OK, since our music is mainly for our own enjoyment and to give voice to our thoughts.

So, to answer your question, No, we don't have a CD you can buy. We just did the music for fun and for a creative outlet. We all have real jobs and real lives and whatnot, we are not professional performers or recording artists, nor do we intend to be.

Stop by the "STP Sounds" page to dig some fresh samples in STREAMING REALAUDIO!!! Also be sure to check out our artwork and read some of our lyrics and poetry to get a feel for where our heads are at philosophically. Whether you love it or if you hate it, please take the time to let us know what you think by signing our guestbook and/or by e-mailing us. We will make every effort to return any email or answer any questions. Then tell a friend or two to check us out, won't ya?

Thanks for dropping by, and...

For you non-Frames types:
STP Home STP Sounds SHEK Intro SHEK Art SHEK Lyrics NEKO Intro NEKO Art NEKO Lyrics BYEM Intro BYEM Art BYEM Lyrics

Contact us!!!

But before you do, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page and see if the answer to your question is there. If it's not there, then feel free to email and ask away.



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Copyright 1997 STP Massive Worldwide Productions.